The Wink ;)

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I'm pretty much just gonna skip through the school week to the weekend. But Ill still do some during the "school week"

*Sabrina's POV*

Bradley and I texted all last night. I've.only known him for a day and I feel like I've known him forever. I learned so much about him. He is really awesome.

My phone vibrates. Its a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Good morning :) you are coming to school right?

Me: Good morning and umm yasss.

Bradley: Great I couldn't survive the school day without you

Me: oh really? Well you've known me for a day...maybe Ill attack you at school

Bradley: nah I trust you

Me: great Ill see you there :)

Bradley: alright Blondie can't wait ;)

Omg having breathing problems right now. Did he just send me a winking face oh my flipping brownies. 

I'm glad he can't see me because I'm blushing so hard right now.

I better get ready for school.

*Bradley's POV*

Should I regret sending that winking face? Nah.

I need to go get ready for school.

~At school~

*Sabrina's POV*

I walk to History with Rowan.

I see Mr. Cuteness. Wait what? Haha

"Look who finally is here." Bradley says

"Ha ha I'm here at the normal time. You're a nerd who got here early" I say with a smirk

"Oh I'm a nerd? Okay at least I'm smarter than you" he looks at me with a smile. I look at him and give a fake smile and he just winks at me.  Goodness that was cute.

I hope he doesn't see me blush. Good he didn't.

After class Bradley walks up to me.

"Sabrina. Do you wanna hang out this weekend maybe go around town?"

"Sure! Sounds fun"

~Skips to the weekend~

*Bradley's POV*

Today I'm going to hang with Sabrina. I think we are really becoming great friends. I wish it was more than that though....

I get a text from Sabrina. I smile as I read it.

Sabrina: hey so ready for today!!

Me: eh... I'm not that excited

Sabrina: oh... :( do you still wanna go?

Me: Sabrina I'm JUST KIDDING I can't wait to see you

Sabrina: okay I thought you were serious. Ill see you later okay?


I should go get ready now. I go take a shower and put on some nice but casual clothes. I grab my phone and head to Sabrina's house.

*Sabrina's POV*

I'm so ready to hang out with Bradley. I've been ready for about an hour now and he says he's on his way.

I hear the doorbell ring. HE IS HERE. Play cool Sabrina.

I go and open the door.

"Hey" I say smiling hard

"Hey you look great "

"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself "

" Haha thanks so where do you want to go"

"Hmm I don't know. You choose"

"Do you like bowling?"

"No...I LOVE bowling lets go"

"Ha okay good"

We head to the car and some guy is driving us I guess.

"Hey I'm Derek"

"Im Sabrina"

"Nice to meet you. So where to?"

"Bowling alley" Bradley says


The car ride there is so fun. We laugh and joke and get to know each other even more.

We get to the bowling alley, thank Derek and walk in.

"This is gonna be so fun" I squeal

"Sure is "

We get our shoes and start the game.

I'm gonna win this. I'm good bowling.

*skips the game*

"Yasss I was right I won! " I shout

"Yeah I let you win "

"Its okay Bradley dont be sad because you lost"

"Okay okay fine you won"

We end up walking around town. We go to the park and eat some lunch. This day is going great.

"Wanna go see a movie?" Bradley asks


We go walk to the movie since it's literally RIGHT THERE. We see a funny movie.

After the movie Bradley takes me home.

"I had a lot of fun today Bradley"

"So did I thanks for coming"

"Thank you for asking me to come"

"No problem" he says with a wink

That wink gets me everytime. I'm literally blushing so hard. I'm glad its dark so he can't see me blush.

"Well I better go inside. Goodnight Bradley " I give him a hug

"Goodnight beautiful" he says as I'm walking inside.

I look back at his and smile then close the door.

"Did he really just say I was beautiful" I stand there smiling,  still in shock.

*Bradley's POV *

Did I just say that?

I did. Well she IS beautiful. I wasn't lying. 

Today was great.


Ok so I must say this chapter sucked. Sorry bruh!

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