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"Access Granted

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"Access Granted. Welcome Verus Prince,"a robotic woman's voice sounded out of nowhere and the walls turned into a black screen with a bright orange line rising into irregular shapes in sync with the voice.

They were then in a stark white room filled with numerous people at rows of tables with countries' flags on them. Holograms of completely different subjects were displayed around the large hall, ranging from static graphs, culture and technological advancement.

In the middle stood a figure with tied up brown hair and red eyes. They wore a black alloy full body suit with fingerless glove parts and the glowing red lines around it forming an outline of his body.

"And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the man of the hour—Harry Potter!"Lord Voldemort said from his sleek podium as Avada Kedavra eyes met Expelliarmus Red.


Harry was shocked, that's for sure. His eyes widened as Verus Prince led him down the numerous rows of international leaders as they clapped loudly for him.

Harry wasn't sure what game Voldemort was playing, but he was entirely sure that he wasn't going to like it.

As soon as he was standing next to the Dark Lord, Harry composed his face.

"Dear Mundane Presidents and Magical Ministers of the world, you see that one nation is missing here and that is Magical Britain.

Why? Because—and I am ashamed to admit this—but our Ministry is too corrupted with power hungry people who are hell bent on squashing out all branches of Magic  that are deemed 'too Dark'.

Good people, Lady Magic is dying and only a few heed her call! I heard it and I'm trying to revive her!"Then Voldemort turns to face Harry.

"Lord Potter, if you could be so kind to answer all of the following questions I ask you?"the Dark Lord said professionally.

"I do not mind,"Harry replied smoothly. "And please, call me Harris,"he added on cordially, his eyes darkening with lust.

Expelliarmus orbs widened imperceptibly, but Harry's  sharp eyes caught the movement. He suppressed a rude snort.

"So, Harris, you believe that your blood parentage is?..."Lord Voldemort asked the ravenette.

"I used to think for four years straight that I was a halfblood..."

"Could you please elaborate for our Mundane counterparts what a 'halfblood' is, Harris?"

"A halfblood is a Wizard or Witch who has one pureblood parent and one Mundane or First Generation Magical parent in the Wizarding World."

"Lord Potter!"the Mundane president of Russia, Ivanov Rybczyski called out from the audience, "Could you please classify these 'blood statuses' of Magicals in order for me because I am intrigued to know more..."

"Of course, President....?"

"Rybczyski, Lord Potter."

"Rybczyski. Okay,"Harry said with a charming smile. "First, we have at the supposed bottom of the chart we have Mudanes—people with supposedly zero percent Magic flowing through their veins.

Then we have Squibs—people who are born to Magical families who do have Magic, but they simply can not access it due to some genetic complication.

Then comes First Generations. We avoid calling them Muggleborns since it is meant to be degrading. They are the Magicals who really baffle the Magical community—at least in England—they seem to have Magic that comes from nowhere as they are born from parents who are Mundanes.

Next up the list are Halfbloods—I had already explained them.

Then we have Purebloods—the top of the of the pyramid. They have two wizard parents who have at least seven generations of Magical Lineage before them.

I fall into the last category as I have just recently discovered."

"That sounds very interesting and we should do more research on that topic,Lord Potter."

"There is no need for that.Guess what I have found after decades of research?"Voldemort asked the room at large patiently.

"What, My Lord?"the audience murmured in unison.

"That every single person in this room has some Magic flowing in their veins, and that there are no such things as Mundanes, rather, those who can't use it fit into the Squib category. Magic is dying because we aren't performing rituals such as Beltane, Samhain or Yule anymore like we used to before the Witch Trials. If both our worlds don't come together in unity, we will all be put at the mercy of a terrifying evil...."the Dark Lord said.

"What is that evil, Your Darkness?"Minister Lile Manzini of Magical South Africa asked, her brown eyes entranced with the world Voldemort spoke of. No more hiding, no more prejudice, no more suppression of having First Generations changing traditions.....

"It goes by the name of Diairein, Lord of Chaos and Darkness. They shall bring about Götterdämmerung or you could call it Ragnarok or to put it more simply for those who do not understand—The Twilight of The Gods. It is the final battle between all evil Powers of this world and the Gods. And when that happens.....I'm not sure that there will be no one left to live to tell the tale....."

Silence follows after that statement. The terror in the room was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"Zhēn guài...."(I can't believe that....)Minister Mei Li of China murmured softly to herself. Her daughter Su told her of the annoying restrictions put in place by the British Ministry, but she didn't think it would be so bad! This needed to be fixed.

"Sizofa...."Minister Manzini whispered to her President counterpart, Jordan Laudenburg. He nodded his head vigorously.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for managing to make time to meet up together in this location. I'm sure there are other pressing matters to worry about in your home countries. The next meeting shall be held at my Manor in Scotland—the one in Little Hangleton has become too noticeable for us to congregate there...I am being watched in my country as you all know very well!"Voldemort said with a pleasant smile. Harry thought that it was a nice look for him.

"No! Thank you, My Lord!"Minister Oblansk of Bulgaria said before he and everyone held onto their counterparts and Apparated away with them, leaving the room empty bar Harry, Voldemort and the mysterious Verus Prince.

"Severus, tell the others in the living room to meet in the Throne room for the Death Eater meeting. Harris, follow me,"the brunette said with an almost unnoticeable quiver in his otherwise smooth voice.


An idea of what I envision Voldemort's suit to be like:

An idea of what I envision Voldemort's suit to be like:

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