Welcome to NYC(Chapter 1)

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New York City I finally made it. It took way to bloody long but at least I'll see my dear friend Queenie and I get to work at the MACUSA finally using my musical magic and regular magic for good! I'm an Auror and worked for the Ministry for a while but decided I needed a change of scenery desperately. I also found that I have an odd talent when I sing if I pulse my magic into my voice, I can make people do what I want or even create things. I've even tamed things sometimes. I flipped my Hufflepuff scarf over my shoulder and when seeing the line I grabbed my book from my suitcase which was on muggle mode (No it isn't full of creatures y'all just going to have to wait and see ;D ) after waiting in line for surprisingly a short amount of time I was permitted into the country and began to walk towards the bank to trade my pounds for dollars. I was very into my book and accidentally ran into someone "terribly sorry sir" I told him in my British accent as I picked up my book and stood up in time with the man in front of me. 

The man in front of me sneered "You should be, you filthy wench!" I stumbled back a bit at the man's harsh words, and he grabbed my book from my hands "Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality? RUBBISH!" He threw my book on the ground. I stared at its position to the man. Book, man, book, man, book, man. Oh, he did NOT just throw my BOOK! 

"Sir please don't do that," I said with a stony voice letting the sweetness in my voice seep into it. He grinned evilly at me and lifted his foot to stomp on it while I was kneeling down about to grab it. His foot came down and my hand rose up to meet it. My now stone-cold gaze and voice were clear as day "Bloody 'ell sir I asked you nicely and this is NO way to treat a WOMAN!" People had stopped and watched as those who were around when it started explained in hushed whispers to their friends.  "And I asked you nicely..." I pushed his leg up making him lose his balance though he was still standing and sweeping his feet out from under him with my leg in a sweeping motion from the ground making the man fall all the way down. I grabbed my book and stood "I swear to gods you try and read a good fiction book on the street these days." I gave a light chuckle and smile to those around and they chuckled with me then moved onto their everyday activities. I continued going to the bank weaving between the people listening to the woman on stage. 

"YOU MISS!" The woman called out to me 'Really can I not get ANY peace today?' I turned around and saw her indeed looking at me.

 I smiled kindly "Yes miss?" 

"ARE YOU A SEEKER? A SEEKER OF THE TRUTH?" She asked at me yelling.

 I smiled at her "I'm very sorry ma'am but I've always been a chaser my friend Potter, on the other hand, is a great seeker." I smiled at her telling the truth but not enough for her to gain anything. I continued up the stairs hearing a few chuckles behind me, turning my head I saw a woman give me a slight nod of approval. And I smiled to myself and went over to the desk to exchange my pounds. The woman at the front desk was very kind and once I was all done I noticed there was a Niffler trying to get my bracelet. "Oh bloody 'ell," I whispered. I picked up the Niffler and shoved it into my suitcase which I turned off muggle mode quickly. I turned it back onto muggle mode so that it wouldn't get out and went to get to my new apartment. Unaware of the chaos I was leaving behind. Another Niffler belonging to someone was also creating havoc in the area. As I walked into the building I met the landlady, Mrs. Garabaldi (Let me know if that's right) And went up to my apartment another woman was coming home with blonde hair, we got acquainted in the hallway and found that we are neighbors. I used my wand to unlock the door without thinking but let out a sigh of relief when the woman told me that she was a witch as well. She helped me get everything set up and then invited me to her house for dinner "that would be delightful." I exclaimed happily we entered her apartment and told her that I wanted to show her something. I opened my suitcase on the correct mode and entered it "Come on!" I told her happily as she came down I picked up the Niffler and created a home for it, I checked and found that it is a girl. Queenie and I then named her Silver, cause it's shiny, and I showed her around. It was full of instruments and artistic things, as well as a small section for some animals I found that was injured and needed help. I explained so to Queenie who thought it was so nice and I was glad she thought so, wizards have very strict rules here. There are a few other rooms, one for healing, one for painting, and then one for swimming. My case, when you first enter resembles a hallway the doors have little names on it so I can find the correct door always, though I know it by heart.  I also keep a little bowtruckle with me, her name is Emerald because of her color, I call her Em. Queenie and I come back up to the apartment and continue to have a discussion about random things, becoming close friends quickly when we hear the door open. As we were working on dinner we hear the door open and I see a woman with short dark hair enter "Hello!" I greeted looking over at Queenie, slightly confused. 

"Ella this is my sister Tina, she works at the MACUSA as well. Teenie this is Ella she just moved here from Europe!" she told her sister excitedly.

"It's nice to meet you." 

"It is nice to meet you as well." we smiled at each other before I went back to measuring some flour for the crust.

"Tina, you brought men home." I heard Queenie say and looked up indeed seeing two men. 

"Oh, hello!" I said smiling at them. 

I had no idea then that a huge adventure had begun...

AN: AAAA how is it I just reread it and realized how awful it was so I quickly edited some of it, let me know if it's better!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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