Lincoln Stays Put

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Third Person's P.O.V

It's been a day since the whole incident with Lincoln and Lily happened. Lincoln was quick to obey his parents and sisters, stayed in his room quietly and pondering over how exactly he and Clyde would be able to find evidence that he was innocent. He was mentally struggling about how to find his innocence himself. He knew it was going to be difficult to do this, even with his best friend by his side. Sure, he was going to be great moral support, but he knew that if he was one of his sisters and he'd experienced this, he wouldn't believe the "guilty" one, either. Lincoln then heard knock on his door and watched as the door was quickly opened, a food dish of his Dad's succotash was pushed into his room, and the door was swiftly closed shut again. He sighed as he went over to the plate and scooped it up, going back to his bed and cramming a spoonful into his mouth.

Lincoln had been waiting for his best friend, Clyde to come over for a bit over an hour. They'd agreed that as soon as Clyde got his materials ready, he'd come over and think about how to clear his case. In the meantime, Lincoln had been thinking of a strategy to prove his innocence. All he knew at the moment was that he needed a witness. Lily wasn't necessarily a witness, with her being a baby and all, and nobody was in there while he showered. How was he going to make this happen...?

And that's when it his him.


He suddenly remembered that his youngest sister had planted cameras throughout the house for her research on "totally safe sibling related scientific discoveries." With that note, Lincoln now knew that he could prove that he didn't take Lily to the bathroom or anything related to "that". At that moment, Lincoln heard a rapping on his door, and he sat up straighter, putting his now empty plate on his bedside table.

"Uh, who is it?"

"Guess first," was their reply, and the albino-haired boy grinned, jumping to his feet and taking the few steps to his door. He opened it, and was glad to see Clyde smiling on the other side.

"Hey buddy!" Clyde greeted happily as Lincoln let him in.

"Hey man," Lincoln replied, grin wide and growing more and more evident on his face as Clyde walked into his room, carrying a medium sized suitcase.

"You seem to be in a better mood," Lincoln's friend noted, making himself comfortable and sitting on Lincoln's bed, the boards creaking with effort as Lincoln followed him. The albino nodded almost excitedly.

"I started off really bummed out this morning, actually," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "It's gotten so bad that when they opened the door to give me yesterday night's leftovers, I couldn't even tell who's hand it was."

Clyde cringed, feeling bad for his friend. "They want to leave you alone that bad, huh?" Lincoln nodded, but his face brightened.

"But I realized something that I should have last night as soon as all of this happened," he said. "We have cameras."

"You do? When did your parents install cameras?" Clyde came over to the Loud house so often that everyone felt that he'd basically seen it being built. If the Loud parents decided to install a security system of any kind, everyone knew that Clyde would definitely know, or at least have overheard Lori complaining about even less privacy to Bobby.

Lincoln shook his head. "No, it was Lisa," he explained. "No one else knows about it, but one day I walked into her room, and she was surrounded by monitors that were recording every part of the house; even in the dog house! I asked her about it, but she only said it was totally okay and made me promise not to tell our parents. But if we can go back and take a look at the footage, there will be no doubt that I'm not the one that did it!"

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