24. Bulletproof

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Maddie's POV

The phone on my nightstand rang but I wasn't getting it for anything.

I still had two hours before I had to get up for school and whoever was calling was just going to have to call back later.

After the sixth ring, I decided to pick up but I wasn't going to be happy about it, "Hello." I nearly growled.

"Good morning, Maddie." My father's voice said, "I just wanted to call and see how you were doing?"

"Dad, I just spoke to you a couple of days ago."

"I know but I just feel bad that we don't talk more."

"Are you sure it's not because you miss me?" I laughed.

"I'm just making sure you're okay. I barely hear from you."

"I recall you telling me not to call but once a week."

"Yeah...that was then. How's school?"

I sat up in bed, "Fine. The classes are getting easier now that I'm more adjusted."

"Good, good. I expect exceptional grades."

"I know you do. How are you?"

"Fine. Just sitting here getting ready to go to work."

"So you decided to call me at, seven in the morning, which is like five over there?"

"I was bored." He admitted with a deep chuckle, "I hope you're not getting into trouble out there in the big city."

"Uh...no," I said simply.

"That didn't sound very promising."

"I'm staying focused on school." I decided to say.

"Good. No boys I need to meet?"

"No, I'm just the same old me." I lied, playing with the edge of my blanket.

"Well, I just wanted to call and talk about your mother. She's been riding me since you left that she wants you to visit."

"I know but it wasn't like we saw each other so much after I left." I rolled my eyes.

"She just misses you, we all do."

Freddie and I hung up when he had to leave for work and I set the phone back down on the nightstand, not wanting to resume my sleep.

I moved the covers and traced the scratch marks on my leg that started near my left knee and went up for a couple of inches.

It had been a week since Halloween and I don't think I would ever forget that night. It all happened so quickly that I still wasn't sure what I was involved in but thankfully, Justin was there.

That whole weekend was a blur and I knew that I was in a dangerous situation but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't just leave Justin because my heart wouldn't let me. That being said, I never thought that my life would be in danger because of who he socialized with.

When that bitch Kennedy came up and started talking to us in Plasma, I didn't think anything of it or the bodyguard who she brought around. I was over the whole 'my boyfriend is a gangster' thing. I know that I shouldn't be but I wasn't a normal girl. I had no self-preservation instinct, which was slightly disturbing but I couldn't change that.

I knew what I wanted and it was Justin. If that came with his dark side then I was going to have to deal with it.

What I wasn't expecting was to be kidnapped by some gigantic football player. I didn't even hear him come up behind me and just felt the dude's hands on my waist as he bound my body in thick rope. He didn't say a word and just lifted me on his shoulder. I tried to scream and kick but nothing was working.

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