Chapter 8

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Nico POV :

Once we were seated in the room where we usually held meetings. Chiron asked the girl (y/n) to explain to us how she knew us, the camp....

She stood up and started talking:

- So as you may have noticed I know everything. The reason behind that is that there are multiple books about you guys.

- WHAT! Percy asked shooked

- She looked uncomfortable  under our gaze but nonetheless, she continued

- Well, do you remember Percy when you were attacked and you had to drive with you mother and Grover to camp and got attacked by a minotaur and all that well that's the start of the series Percy Jackson . We followed you through all the quest and we saw it all in your point of view. Then afterwards we followed the story of Heros of Olympus when you lost your memories and the prophecy, the only difference is that we got to see the journey in all of your point of view.

When she finished her rant we all stared at her intensely, this girl new all our life and events.

- If it makes you feel better everyone that has read the books think it's a legend. I did too until today.

- Very well child, the information you just gave us is very troubling I should go discuss it with the gods in the meantime one of you show her around and let her settle in the Hermes cabin. Even though from what I heard you already know where everything.

She smiled sheepishly and then asked.

- Chiron I have a question, how is it possible for me to be a demigod if both my parents are present?

- Well child one of them is not, but what I can tell you is you have a strong aura, stronger then any demigod I have to meet even Hercules.

She looked troubled by the answer but nodded anyway. Chiron trotted out of the room and that's when Percy decided to talk.

AN: I am sooo sorry for not updating. I had two days ago my national oral test and a month ago my pre-national written test and on the 17 of June, I have my national written test. I hope you understand and THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR AROUND 400 READS

I love you

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