Chapter 3

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Maddie shown above.


I let out a choked sob as Adam's weight pushed me to the floor. I held onto him tightly, my face buried in his dark brown hair. "No, no, no, no.... Please... No... Adam, please.... Please... Adam.."

My voice shook as I whimpered in his hair, tears falling down my face.

"Rosalie?" I looked up to see Nikolai kneeling beside me. "You need to let the doctors check on Adam. You can see him shortly. He just needs to be checked over."

I frowned but looked at Adam's state and nodded briefly. I sobbed as he was pulled from my arms, falling limp against the hold of the two men holding him.

I leaned back against the wall, my head falling into my hands as arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around the person, burying my face into the person's neck. I expected them to be my mom, Maddie, or Amara but they were too muscular to be any of them. They also didn't smell like men's cologne. I looked up to see Nikolai holding me to his chest.

I gasped and tried to move back but Nikolai tightened his grip. "It's okay," he whispered huskily and I somehow managed to relax at the sound of his voice. I sat there, crying in Nikolai's arms for a while. I'm not sure how long exactly but we pulled apart when I calmed down a bit and my mom showed up, Matt in tow.

Nikolai stood up, pulling me to my feet, obviously not caring about anyone seeing us like this.

Mom sobbed, her face streaked in tears as she hugged Matt to her side tightly and protectively. I ran to her, seeking her comfort and love. She gave it despite being so saddened herself.

"Oh, med(honey)," she murmured as I whimpered. Just then, a tall, dark haired man came out of Dad's room.

"Family or friends of Charles Volkov and Adam Petrov?"

I nodded quickly as he smiled kindly at us. "Yes. Family of Charles and friend of Adam."

The man nodded. "Well, I am Doctor Liam Boykov. Adam is fine. Just a shot to the leg, easily removed, and a few broken knuckles. Most of the blood on him seems to belong to Charles. Charles suffered from multiple gun shots, none however caused any serious damage, though he will need to rest for a long period of time to fully heal. All the bullets were removed or simply passed clean through. He has a broken wrist as well as a sprained ankle. He should be fine, just very cautious of any straining action once he wakes up, especially on his stomach."

I sighed, my eyes stinging with more tears. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Your welcome. Adam should be awake here shortly. You can visit him now. Charles will be out for a while but you may still sit with him if you'd like."

I nodded again and the man left. Mom smiled at me. "Matt and I will stay with your father. You can go check on Adam. I'll let you know if anything changes," she said and entered Dad's room.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes and cheeks before realizing Nikolai was still standing beside me. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, sir. About earlier. Crying on you and hugging you," I whispered, avoiding his gaze.

"It''s okay, Rosalie. I'm not upset," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before quickly retracting his hand.

"Well, thank you. For comforting me. It means a lot," I said softly and saw him nod.

"Your welcome. Go see your friend. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you when he wakes up," Nikolai said as he turned and walked away.

I blushed but walked into Adam's room and sitting in the chair beside his bed. I looked him over to see he was clean of any blood and his leg was bandaged securely, as well as his left hand. I leaned forward, pulling the chair closer as I grabbed his right hand in mine. I squeezed it tightly and laid my head next to his arm.

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