I can't believe you... | (reader/Tony Stark)

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Tony looked at you with his arms crossed against his chest. The frown on his face and the way his eyebrows furiously furrowed spoke for itself on how mad at you he was. You were pretty sure he was ready to blast you, but he couldn't since your child was in the room next door. You just stood there with your arms behind your back, your lips tucked so he couldn't see them quivering and trying your best not to perspire. At that moment, you knew just how much you had fucked up. You didn't even know where to begin with your apology.

Clint walked into the kitchen and paused as he opened the fridge to look at the two of you. He slowly closed the fridge and begun to slowly walk backwards ignoring the pleading look you were giving him. Tony noticed you looking at something behind him and he instantly turned his head only to find Clint mid-sneaking out. Clint just smiled and waved at him then turned to face you once again. You plastered on an innocent smile.

"What are you two-- no, you're not getting out of this." He pointed at you and Clint took that as his cue to leave. Gee thanks, you mentally rolled your eyes.

"Tony, babe, I can explain." You held your hands up cautiously. In all honesty, you weren't exactly sure on where to even start. Tony has never been this mad with you in all this time you've been together.

"I can't believe you did this..." He battled with himself on what to say, but chose against saying anything that he might regret so he sat down and rested his forehead on his fist. "I never thought the day would come where you would do this to me. I trusted you, Y/N"

"Babe please hear me out--"

"No, there's nothing you can say to justify your actions. I caught you red handed." He looked back up at you, and he was speaking the truth. There was no denying what he saw me do. You just lowered your head and stared at your black stilettos. You felt so terrible for doing that to him. You honestly didn't mean to.

"I'm so sorry, Tony." You managed to muster out, barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to, I swear. I thought you made it for me, it wasn't my intention to eat your sandwich."

"Wait," he looked at you slightly confused. "Sandwich? That was a sandwich that you were eating? I thought you were eating the last slice of apple pie?"

"Are you freaking serious right now?!"

Before your conversation could continue, something flew into the kitchen through the window causing you and Tony to duck for cover. FRIDAY didn't hesitate to alert the rest of the tower that there's an intruder in the building. You looked up from the hard landing and noticed all the shards of glass on the floor. You quickly stood up to find Tony and see what was going on. Your heightened senses alerted you that there was an incoming attack coming for your head so you ducked as a knife was thrown at you. You stood up once again to see what was attacking you and it was some robot that you've never seen before.

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