Chapter Five

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Over the next few weeks, I practiced and practiced. Usually, it was late at night, when I was sure everyone, including Papa was asleep. I couldn't bear to think about how disappointed he would be in me if he caught me practicing my magic after I promised not to. I couldn't help it, especially after seeing that fire user terrorize that poor mother and her children in the bathhouse. I couldn't take any more of it, knowing I could help. As the days went on, my control over water got stronger. I learned that at night, my call to my magic was the strongest. I knew I was nowhere near as good as people who had trained since birth, but I was still proud of my progress, and I no longer felt helpless.

Soon, my self-taught lessons were put on hold as the king's arrival drew closer. He was now set to arrive in just a few days, and while there was a pliable fear that fell over the tribe, there was also a nervousness too, and an eagerness to prove. Why anyone wanted to prove anything to that tyrant, or impress him in anyway was beyond me, but I found myself heeding calls who needed a young able body to help ready their houses, like they expected the king to personally pay them a visit. I hated to admit it, but as the day arrived, I couldn't help but feel nervous too. I didn't want to impress him. I actually didn't even want him to look twice at me, but I couldn't help but wonder about what would happen if I was discovered. the dread settled into a pit in my stomach.

The day arrived, and papa and I, along with all the other villagers, were lined up outside the camp's wooden walls. Today was a particularly stifling day, so few chose to wrap scarves around their heads to keep the sun off. It was just too hot for that extra layer of protection. I was one of those who neglected her scarf. Khalie and I had braided each other's hair, so my black locks were tightly bound behind my head, the braid falling down my back. Of course, a few loose curls escaped and framed my face, causing me to brush them away in annoyance every few minutes. There was no talking. The only noise was the shuffling of feet through the sand.

For a time, nothing happened. All of us stood there, looking out into the endless sea of sand, waiting. Of course the king would make us wait in this heat. I almost rolled my eyes, but the guards were watching us too closely. After what felt like hours, a hazy black line appeared on the horizon. Before shapes took form, I heard the pounding of many hooves on sand. Soon enough, the hazy line came into focus to reveal a formation of red and black clad soldiers, led by the king.

I had never seen the king before, except in works of art, but he looked exactly as I imagined. He had the bulky look of a man who had once been in top physical shape, but had since let himself go. His armor, which was also red and black but accented in gold, did well to hide his sagging form. His hair was dark, brown or black I couldn't tell, but it was streaked with grey, and so was his beard, which ended in a neat little point below his chin. He sat tall upon his horse, a great white beauty, as he slowly approached. To his right was a smaller figure, a boy who could hardly be older than me. He too wore black and red armor trimmed in gold, and looked like a miniature version of the man beside him, but without the beard. This must be his son and crowned prince. To the king's left was another man, this one even broader than the king himself, except that I could tell this man was still in his prime and he was all muscle. Unlike the king and prince, this man wore his full armor, including his helmet, which obscured his face from me. His armor was almost all red, like the color of blood, with very little black. I didn't need to see the red sash tied on his upper arm to know he was a fire user.

As the approaching entourage got closer, I got tenser. This was it. I wanted to turn my face and hide, but I knew that would only draw more attention, not less. Beside me, papa took my hand and squeezed it tight. I squeezed back, letting a small bit of my tension fade. The king had finally reached us, and as one, we all dropped to pour knees and bowed. The sand was blistering hot against my hands and forehead as I pressed myself as low as I could go, but we were not to move until the king told us to do so.

WaterBladeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon