Chapter Seven

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"Take Lady Margravitz to her tent." The king's voice jerked my eyes away from the tent entrance where my father had just disappeared. Lady. The new title seemed strange to my ears. A guard gripped my shoulder, forcefully but gently, quite unlike how the guards had previously handled me. I guess I was someone important now. He guided me out of the tent, through the maze of all the other tents. Lose sand slid through my sandals and in between my toes as we walked. Finally, we came to a stop in front of a plain brown tent. How the guard knew this one was mine, I had no idea, because it looked exactly the same as all the other tents we had passed. He released my shoulder and prodded me inside, but remained outside the entrance. It felt nice to have my own personal space.

It wasn't too personal however, as there was a girl standing inside the tent. The only furnishings was a bed and a small wooden table accompanied by a single chair. The girl stood between the two pieces, hands folded neatly in front of her. She was a pretty thing, tall and slim, with skin as pale as the moon itself. She wore a light, airy dress the color of butter that showed off her shoulders and the splatter of freckles there. She had a well-rounded face, dainty features. More freckles stretched across her nose under a pair of the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Her hair reminded me of the red hot flames in the center of Papa's forge, and the thought sent a stab of loneliness through me. I hastily looked away, down at the table, where a platter of food and jug of water stood. I didn't walk any farther into the tent.

"Who are you?" I asked warily.

"Apologies, my lady," she said in a musical voice, dipping into a curtsey. The slightest of blushes touched her pale cheeks. "My name is Ava. The king has assigned me to be your maid."

"Maid? Why would I need a maid?"

Ava smiled patiently. "All court lords and ladies have attendants, maids, squires, or servants. Usually more than one. We change bed sheets, help dress, fetch meals, empty chamber pots, and deliver letters, anything you require."

"I don't know how I feel about having a maid," I said uncertainly. I had spent my entire life doing things for myself. I didn't need someone to do them for me.

"Don't think of me as a maid," she said, taking a small step towards me. "Think of me as your confidant. You are being thrust into a world that you don't understand. I can help you." She suddenly looked down, seeming bashful. "Dare I say that some court ladies view their maids as friends."

"Is that what you want? To be my friend?"

"I will be anything you want me to be. I am here to serve, my lady."

I shuffled nervously. "Well if you want to be my friend, then my name is Nakida, or Kida. None of this 'lady' business."

"As you wish... Kida." My name on her tongue sounded sweet. "Would you liked something to eat?"

"Would I," I said, making my way towards the table. Gods save me, there was fresh meat on my plate, which looked like it may have been made of silver. Rarely did we get fresh meat in the camp. There was also some leafy greens that I couldn't identify, and half a potato. Steam rolled off it, melting the slab of butter, which was another thing I rarely got to enjoy. Ava poured some water from the jug to a silver goblet and stepped back.

"I'll see if I can find you some clothes for the morning." And with another curtsy, she was gone.

I ate in silence, pondering the turn my life had taken. Just days ago, I was afraid I was going to be sent to my death. Now, I'll be on my way to court, a newly appointed lady, living in those stories my mother used to tell me. I still didn't know what the king wanted from me, so I would have to tread carefully. If he was serious about getting me tutors and helping learn and understand my magic, I could use that to my advantage.

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