chapter 3

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Her (Racheal ) school start at 8:00 . She enter the school gate ,park her cycle takes the bag from the basket and she suddenly sees her friends Rina. She call her hyy Rina  and Rina turns back and look at Racheal . They both run to each other and hug each other  and started going to class together .They were talking and walking to class . Rina says  have u done the home work ,Racheal was smiling but then she said no i have not done the home . When I was in the bathroom  taking bath I remeber the home work but it was to late to complete .when they enter the class ,everyone was there expect the teacher she hasn't arrived yet.   They both sat to their  place in middle row and Racheal for wishing that teacher should not come today and teacher enter the class . Every student in class  wish the teacher and teacher  wish the students back 'good moring student ' and keep her purse on the table.  Teacher  has forgot about the home work and she start to teach . Teacher was saying  a story  and  and everyone was listening  and after some time  the bell ring  teacher walk out of the class ,after the teacher went out  students also started to pack their bag and went out of class . Some where running playing sharing tiffin  and racheal as she stood up  took the tiffin and went to ground  to watch games and eat tiffin. While she sat on the bench  open the tiffin and  she started  hallucinate like  her eyes started to blur  she rub her eyes and saw a knight  coming  with the sword  and Racheal shouts no !! And all the students arround her  stare at her it was not the first time , when Racheal  she sees all her classmate and students where staring and mumuring .she feel embarrass and    her  run back to the class .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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