Chapter 8

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I looked in his eyes. "I-I." 

"You ready (y/n)?"

I looked behind me to see my Aunt waiting for me at her car. 

I looked back at Hiroto and gave him a small smile. "I have to go."

He sighed and looked at the ground. "yeah."

I smiled and gave him a hug. "I'll call you when I get there." 

He slowly hugged back. "Yeah..okay." 

After a couple minutes we broke apart and I ran to my Aunts car. 

Hiroto's Pov

I watched the car drive until it was out of site, then I headed back inside.


I glared at the maid. "What!"

She flinched but slowly brushed my cold response off. " Um Kiyama-san is here to see you."

I looked at her, the turned to head to my room. "Tell him to come back later."

"I'm sorry to say but I already let him in, he should be in your room."

I sighed and headed to my room. I walked into my room to see Tatsuya looking at a picture of me and (y/n).

He looked up at me with a smile. "I'm guessing i'm to late to say bye to (y/n)."

I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked over to where my TV was. "yeah.."

Tatsuya placed the picture back were it was. "So did you tell her?"

I looked at him confused. "Tell her what..?"

"Hiroto I'm not stupid, everyone on the team could tell that you liked (y/n) more then a friend." After a couple minutes of silence Tatsuya sighed. "I'm going to head home, see you at practice tomorrow."

As the door shut I glared at the floor. "Even if I wanted to tell her its to late..i've already lost my second chance."

(Y/n)'s Pov

I sighed as we pulled into my aunt's drive way.

"Come on (y/n) let's get your stuff in your room, so we can start unpacking your things."

I smiled a little. "okay." I got out of the car and opened the trunk to get a box of my things.

"Hey look out!"

I looked up to see a soccer ball heading in my direction. I smirked and did a flip to stop the ball.

A boy with Salmon hair and a white scarf looked at me in suprise.

"Atsuya is she okay?"

I looked be hind the Salmon haired boy to see a boy with grey hair, I'm guessing his brother.

I opened my mouth to say something only to be interrupted by my Aunt.

"Ah Shirou and Atsuya, its so good to see you."

We looked up to see my Aunt. They both smiled. "(A/n)-san."

She smiled. "I see you to have met my Niece (l/n) (y/n)."

The boy with the grey hair smiled. "Nice to meet you (l/n), I'm Fubuki Shirou and this is my brother Fubuki Atsuya."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you too."

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