Chapter 12: Memories

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Sanam's POV:-

Tiredly I was lying on my bed staring at the center of the fan. Counting unlimited happy moments of my day was not just enough to drove me back from the old memories. It doesn't matter how good my day was ; but my every night used to be same....... filled with a lot of emotions, sadness and  memories that usually ends up with tears. Sometimes her bitter memories seem even sweeter than her voice. She has a habit to returning back every night as I lean my head on the pillow. Her memories never let anyone to enter my heart. I can like someones nature for a minute but for a long term; it never work, I can't make it up with peoples and have almost lost my trust form others else than some few. 

Finally I got up and moved to the balcony, under the sheet of stars where the cool breeze was enough to dry up my tears. Keeping my both the hands on the railing of the balcony I looked up to the stars. My eyes were again filled with the tears but I tried to not blink my eyes because I don't want my tears to roll down again. I looked to the next balcony; there was no one today. I took my phone out from my pocket and opened the file safe; it only contains one photo of her which I haven't deleted yet. I clicked this photo on her birthday. "How can be the situations so unpredictable, I never thought that she can be so mean......  and how I can be so foolish to still think of her" I murmured to myself smacking hard on the railing .  I came back to room and get laid down on the bed. I tried to sleep, changed my position form one to another again and again, rolling and turning from one side to another. I don't know when I fall asleep.

Ayushi's POV:- 

I was holding a pen and was filling the loneliness of the plane paper by writing some poetry on it.  I have been trying hard to overcome that thing. It has been long time; till I stopped thinking about him but there is still something in my heart which stops me form going away from that thing, which compel me to still not trust on anyone, which always troubles me  when I'm alone. I have a bad habit of hurting my self when I got angry and can't do anything about the situation and hence I did the same... I scratched my body, neck, arms hardly with my own nails. I was just irritated with some random thoughts and it all just depresses me every time. I keep on writing over night and tearing pages over and over again and somehow I fell asleep with pen in my hand and notebook below my face. 

I wake up as the morning glaze fall on my face. Huh! That was Ishita who opened the curtains. "Get up fast, otherwise you will get late for college" Ishita said while pulling out notebook from underneath my face. I picked up my phone and checked the time. "Oh shit it's 7 am already, I forget to set alarm; We are not going for jogging today" I said while checking my phone. "Ok! We will not but tell me what were you doing whole night; these poems, papers and all.... Is it everything alright?" Ishita asked. I just replied in "Hmm..." I didn't share anything about last night to her but I'm damn sure that she already knows everything; and yes! it happened. She came and sit on my side and hugged me and said " Look for your future not your past... alot many surprises and treasures are waiting for you ahead... don't spoil your time thinking about the past where nothing can be changed now." she smiled at me.  I hugged her back and said "Thank you so much for being with me, I really needs someone with me at this hard time, I can't share it with every one but I'm really feeling stressed; especially when I'm alone".  She smiled at me and said" Don't worry everything will be all right with time and your past was just your lesson...... now get ready for college fast otherwise you will get late". I smiled back and get down from bed and opened my closet to get my clothes. My head was paining hard as I didn't slept well last night so I asked Ishita to get medicines from my first aid box.  

Later I came out from my room to have breakfast and took my medicine. I was packing my college bag when Ishita came and asked "Skip to go for work today... I mean get a leave form job for today". I was about to ask why but she again started "We are going to psychiatrist in evening for your check up".    "Seriously !!!!! " I asked "I'm fine.. and I don't even want to go there..... its matter of little time everything will be alright" I added. But I already knows that Ishita won't  listen to me at any cost for this but I still tried my hard. I explained" I'm not mental , I don't need to go there". She countered immediately that"Mental don't goes to psychatrists.. they goes to mental hospital". "I'm just stressed ; not depressed". She again countered by saying " I know I read all your poems that you wrote yesterday night... now stop acting like a kid... you know it that I can't see you like that. You need to come with me... plzz" she holded me from my shoulders and requested. "Huh! ok ... I will come....but stop making these funny requesting face."  Finally I left for college by Ishita's new scooty of course without license. 

Sanam's POV:- 

As like normal days Keshu woke me up. He as usual pull off my covers and my pillow from me. "Get up Sanam, its already 9; we have alot to do today" He screamed. " I can't never make this guy woke up from bed...I have already quit up in this" Samar whispered to Keshu. "Bhai utth ja jaldi..... " Samar called me loudly. Huh! these guys are trying their hard to woke me up. So I thought to take pitty on them and woke up. "Have you slept late yesterday night?" Samar asked. It has always been hard to lie to Samar.So I just replied in "Hmmm".  "Uff.!! this man is never going to understand what we say to him... He just choose his paths on his own" Keshav said to Samar. Both of them them seeming disappointed from me. 

"Okay! get ready fast , we have to go home today; and Keshu is also leaving with in an hour " Samar said and indicated me to go to bathroom and thrown a towel on me. "But Samar! we don't have our plan for today? so why are we going... I mean Mom and Dad are also in Delhi?"I questioned.  Samar looked at me in surprise and asked" So what? We still have alot of stuff to complete.... today we both will work on some originals."  Ok finally the whole mess in my mind was over and I took my shower as soon as possible and we three left for our places. 


Hey guys!!  sorry for one more sad part.. but its now time to reveal the past of both the broken heart birds.... so I'm just trying to give a uplift to the story... I hope that you will like and enjoy this stupid story of mine. I really needs your support and your true comments. Hope that #SANAMinarelationship is not troubling some of you anymore.. Keep loving him for his beautiful music and his amazing personality. 

And guys plzz support... hit the star button write there down the screen and don't forget to leave your lovely nd helpful comments.   STAY HAPPY and KEEP SMILING  :)

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