I'm Leaving

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{No one's p.o.v}

When Rin woke up he found himself somehow in his bed in his and Yukio's shared dorm room. Even though last he remembered he was in the woods with Amaimon. Amaimon must've carried him to bed, though he had no idea how me managed to do that with all of the wards.

He checked the alarm clock by his bed side and wondered why he didn't here it go off. For the first time in forever, he actually woke up before the alarm went off, and before Yukio. He hardly ever wakes up before Yukio, especially not recently since he's been finding it increasingly difficult to fall asleep at night. He'd stay wide awake until it reached around 5 am, then he would drift off. And he would be so exhausted all day that he'd fall asleep in each and every class and get yelled at by all his teacher. He once even got sent down to the office for it, but when he got down there Mephisto looked at him sympathetically and let him sleep on the couch.

Rin tiredly got out of the bed and head towards the kitchen to go make some breakfast and lunch for Yukio, he found himself unable to eat a lot recently too, because of this he lost some wait, so he made none for himself. Rin decided to go make some rice because he was too tired to do anything too extravagant. He knew Yukio would be pissed for making something so plain, but he didn't care. He placed a bowl of food down for Kuro, who was still sleeping as well. While he was cooking the rice he was about to get out some vegetables from the fridge too cook and top the rice with. On his way to the fridge he felt extremely tired and weak and suddenly his vision started to blur. Before he knew it he was on the ground.

Kuro immediately shot up hearing the loud bang come from the kitchen. He quickly scampered into the kitchen to see what was the cause.

'Rin!!' He yelled running over to Rin who was unconscious on the floor. Kuro frantically pawed at his face. Rin flinched and slowly opened his eyes. He found himself looking up at the ceiling. Soon he came to his senses.

'What am I doing on the floor?' He wondered groggily.

'You passed out! I was so worried! Are you okay!?' Said Kuro.

'Yeah I'm fine buddy' He assured at cat sidhe. He slowly sat up grabbing his head which was now pounding.

Yukio tiredly made his way into the kitchen. He fixed his glasses, his hair was a mess and he was in a T-shirt and boxers with rubber duckies on it. He looked down at Rin who was now sitting up on the kitchen floor.

"Rin what are you doing on the floor." He sounded confused and disappointed in Rin.

'Rin passed out!!' Kuro said panicked to Yukio.

"I tripped." Rin said simply.

Kuro looked at Rin shocked and confused, why didn't he tell Yukio that he just fainted!?

"On what?" He sighed.

"Uuuh" He tried to think of a lie. "My feet."

Yukio stared at him for a moment, then let out a groan. It was too early in the morning for this nonsense, he couldn't deal with Rin's antics at this hour.

"Well get up and go make us some breakfast. I can't afford to be late today and neither can you." He walked out of the kitchen.

Rin grabbed a hold of something to pull himself up and used the counter top to stable himself. He felt something drip down his face, he reached and wiped it with his hands.


He must've hit his head when he fell.

'Rin!! you're bleeding! Hold on! I'll find you a band aid!' Kuro scurried out of the kitchen in search of a band aid.

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