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The two speedboated to the nearest bar, they got front row parking which was cool. They sat down next to eechother, close and maybe a little too close. "Why was you in distress?" Phil swift asked, he avoided the bitch boys gaze. "This light god is angry at me for being mad at gays and other people" blaine groaned. He flipped off the roof. "That sounds ouchie. Can I ask why you're an asshole?" "Woah I never said I was an asshole" "well yeah you didn't, the sky's did" "and so they did, but basically everyone's so mad at me because I have opnions" "Sounds like you're onions aren't good" "I like my opinions thank you very much" "oh you won't four verry long" he grabbed Blaine's face and smooshed it into his own. They did the big smoochie smoochies. Blaine yeeted Phil swift across the room. "WHAT WAS THAT!!!" Notice I said THEY. He extended his arm over to Phil swift and draged him back to him. He exchanged face hugs with Phil and was very happy. His face was a tomato tomato color. Phil swift was getting feisty and turned up the heat. It burnt the bar down. "Wanna get a little intense at my house?" Phil picked up baline. "Oh yes" he respondedas he swooned. Phil carried Bliane to his flex sealed house. They played uno and it was very intense. "This is so hot" Phil swift said as he put down a +4. "h,,,hh,,," was all blaine could let out as he tried to eat his 278273632 cards. Saffron was introduced for the 605862532739038373736364673839393
39488th time as Blaine put down his hat card and won the game. "O,,Oh,, where'd you learn that trap card" Phil blushed. "This girl Rowena that teaches kids with me at this magic school I work at" "oh that so hot" Phil swift said as he wrapped his armed around Blaine's body. Soon he fell asleep as he was snuggling blaine, blaine smiled as he picked up Phil swift and carried him to the nearest bedroom and put him on the bed. He slept next to him, humign the same tune as he was this morning.

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