the siuck

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foxy was going about his daily routine of milking the rooster when suddenly his eye felt sick. pain. his toe pulsed as he doubled over sadl, remembering william shakespeare and gow he existed

:sprijntap" he cried in baby as he ran into nowhere

"what is wrong with your stupid face" asked springtrap calmly waltzing out like he had just cow

foxy didnt answer. his eye smelt funny. "dye"

springtrap was shocked. REALLY he was schocked hed never thought this day would com.e.

"foxyhb illwill take yuiu to a hostpital." the corpse shook with grief as he threw foxy seven feet inot the air. he willingly rushed to the place

the place was fat and white

"HELp" h screamed. he saw the only nurse there was fr

"oh hello." sneered federal happily but with a twist of cottgae cheese

"frede please can we out our differences asicde. we bothb love my husband fron" he gestured to the sky falling out of the sky. "and he is dyuijge. help"

fredros eyes widened into his eyerows which consequently widened his breats "wow. ohkaymy gosh/ i will help hikm."

tgey slammed fonk into an emergency parking lot and attatked his heart into a pillar of prison wardens. foxy let out of moan of discontent as he chomped down on spriungs third nostril. 

"spryn. i am so sory. but you must wait in the not room until i am finished the sick" freya smelt his ovaries

the invisibel tree lead sprtn out before he could say anything. he got sad and hot. he pole danced silently in the clouds as he waited for the op

foxy coughs up his bowl of noodles (FINALLY) (GONE SEXUAL) (POLICE CALLED)Where stories live. Discover now