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*Bradley's POV*

"I have to go " I say getting up

"Let me come with you"

"No stay here. Please " I start to cry

"Please "

"Sabrina Ill call you"

I run home and we all hurry to hospital.

"Mom! Dad! What happened" I yell

"Bryson was hurt badly in an accident. On the way to go see his friends someone pulled put infront of him and he swerved and ran into a tree" my dad says crying

I put my head down and cry.  I Start to pray to myself.

"God don't take him from us please. We just got him back. Please let him be okay. Please God."

We run into the hospital and ask to see him. They say we can't see him right now. We have wait in the waiting room. We are all crying.

After what felt like forever, the doctor comes into the waiting room.

"Perry family?"

"Yes" my dad says "how is my son"

"Well he is still not awake yet. He has a broken leg and three broken ribs. We hope he will be awake by tomorrow"

"So he will be okay?"

"For right now, yes."

We all sigh in relief.

"Well can we see him"

"Sure follow me"

We all follow the doctor to Bryson's room. We walk in and he looks rough.

Black eye, busted lip, bruised face. I feel bad. I hope he is okay because I can't lose him.

We stay there for hours hoping he'd wake up. He didn't.

"Visiting hours are over" the nurse says coming in the room.

We all give Bryson a hug and leave.

When I get home Sabrina is waiting on the porch for me. She runs to me and gives me a hug.

"Is he okay"

"They say he is right now but he looks bad. He has a broken arm, three broken ribs, black eye, busted lip, bruised face. I feel like its my fault."

"Its not Bradley"

"I shouldnt have let him leave. I should have made him stay longer"

"Bradley its not your fault. Bryson will be okay."

I pull him into a hug. He looks up at me.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course I will"

*Sabrina's POV*

I text my mom to ask and she says its okay. So do his parents.

We go upstairs to his room and get in bed. He wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you Sabrina"

"Your welcome now get some sleep everything will be okay" I kiss him "I promise"

~next day~

*Bradley's POV*

I wake up and Sabrina isn't with me. She must've gone home to change or something.

I walk downstairs and my parents smile.

"The Doctors call and Bryson is awake"

"Really?! Let me go get ready then lets go see him"

When I'm done getting ready we drive to the hospital. When we get there I run inside and to Bryon's room.


"Hey lil ma-" I cut him off my giving him a huge hug.

"Ow hey I'm still sore"

"Oh sorry"

"Its cool"

My parents come in and we spend all day with Bryson.

I'm glad everything is gonna be okay.

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