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Hermione POV

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Hermione POV

2 August 1995, 8h17: Breakfast
Location-Granger Residence, Kent

I was busy mulling over my assassination plan. I was willing to have mercy on my parents, cause really, they ARE my parents after all. If they don't bend to my wishes, I. Won't. Give. Second. Chances.

I rarely do.

At least I had gotten my driver's license at the beginning of summer. I had to fake my age for that one... Actually I just went and seduced the instructor. Wasn't hard really. Just tamed my bushy hair, made myself look beautimous and wore a skirt so short, it could be my belt.

Don't judge me! I need to have a car in order to get away with most of the shit I do! And besides, I didn't actually DO anything with him, so chill. He looked too gross. Yuck!

Back to the subject, I still need to talk to my parents.

I stopped eating the waffles we had for breakfast and immediately put on my 'timid Hermione' act. "Muma? Daddy?"

They both immediately look up to smile at me. "Yeah, pumpkin pie?"replied my father.

"Can my friend, Harry Potter, come over for the rest of the summer?" I squealed. Internally, I cringed. God, I HATE playing innocent. It's bloody irritating.

"No,"came the simultaneous reply.

I snapped. How dare they!

"Why not?! He's my best friend. Don't you WANT me to have anyone to talk to other than you?"I said.

"Hermione! He's a bad influence on you AND he's gotten you into more trouble more times than I can count on TWO hands!"my mother retorted.

"But he saved me from a troll when I was 11!"

"So? He and his friends drove you to that toilet of doom!"

"You're being unfair! I bloody hate you! You're all going to die! Die! Die! DIE!!!" I shrieked as my magic crackled around me.

The Muggles shrunk back and huddled each other in fear. Disgusting cowards.

"Hermione Jean Granger! Stop this nonsense NOW!" The filthy Muggle man demanded.

I gave a simpering smile and replied :

"No. And you haven't even seen my bad side. Let's play."

Shrieking was heard as I cackled. Lucky thing we live a good distance away from any neighbours!


『  。𝐀𝐫𝐄 𝐲𝐎𝐮 𝐈𝐧𝐒𝐚𝐍𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐊𝐞 𝐌𝐞?  。』𝒉𝒑 𝒙 𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆!𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒎Where stories live. Discover now