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No one wants me. A doll made broken. Never have I ever been perfect, I always had my chips...but now I am broken completely. The dam that held the waves of insecurity, finally breaking, bringing forth an overwhelming wall of emotion that crashed down on my, leaving me in pieces. 
I'm left...unlovable. You can't tell me otherwise. Everyone avoids the broken products on the shelves, instead reaching out for the perfectly packaged beauties elsewhere. I am not perfect. I'm nowhere near. Scars line my body, from when my emotions bled through the wounds which I created in hopes that some of the pressure would be relieved. My smile, is crooked and fake. Put on too many times when there was no happiness to grease the gears. My smile is rusted in place, constantly hiding the true emotions which control me. My voice is cracked, too many laughs forced through a throat that aimed to sob. My clothes are stained with the very tears I aimed to hide, because they refused to stay hidden, so I had to quickly wipe them away before they were seen. Pieces of my mind lay at my feet, pulled away by my very hands, because the pain inside hurt so much, I tried to dull it by causing more. The skin under my nails, dirty with dried blood, from when I scratched at my arms until they bled, because I needed to know that I was still alive. 
I am broken and unlovable. I can love others, but they'll never love me...

The Feelings Which Flow Through MeWhere stories live. Discover now