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She loves her students,
she loves to teach.
She's down to earth.
Has attention on each.

Being a teacher is hard,
but she never holds back.
Never does she disregard,
She never loses her track.

Scolds her students,
for their betterment, their good
Handles the future of adolescents,
Guides them in childhood.

Many times teachers are forgotten,
for the great work they do.
People forget so easily,
that even they had a Guru.

Teacher deserve a great respect.
They're the one,
who makes us perfect.

Building our future,
well-set and strong,
They're the architect.
Wherever and whenever We're wrong,
Teachers always correct.

~ K.C Waghela

From solving my silliest Doubts to guiding me throughout life, you did it all... Getting a teacher in a friend, I'm blessed 😇🤗❤️❤️.

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