The Abandoned Students

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In the summer breeze, there was a young girl who loved mystery novels she read them every day till she disappeared and was never fond no one knows what happened to her or when she disappeared she became like one of her mystery novels but with no ending. It's a sad story isn't it that she had no one who noticed she was gone till it was too late to go find her, she could have been kidnap or worse. Why do people not care for the not loved, the only thing they want is someone who will make them feel like they matter.

*Late at night*

<< all right students we are now at the cabin where we will stay for a week so you have to behave I don't want to have to do discipline. Now go>>

( all the students left the bus)

<< the girls will be staying in the room to the left and the boys to the right. Now you all get ready for bed you are all going to wake up early tomorrow.>>

well all the students went to bed except for me I couldn't fall asleep so I went to find something to read since there's no wifi and can't access my online books. I couldn't find anything in the girl's room so I left and went up to the stares. There was a library and I found old mystery novels. I decided to take it to read. when I was back in the room I tried to read but it was almost erased but one phrase was left it reminded me of my favourite book that I wanted to solve the mystery and I did bring it with me. after finding this out I started to get tired so I put the book in my bag and went to bed.

after a long rest, I woke up to some screams all the girls were freaking out. with the girls scream the guys walked in to see what was going on, and it so happens it was just a cute little fox that was scared form the screams and it so happens I'm the grumpiest person when I get woken up. even the guys were scared of the fox. but they didn't scream for long.

<< would you all shut up you're all annoying and there's still some people who want to sleep.>>

<<how can you want to sleep when there's something dangerous working around >><< the only dangerous thing is waking me up>>

I had a scary glare when I'm pissed in the morning. after the screaming was over I turned around and saw this adorable little fox. she saw I was kind and came close when all my classmates went further near the door.

<< Hi there little one hope you weren't scared by there screaming if you were I'm sorry they never go in the woods ''it's too dangerous for city people''>>
<<are you making as>>
<<buse of>>
ya, I'm not mad if it's a cute animal that wakes me but my classmates are a different story. so after that, I was able to pet it and she stayed with me. but after that nonsense, I fell asleep again.

*Jax's p.o.v.*

A little will after I woke up me and all the boys herd the girl's scream they all rushed to see what happened I just didn't bother going to see until I heard someone yell to shut up. I decided to go see and saw Lola who was woken up too early. But her expression changed wan she saw that white fox. She was smiling  I have never seen her smile before but it was a sight to see. right after the fox jumped on her bed she went back to sleep.

* after a few more hours*

*Lola's P.O.V*

when I woke up to see a cute fox already awake there was no one around so I got up to get some food and there was nothing. I went to look for a teacher but they were all gone, they left us in the woods with no food or anything. Were we left to die, why would the teacher leave.

After a lot of thinking, I wanted to tell the other students but they don't care what I say they won't listen. And when they all started to get hungry they all tried finding the teachers. So they found out by theme self that they left us and guess who they blamed........................ the one the only me.

I'm always blamed for things like that. Just like when some of the girls find their boyfriends cheating it's my fault. I'm always blamed because of all the rumours that were made of lies of made up crap that is not true. 

*Evelyn's P.O.V*

 <<this is your fault that the teachers left >>

<<how is this my fault I tried telling you guys that I couldn't find the teachers but no one lisend>>

I slapped her in the face she deserves all the torment I give her she is not going to have friends or no one who likes her she does not deserve it I'm the one that deserves their a tension.

<< why would we listen to a lier like you>>

* a few minutes before*

*Ashton's P.O.V*

 I was waking in the hall when I heard people panicking saying stuff like, the teacher left and we then after a few minutes everyone was saying that the teachers left because of a slut. I don't really care about anything or anyone the only thing I want is peace and silence. But not there's this bitch who is making a scene and yelling. So I went closer and saw that she slapped the girl and everyone that was there called her a slut. 

*Lola's P.O.V* 

Why is it always me getting hurt. Getting called a slut or wors I hate them so much I should have never left home.

I stayed silent and someone came and made her shut up they seem angry at her for some reason. I decided to left the room and went to the library the place that no one knows is there or they just don't want to go there. I could be along somewhere that I felt safe.

after reading a little I fell asleep. But not long after I woke up from the nightmare I had it was really bad but I didn't remember it. I went outside for a walk since I just felt like I needed some fresh air. 

*after a few minutes*

I just got back in and I see..................

-Hope you guys liked it I'll try to get a part out every week

Love Jungkooki31

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