"Remember That I Love You" PART TWO

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Mimi's POV
I woke up to a phone ringing. To be more precise, it was my phone that was ringing.

Two worried voices began talking, "Mimi..."

My heart raced, did something happen? "Karry? Jackson? Is everything...fine?"

Jackson's voice and Karry's sniffles were heard, "Mimi...Roy got into a car accident..." I put the call on speaker, threw it next on my bed, and cried into my pillow, "Hey Mimi...are you doing....'ok'?"

"NO! I'M NOT! HOW CAN I BE FINE WHEN MY BOYFRIEND GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT! TELL ME!" I screamed, my voice cracking slightly, my pillow stained with my tears.

He told me which hospital and which room my boyfriend was resting in, so I could visit him. I thanked him and continued to weep until I couldn't cry anymore, then finally rolling out of bed, dragging myself to the bathroom to wash up, with a heavy heart.

While still in the bathroom, I stared at my reflection. My eyes were red and puffy from crying too long, and I looked absolutely pathetic. Anger bubbled from inside, I couldn't protect him...

I'm so useless...

I slammed my fist into the wall as I walked towards the kitchen to make my breakfast, "I'm such a burden to everyone..." I sunk down to the floor, against the wall, "I'm just a waste of their time..." A sigh escaped my mouth, why am I thinking this again? ".....Right...?"

At breakfast, I stared at a selfie I took with YuanYuan, his last words from yesterday still fresh and clear in my mind...

"I love you, my little mochi!"

Tears fell from my eyes again. I silently wondered how many times this process would repeat, and hoped that he would regain consciousness soon. "Return to me please, my angel...what will I do without you? How will I live without you? I really need you..." I fell to my knees, and cried loudly.

A knock on the door stopped me for a moment. I approached the door with those red, puffy eyes and tear-stained face. Looking through the peephole, I saw the person, no, people, standing at my door. I opened the door and let the two crying boys inside. The first movement came from them, as they hugged me tightly, their quiet sniffles travelling to my ears and breaking the silence.

"He'll be fine..." I stroke their hair as they sob. I knew I had to stay strong for him, but on the inside I was hurting so much. All I knew at the moment was that I hoped for him to come back to me.

~Time Skip~

Karry's POV
I frowned as I watched a unconscious Roy lying on the hospital bed, and then diverting my attention to the small girl resting on my shoulder. Her cheeks were full of tear stains as her hands tightly grasped my right hand.

"As much as I want to cry again, Mimi's the priority. YuanYuan wouldn't want his little mochi crying for him, right?" Jackson forces a weak smile as he looks at Mimi, who still holds onto my hand as she sleeps, hopefully having a happy dream, and not a nightmare.

A deep sigh escapes my mouth as I gently stroke her soft black hair, "Sleep well, Mimi..."

The monitor next to the bed suddenly began to beep loudly, and almost immediately, Jackson hit the emergency button as I carried Mimi out of the room, watching as the doctors brought YuanYuan into the emergency room.

"Please be okay...Mimi really needs you. Heck, we all need you. TFBOYS just isn't TFBOYS without you." I muttered quietly, hoping for the best.

Mimi slowly stirred awake, "Why are we outside? Did...something happen to YuanYuan?" We say nothing but instead, point to the light above the doors that continues to flash a bright red, "N-no...he promised that he would stay...he loves me..."

Mimi's POV
I silently stared at the red light above the doors. He was strong, he would stay with me. After all...he did promise me.

Something he said to me floated into my mind, and I smiled weakly through the tears, "Remember that I love you..."

The smile soon disappeared as the doctors emerged from the doors, and was replaced by a silent tear.

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