@ you pt 3

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she met your parents. your parents...who you have so much trouble with. and you have been dating for a week. people meet parents when they are just a little more sure that they are going to stay together. i'm just really worried for you. i don't want you to get hurt. you are so strong, but you are also dealing with so much. like jesus christ, your dad abuses you. and you live with them still. honestly you should go live with someone else, or somewhere that you know you will be safe. but i understand that it doesn't quite work like that. you say that you have this money waiting for you, are you going to take that to move out? do you even have that money coming? i mean, you work so hard. what is it for? i want you to be safe. what is it that compels me to care about you so much? i don't know, but all of a sudden i was thrust into this pit that seems to have been hidden by a mountain. i should have felt that something was wrong when you started being bipolar and weird. but i kept going with the prospect of something getting better. and it did. for a period of time...until it didn't.

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