The secret of the house

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I finally got to the last book I grabbed it, right after I heard something move and it was not a person I turned to see......... One of the bookshelves was no longer where it was. 

I went closer to see what was inside but it was too dark to see anything but luckily I always have a flashlight, I turned it on and there were more books but there centuries-old and they were covered in dust but by being me I couldn't leave them here so I brought them with me. I started to run in the woods to get as far away as possible. After running for so long I found a place that looked abanded. I decided to look if it was safe to stay in. It was so big like dis was someone's vacation home but for someone rich. The inside looked like it was kept in good condition till a few years ago but there was still a lot of dust.  

(Don't worry the white fox is with her)

(After looking around the place)

I fond a closet with cleaning supply, I grabbed them and started to clean the main room. After cleaning I saw that one of the de decorations looked misplaced. So I moved it where it made sense but when I placed it, I felt like something changed but what. After relooking around, I fond more things that looked misplaced so I put them back to were it looked better but by placing the last object a secret room opened. It looked like the same style as the other room from the house the class was staying at I want In and...


I turned as fast as I can but it was too late the door closed but I at least have....oh wait no I don't, I wish had food.. ok I can find a way out I just got to focus look is there something out of the ordinary. I looked around and fond books.....

(ya I know why more books you'll see why later know let's go back to the story)

<<...That book again that was the one I fond before.....wait not it's not its just the second part but why is it hear>>

I grabbed it and then I saw a box. It feels like I'm in an escape room but in real life this is fun. Ummm where could the key be...I looked and found more things that needed keys I finally decide to look in the books for clues and I did inside of this old blue book in the mini self. I opened the book and it looked like a normal book but by flipping the pages I found a secret compartment that had a key. I grabbed it but it.............

Hope you guys liked it, don't be afraid to tell me things that I need to change and you can tell me things you would like the see.

Bye, love you guys

- Julzz31

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