Chapter 12

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I sighed as I plopped down on a bench beside Shirou and whipped the sweat from my face.

A small chuckle came from Shirou. " You tiered?"

I smiled. "Yeah getting passed the defenders was harder then I thought it would be."

"But you did get passed them a lot, I'm surprised you never went to make a shot."

I looked at the ground for a moment. "Should I tell him I never got a chance to shoot, because his brother wouldn't pass the ball to me.."

I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything okay (y/n)."

"Yeah..." I sighed as I looked up at Shirou. "It's just that I've notice Atsuya's not a big fan of me."

Shirou scratched the back of his neck. "Atsuya can be like that at first."

I opened my mouth to say something only to be interrupted by Nae. "Yeah he was like that twords me at first."

"It is true that he isn't a fan of new team mates, but he's never ignored his team mates like he did you."

We all looked up to see Someoka. Fubuki thought for a moment. "That is true a lot of the reason you all didn't get many points was because Atsuya wouldn't pass to (y/n)."

I sighed. "Then what should we do, I've tried being nice to him, but he still ignored me and wouldn't pass to me."

It was quiet between us as we thought, before Nae broke the silence. "I have a idea, why don't we have a sleep over and maybe Atsuya can get to know (y/n)."

Someoka thought for a moment. "That might work, when I went to Raimon we did something like a training camp. It was where we stayed the night at the school."

Shirou smiled. "Sounds like a good idea it could also help the team get closer together."

I sighed. "But how do we know the principal will let us stay the night at the school..."

There was a small chuckle that came from behind us. All of us looked behind us to see the couch. "I'm sure I can talk to the principal and figure something out."

Nae smiled. "Then its settled, we'll have a training camp to get Atsuya to get to know (y/n)."

{Time skip to Saturday}

I smiled as Stitch jumped on to my bed. "Hey Stitch you ready to go to training camp at the school?"

Stitch gave a wag of his tail as I continued to pack things for the camp.

Buzz~ Buzz~

"I wonder if that's Nae texting. "I picked up the phone to see Hiroto's contact name.


Hiroto: hey

(Y/n): hey Hiroto, whats up?"

Hiroto: nothing, just bored.

(Y/n): lol wish I could help

Hiroto: yeah, so wyd?

(Y/n): getting ready to go to the training camp at the school

Hiroto: training camp?

(Y/n): yeah the captain and some of my team mates came up with idea

Hiroto: what for?

(Y/n): there hoping that it will help make the captains brother get to know me

Hiroto: why does he have to get to know you...

(Y/n): he for some reason doesn't like me, he wont even pass the ball to me dearing practice

Hiroto: he sounds like a jerk

(Y/n): yeah, but maybe at the end of the night we can become friends

Hiroto: yeah...

(Y/n): well I'll talk to you later me and Stitch need to start heading to the school.

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