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Virgil woke up groggily as he did every morning. He rolled over and grabbed his phone. As soon as he saw the date his eyes went wide. He scrambles realizing what his roommates would try to make him do today. He rushed out of his room and into the hall. He stood around the corner ready to dash when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Virgil felt a moment of panic realizing he'd been caught. He turned around only to find a smiling freckled face with large round glasses; Patton. He immediately calmed down realizing he might be able to persuade his fatherly friend to help him out. Before he could come up with a plan Patton spoke "Are you ready for pictures?". Virgil immediately felt guilty about trying to get out of it but he was determined as Virgil had convinced himself that he wasn't photogenic. "Can I maybe skip this year?" Virgil asked. Just for a little extra he added "Dad?" On the end. "But you have to! It's tradition!" Patton countered. "Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people" Virgil said in quite a monotone voice. "Pleaseeeee?" Patton said looking at the slightly shorter male. Virgil silently cursed himself for being so easily broken and said "Fine.." Virgil walked to the living room and saw Roman impatiently waiting with Logan a few feet away sitting on a couch. Roman sighed a bit then sat down on the couch. Virgil sat on the end of the couch next to Roman as Patton set up the camera's timer. "Cheese" he shouted as he scrambled to get to the couch. The flash came on and it was over. That wasn't so bad.

282 words, I know it's not that good of a story but I thought I might as well try

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