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I am a ghost to your world. My presence is slight...flickering, like the flame which is the fire of my heart is slowly dying, and I alongside it. I float, constantly unsure of my own existence, and as I pass through the days I find it harder and harder to believe that one day I could be whole with you.
My touch is nonexistent to you. The parts of me you see are those which I allow you to see, because if I show you too much youd see just how lost, and torn I am.
It seems that no matter how much I scream and shout, only a select few of my words get through, and I'm left to fade in and out of existence, my questions, unanswered and and left to knaw at and through my heart, creating a gaping hole which I fear soon, not even you could fill.
I love you, even though I'm losing myself to this neverending life ofa ghost. How much longer until I fade away forever?
I'm willing to risk it all...for someone that I barely even know. I observe as best I can, but all I see nothing aside from the surface of your skin. I've tried to look past that, but I'm a ghost. I can't penetrate the surface unless you let me, and you refuse me even that.

The Feelings Which Flow Through MeWhere stories live. Discover now