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"Kyung! Are you ready yet?" Yunho yelled at me from his own apartment.

"Wait!" I yelled. "I can't find my handbag!"

Hongjoong stuck his head into my room. "Am I granted access in here?"

"Yeah, and while you're at it, can you please help me look for my handbag?" I pleaded, tossing a scarf out of the way. Hongjoong caught it before draping it on the back of a chair.

"Found it," Hongjoong says, pulling the handbag out of thin air.

"Where did you find it?" I exclaim with confusion, yanking it away from his grip.

Hongjoong pointed at the chair he draped the scarf on.

I facepalmed myself.

"I apologize for my idiocy," I said. "Now, where's my phone?"

"It's in here, Kyung!" I heard Mingi call my name from Yunho's apartment, somewhat sounding like he is choking, confusing me deeply.

"Coming!" I called back, running off to the said place. When I poked my head in, I was greeted with the sight of Yunho wrestling with Mingi's tie. I averted my gaze away from the comical sight, trying to find my phone. I spotted it on Yunho's couch and grabbed it, eyeing the tall human skyscrapers uncertainly.

"Do you guys need help?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry!" Yunho assured, picking at a knot. "We're getting the hang of this!"

A few struggles and tight shoes later, we were ready for Wooyoung's sister's party. We all decided to just walk there since it wasn't really far away from our apartment complex. We all chatted excitedly about it, though I tried to keep my distance from Mingi as discreetly as possible. You can judge me for that, but if you're a girl and a boy has a crush on you that you don't have feelings for, you would understand.

Soon enough, though, we reached the party. Hongjoong and Mingi headed in almost immediately. Yunho looked like he was going to join them, but noticed me hanging back a bit. He looked at me, a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Huh?" I looked up at him and nodded my head. "Yeah, just nervous."

Yunho smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me in. "Don't fret, it's just a party! Enjoy yourself."

I smiled at Yunho's enthusiasm, and I didn't fight back as he pulled me into Wooyoung's house.

Inside was like a full-blown teenage birthday party, which is probably the kind of party you'd expect from a teenage girl as old as Woolim. Various treats and drinks were spread out on tables, and a disco ball hung on the ceiling in which looked to be the Jungs' living room. People were dancing under the light of the disco ball or sprawled all over the couches, sipping drinks or just chatting with their friends. I spotted Hongjoong already on one of the couches chatting with Seonghwa and Yeosang, while Mingi had already conquered the dance floor with San and Wooyoung. But as I looked around again, I spotted a karaoke booth, and the last people I expected.

"What're Jongho and Gunho doing here?" I whispered to Yunho.

Yunho spotted then and his jaw dropped with surprised. He recovered not long after and waved it off.

"Wooyoung probably invited them," he shrugs. "Jongho's a part of our gang, and well, Gunho and Jongho are very close, so Jongho probably forced my brother to come or something. He isn't actually a fan of parties."

I nodded, totally understanding Gunho's situation. Even from afar he looked uncomfortable, even though he looked like he is trying to have a good time in the karaoke booth. I can tell he feels a bit overwhelmed, because I feel the same way. I am also somewhat introverted. Except with Yunho, of course.

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