part 3

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5 years later

The night that I snuck out with mox, that next morning my dad caught me I broke down and told him every thing and how long it had been going on. He did ship me back to moms and I hadn't heard from Jon since that night little does he know there is a huge secret that my family had decided to keep from him. I graduated college not to long ago and was doing really well as a photographer, but there was a huge whole in my heart. I miss Jon I really did loved him and still do and my family stole that from me. My world was about to turn upside down and so was Jon's and we had no clear what was about to happen.

I had received a email from fcw wanting me to come and do a photoshoot of some the guys and catch some shots during the match. I agreed to it and super excited for this huge job opportunity!

Day of the shoot
I got ready and headed out I wanted to get there early to make a great impression. They showed me around and showed me where I was going to set up to take photos during the matches and for the photoshoot. I met everyone but the last guy was running late so I didn't have to time to meet him.
I had a blast throughout the day meeting everyone and being able to take photos and being able to joke around.
The last guy had finally came.
"Alright Ambrose your up," they called out I got my camera ready and didn't want to look up and meet him until I had everything reset.
" Hey Mr. Ambrose nice to finally........Jon." I said looking up in shock.
I completely froze where I stood. "I had no clue."

"Y/n," he said seeing that beautiful smile of his form. "I can't believe this.''

"Me either," I said tears starting to form. " I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you," he said slowing pulling me into a hug. Oh how I have missed that touch, oh how I have missed this man and freedom and joy he brought me no matter what mood he was in or how much we use to fight. I felt the sparks come back stronger then ever. "How about when this is over we catch up."

"Okay and I have something I need to tell you and someone for you to meet."

I took my spot and got ready to shoot some of the matches and the first match was Jon's. Looking through the lense and snapping pictures of the match reminded me of the old days causing that stupid grind on my face that he always seemed to cause. This brought me back to days of sneaking off to see him after and cleaning him up and taking care of him.

"You ready to go," he said lighty holding my waist.

"Yeah,'' I said finishing packing my stuff up. "Just follow me home."

We had finally made back to my place and I showed him around and showed him to the living room.
"I will be right back you can take a sit if you want too."

I went up the stairs took a deep breath and walked into one of the bedrooms.

"Baby girl wake up, I got a surprise for you."

" Okay momma."

I walked down the stairs hand and hand with Jon's and I little girl.

" Jon I want you to meet miss Ella Harper, this is your daughter."

He stood there in shock and I could see the love starting to form.

"Momma is that daddy?"

"Daddy!!!!" She screamed out running over to hug him as tight as she could. "Can he stay the night  momma?"

" That's up to dad baby I don't care."

She turned and looked at Jon with such excitement and joy, I was so happy to have my family back together.

"I would love too stay the night," Jon said picking her up. " Let's get you back to bed and we can spend all day together."

"Tuck me in pwease."

"Goodnight baby doll," I said kissing her nose.

I watched as Jon took her up the stairs. I knew I was ready to have him back home with us. I sat down and waited for him to come back down.

" Hey you, we can go outside and sit on the porch so we can sleep, she will be fine I promise."

"Okay," he said grabbing my hand. " She is absolutely precious, she takes after her mom."

"She also took after her dad also."

We went outside and sat down on the swing.

"Jon I don't want you to think I hid this from you. I tried multiple times to get in contact with you my parents forbid me from ever telling you and when I tried I got in contact with Sami and tried to tell him and he hung up on me and for me just to drop you that you didn't want the child. I tried so many times," I said with tears running down.

"Hey doll it's okay I have you both now and that's all that matters," he said cupping my face. " And I promise you this I won't leave again and nothing will keep us apart again. Let's go back inside we have a lot of catching up to do in more then one way," he said gripping the inner part of thigh. He always knew what my turn on spot was. I knew that I was happy that I finally had my man back home and finally have my family back together.

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