The Talk

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"Lincoln, is what Lola telling me true? Were you touching Lily?!" Mom asked. She looked like she was about to snap at any moment. I just stood there in shock trying to muster out words.

"I-I didn't touch Lily! I w-would never touch L-Lily! I thought you would know me better than that!" I exclaimed. I was nervous now. Mom's stern look slowly turned into a glare. My sisters stood there not saying anything. Dad gave me a look and began to speak. He looked down at the ground with his hand to his face.

"Son...we need to have a talk..." Dad stated, slowly starting to lift his head up. "Now." He was loosing his patience; I could tell. I didn't know what to do. They don't believe me! I was afraid but slowly started to walk towards him. He looked at me and face-palmed.

"Get your clothes on first. Then come to me and your mother's bedroom. This is very serious." Dad said, and he and mom walked back downstairs as my sisters went back into their own rooms, each one glaring at me as they passed. When everyone was gone, I shut the door after them, then leaned against the door and sank to the floor.

"What did I get myself into?" I asked myself. After I steeled my nerves, I jumped back into the shower and washed the rest of the soap off of me. Then I grabbed a towel and hurried back to my room. I put my clothes on as quickly as I could, knowing that it was best not to anger my parents even more than they already are. When I finished, I slowly walked downstairs and began to make it to my parents bedroom. When I got there, I stood in front of the door, contemplating whether it was better to knock first or just head inside. After a second or two of thinking and silently panicking, I closed my eyes and sighed.

In this case, it's better to be as manner able as possible.

So, staring at my feet and swallowing hard, I gave the door three loud, steady taps. I only waited a second before the door creaked open, and though my head was hung low, I could feel the weight of my parents' disappointed gazes looking down at me. Mom was the first to speak.

"Lincoln," she said in a dry tone, causing me to flinch. I looked up at her, and tried to ignore the fact that my sisters had come down the stairs and were staring at us from over the banister. I felt sweat roll down my forehead as Dad stepped to the side.

"Come in, son," he said, and I could hear the sharpness in his words. "We have aloooot to talk about."

"Okay.." I sighed, and ducked my head as I walked past them and into their room. There was a click, and I knew that the door was shut and locked; I was completely at the mercy of my parents.

I slowly turned around and looked at them. I quickly spoke, figuring if I talked first, they'd give me a chance to explain myself without things escalating any further. "I didn't do anything to her," I told them, trying to sound as convincing as possible. But my parents expressions didn't seem to change.

"Son, we need actual evidence you did not do anything to Lily," Dad stated. The more he talked, the more dissapointed in me he sounded. "If you can show us the evidence that you really did nothing to her, we will unground you."

"Wait, I'm grounded?!" I said in surprise. They both gave me a stern look, and I looked down, face heating up as I remembered to keep in my place. "But I didn't do anything....and isn't the law 'innocent until proven guilty?'"

"Yes," Mom confirmed. "But they also hold the accused criminal in jail until the court finds that he did nothing wrong. So don't try to use your 'History and Law' knowledge on us. We went to school and watch the news too."

"But-" I tried again, but she interrupted me once more.

"Lincoln. Until you show us you didn't do anything to her, you aren't allowed to leave the house and you will need to keep your distance from Lily. You will stay in your room unless you need to use the bathroom or go to school. You are not allowed to come downstairs for dinner. We will come upstairs to your room to give you your meals. And again: you are not allowed to be anywhere around Lily, or else you will suffer worse repercussions than what we're doing to you right now. Do you understand?" Mom explained.

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