@ you again

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i don't remember how it feels anymore. to have your arms around me. the feeling of your touch has faded, it's slipped away into the night. i can no longer feel your lips on mine, or the hand cupping my cheek as you pulled me close to you. i do remember the dim yellow/ orange lights in the alley that night, although they are now a bright, florescent white. i remember the path that we walked at the spectrum. i remember where you turned me around and kissed me right next to the water fountain. but eventually, all of those memories will fade too. it will just be us and our friendship, and the extinguished spark of what once was. i don't blame you. i did for a moment, and sometimes i still do, but deep in my heart, i don't. we are both young and immature to an extent. we don't really know what you want. and you really don't know what you want. i can tell. or maybe you do, but you just look in the wrong places, and aren't going to find what you want with the standards that you have. but i wasn't the right person. and you weren't the right person for me. for a week, you were. but that was it all it was, and that was all it was meant to be.

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