Potter (pArT tWo)

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7th August 1995, 17h07
Location: Isle Lauder, Living Room

Harry POV

Honestly, it feels like it's been three years since I've finally gotten a chance to relax. But the kiddies are yammering away again. How annoying.

I fell on my face again when the green flames ceased. Really, if I were to ever become Minister, I'd ban Flooing. Natasha herself must've created it just to irritate me.

Never trust a woman named Natasha because Natasha spelled backwards is "Ah Satan", kiddies. Life lesson number one. Funnily enough, she is Satan.

But in all seriousness now, back to the matter at hand, the living room was completely devoid of any signs of life.

Now that immediately raised my hackles.

There were four little harpies- I thought at least two of them (the ferret and co.) would have come rushing at me by now-?

"Where are your little monsters, Potter?" Em asked, her eyes darting around the area.

"The room is far too clean..." I murmured, scanning the spotless — well it was before I arrived — living room.

"H-Help..."a tiny voice called out. It had come from behind the sofa.

Hudson moved in that direction and peeked behind it.

"Oh my goodness! You poor dear! What happened to you?"Hudson gasped, worry colouring her tone as she straightened herself up, a House Elf cradled in her arms.

"M-Mistress..."It rasped. "It was awful...The dusters...The outfits...Master Draco is hiding in his room...The Dark Lord knocked out...Master Lucius screaming...Blue...So much BLUE..."the House Elf babbled, before promptly fainting.

"What-?"Em asked, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

Without any warning, a loud bang could be heard.

"AAAAH!"a voice shrieked shrilly. "NO MORE! NO MORE! HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL!"

"You have no soul, you fucking moron. I watched the Exorcist! I know how to banish you!" I heard Marc growl.

"What the fuck?"I muttered. 

We cautiously followed the source of the sound, only to see two of my gremlins at each other's throats and looking very- very blue.

"Haha, smurf bitch fight!"I blurted out. Violet and crimson eyes darted to look at us— finally registering our presence in the entrance hall.

Malachi dropped the makeshift stake (a broken bloody piece of porcelain, most likely from one of Marc's trinkets — talk about your own prizes betraying you; ouch.) and let out a wail.

Help-? Kiddies— What do you do if someone cries-?


Malachi POV

I smirked internally as the brunet chit below me glared, filled with disbelief at my actions.

I wanted to be Harry's favourite. Despite sacrificing some pert arse, my inner Volta preened with delight . So it must be the right thing to do, Harry noticing me alone is the main goal anyway.

Harry's attention on me, Harry's love for me. Harry's time, all for me. For me, for me for me me me me me—

"I-It hurts," a quiet voice whimpered, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I let my snowy locks spill over, concealing both mine and that chit's face from Harry's view.

'What do you think you're doing , arsehole-?'I hissed, low enough for only the both of us to hear.

His eyes seemed.. different. A primal gleam was prevalent, the coldness causing my hairs to stand on end.

'Making sure that a silly little airhead like you doesn't get any stupid ideas. I will be his First. Watch your back.'


A/N : Yet another filler that doesn't make sense ;-; . Anyway, the writing's going to improve (?) from here on out once I make sense of how to carry on with the story , anyway tell me what you got for christmas! I'd love to hear!

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