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"Mae Erudlen and I'm twenty-one," Erudeln replied

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"Mae Erudlen and I'm twenty-one," Erudeln replied.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his stomach plummeted.

"Ha!" exclaimed the one with ram's horns triumphally, "What did I tell you Maern? He is too old to be unbonded."

Damn it. Erudeln had hoped that just maybe they wouldn't have paid attention to his age. No such luck. After years of hiding his age to avoid having to report to the Trissting Tree for bonding, he'd slipped up. The rest of his desert folk had successfully kept their freedom and he- well maybe he still had a chance to escape...

"Hmmph," grumbled the Fennec, "So what, Uilia? What difference does it make?"

"Well for one, I was right, Maern," smirked Uilia, tossing her thick black pelt, "And for another, we should take him to be bonded."

"Really," Erudeln interjected, "You needn't bother. Had you consulted me in the whole affair, love, you would know I had just as much rather not."

"It doesn't matter what you want, Desert Boy," Uilia stated simply, "It's the law."

"Ouch," replied Erudeln, "That stings! There is another option, however... we could all just forget that we met. Trust me, it's easiest for all of us."

"Not if we get found out, so it's off to the Trissting Tree for you!" grunted Maern stepping forward and nimbly grabbing ahold of one of Erudeln's arms.

Erudeln struggled and almost freed himself... until Uilia grabbed ahold of his other arm. Erudeln tried to kick her knees out from under her but she simply pivoted out of the way. The momentum caused Erudeln's legs to continue flying forward making him land hard upon his rump.

"Had enough?" inquired Uilia, "If not, we can always drag you down the five flights of stairs to the bottom. That being said, I think it would be better for your behind if you walked. Which shall it be?"

Erudeln glared up at both of them while the corners of Uilia's mouth twitched. He winced as he tried to come up with another jab. Those were his self-defense. If people thought he wasn't taking things seriously, they wouldn't pry.

"I'll walk since you're sure to get tired dragging me down all those stairs," Erudeln quipped, "See, at least I try to be considerate!"

"Think whatever you need to Desert Boy," laughed Uilia, unperturbed.

Yanking him up by his armpits, she and Maern began lugging him down the stairs. Their gaits were uneven with Uilia taking the stairs slowly in a relaxed fashion two at a time while Maern insisted on using every single step. This led to a lot of jostling. Erudeln found himself constantly with one elbow near his armpit and the other stretched to its maximum downwards.

Ignoring his current discomfort, Erudeln's mind went haywire: I'm being held in the iron grip of two guards. Assuming I can get free, now that we're were on the lower levels, when I make a run for it, I'll be recognized as the thief from four hours ago. That plan is a dead end. Where is an invisibility potion when I need it? What is Mama going to say? Concentrate. How are you going to get out of here?

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