Chapter One

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Yuuna: Yaho~ Here's the first chapter~

Yumi: we do hope you like it...


A nice cool spring morning in the (F/c) Kingdom, otherwise known as Lilliya. On a soft and comfortable (F/c) bed, there lay a young soon-to-be 16 girl. Her long (h/c) hair sprawled out on both sides on the bed, as her eyes remained closed. Her duvet covered her lower half, without the slightest crinkle in it.

Oh please.

The blankets were in a pile on the floor, and the young princess was curled up in a fetal position, a posture most unladylike, as her royal tutor would put it.

Two knocks on the door, and a gentle voice called out from outside, "Milady, it it time to wake up." (Y/n) stretched like a cat and slowly opened her eyes, revealing her heterochromic eyes, her left eye a lapis lazuli blue, while her right eye was an emerald green. She yawned. "You can come in, Rikka." She called out, and as if on cue, a pink-haired butler entered the room, pushing a small cart with breakfast items on them. Serra Rikka was often mistaken for a lady due to his appearance and voice being more on the feminine side, but his loyalty and bravery greatly surpassed that of any average male out there.

"Mm... Morning Rikka..." you mumbled, still half asleep. He chuckled, drawing the curtains to let sunlight stream into the room. "Good morning Milady, I do hope you slept well."

"Sure did~ I had a really weird dream you know, that princes from the Black and White Kingdoms would come to visit today~" you mused as you walked into the walk-in closet to get changed. Rikka let out another soft chuckle. "That's because it's true Milady, you were tasked by his Majesty to give them a tour of the castle. Did you forget?" Hearing that, you turned pink. "N-Nope, totally didn't Rikka~ you heard nothing, okay?"

"Hai, hai~" he grinned as the two of you burst into a fit of chuckles.

*timeskip to when the princes are about to arrive*

You shifted in your dress a little, the death-trap known as the corset suffocating you slightly. Rikka stood beside you, no trace of emotion on his face, something that was expected of a butler serving royalty in Lilliya . "When will the princes be here, Rikka?" you asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "They should be here in another five minutes or so." Rikka replied, giving you a small smile.

You smiled back and sighed a little, just as the trumpets sounded. On cue, the gates opened and two pairs of horses cantered through the gate, each pair pulling a carriage, one black and one white. As they stopped in front of the stairs, the doors of each carriage opened, revealing the butlers of each prince. The one to catch your eye first was a tall sandy blonde male with glasses resting elegantly on the bridge of his nose, and following him were another blonde butler, except his hair was a lighter shade of blonde, and carried a more motherly air about him. The third butler was a pinkette, with bobby pins fixed on the right side of his hair. He had a more childish and friendly, but somehow mature feel to him, you thought.

Looking over to the white carriage, you saw the butlers already lined up, starting with the tallest butler with dirty blonde hair and sapphire eyes, followed by a redhead with lavender eyes. The last butler was a brunette with matching brown eyes. He showed no expression on his face, but his eyes were brimming with excitement upon catching a glimpse of the pinkette butler. 'They must be acquainted...' you thought to yourself.

The sandy blonde cleared his throat and announced with a clear voice, "May I present the princes of the Black Kingdom. The eldest prince, Prince Hajime." Upon his introduction, Hajime got up and stepped out of the carriage. He was a ravenette with piercing violet eyes and a commanding, yet charismatic aura.

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