2. Con, you always embarrass me

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It's been years, and yet she still is the most fucking magnificent thing I've seen, Nicky, my neighbor, the one that got away, the one who friend zoned me from day one, I guess I can't blame her for it, since I never made my intentions known to her, well except for that one night before our senior year, not that she will ever recall it.

After everything went down years ago the scholarship in Melbourne seemed like a blessing, or so I thought. The entire time I haven't stopped thinking about her, she is the reason I've never had a stable enough relationship, she's the one I compare everyone else with.

I actually thought I had begun to forget a little, to heal and be ready and find a new love, but one look at Nicole and am a goner all over again, she's still the gorgeous girl I remember, but you can appreciate the new curves on her figure, she got bigger breasts, her ass looks spectacular in that pencil skirt she wears, and her hair, I always loved her long chocolate brown hair, it looks silkier than I remember, longer, hotter. One look at those blue doe eyes still make me a buffoon in her presence, it's like as if she might look like a grown up, but that innocent girl is still there, waiting. Is it too foolish of myself to believe she's waiting for me?

Of course it is, and I got the answer when I meet Tarzan boy, her new boyfriend AKA Bennet Higgins.

Has the dude never heard of a hair cut?, or a little trim? the guy so fucking hairy, it's barbaric,  what kind of a taste does Nic has these days in man? does she like men or monkeys, because right now she's dating a bloody ape.

Problem is the dude seemed nice, aside from his clear lack of a razor and a hair cut, heck maybe some nose tweezers too, I got along with him fine, the little shit wouldn't even let me hate him at peace, we work in the same section, he also likes sports, so I found myself getting a new work buddy.

Maybe she likes him cause he's just the type she used to talk about from her books, the stereotypical blonde quarterback, damn it makes me angry just to think of them together, but for now all I can be for her is a friend again, could that ever be enough?

I haven't been that long here at Morning New York just a month or so,  and it seems like all I've been good at is at arguing with Nicky, I mean common the woman is relentless, she seems determined to avoid me, and like the prick I tend to be, I won't let her forget am here.

"Guys today am gonna need volunteers for our new project, so I will be telling you about them and then I will call for volunteers alright?.." Jim our boss said to the table full of reporters.

I ignored most of the tasks he was talking about, but the skydiving picked my interest, I haven't done it in a while and I loved that moment of clarity and freedom it brought to fly though the clouds.

"So, are you from Australia originally?" asked Tarzan I mean Ben trying to make a conversation interrupting my thoughts.

"No, am actually from Ireland, but I moved here when I was 13, and I went to Australia for college on a scholarship" I said trying my best to focus on Bennet talking but my eyes kept on going back to Nicky, just looking at her makes me feel at home, dammit.

The conversation kept getting more boring just like the meeting until I just couldn't take it anymore and just decided to talk to Nicole, I mean I just wanted to fluster her a little, she looks so cute all red and embarrassed.

"So Bennet how did you get Nicole here to date you, cause If my memory serves me right she's horrible at flirting"

"I am not" she said angry.

"Really cause I remember that Halloween party at school where you dressed up as cinderella with a blonde wig and Aaron Johnson tried to hit on you with that line, what did he said exactly Nic?" She was so red, I love that she still remember the story, I know she does just by that look in her eyes.

"He said 'am loving the whole blonde hair, blue eyes thing' but hey I was nervous and I wasn't prepared for the most popular guy in school to talk to me alright"

"I think thats cute babe don't worry" Bennet said trying to reassure her.

"Buddy you don't know what she said back, she got so tongue tied that the first thing she thought of answering was 'so did Hitler, and look how that turned out' I believe he retreated slowly after that... he was a jew" I was about to blow up in laughter as Nicole tried to say something as Bennet bit on his tongue to avoid the chuckle too.

At the same time  Jim asked about volunteers for the skydiving experience Bennet Nicole and I were the ones who got it, I tried to make Nicky to drop out of it, because I know how much she hates this kinds of terrifying experiences, yet when she said she totally wanted to try it, I got even more turned on than before, I guess people can really change.

We where all set to make the jump in with the famous  Long Island Skydiving center, as it turns out Nic decided to go first, I was nervous as fuck about it, but then she got in position, so I thought everything was fine, she can definitely do it right?...

WRONG, so fucking wrong...

The go pro's attached to the instructors to transmit live got turned on and we were officially on air, yet as soon as she jumped we got a radio transmission from her coach that she had passed out, but everything was fine, and that paramedics where waiting for her upon landing.

I just heard that she had fainted, and next thing that happened I grabbed my equipment and I was falling down too, so fast I might have died if it wasn't for the instructor with me that pulled open the parachute.

When I touched land, I untangled as fast as I could from the suit I was wearing and I ran like hell to get to the ambulance, I avoided every camera and jumped over so many equipments, I don't know how I didn't break anything, thankfully I made it just in time to get in with her as we went to the  hospital.

"Are you sure you are ok Nicky?" I asked for the 100th time.

"It's Nicole, and like I've told you many times before, yes, am perfectly fine, I just fainted due to shock of the fall to the freaking unknown, so now you can just go alright". Trying to make me leave is like asking a freaking bull not to fallow the red fabric, I would never leave her in a time of need.

"It's fine mate, I can take care of her, plus they'll let her go in a few hours" Bennet the ape said.

"I know bud, but I will stick around till the they release her" I said bitting the words that almost scape me to send the ass away from her.

"I'll go get us some coffee then Nicole, is there anything you want Gibran?" he asked.

"No, thank you am alright" finally he left the room leaving us alone for the first time since I came back, it seemed we never had a private moment before now, it's been so long.

"You really can leave Gigi, am really ok, I feel fine"as if I would leave her alone in the hospital... that monkey of hers doesn't count. Wait, she actually called me one of my old nicknames, maybe she will forgive me for leaving and we could start over, maybe things will go well.

"Look Nicole I feel like I.-" Jim came rushing inside the emergency room with a stack of papers in hand.

"Here are my favorite reporters!" he announced

"Am so sorry about the segment Jim, it won't happen again, I was just-" Nic didn't even got to end her sentence, the man was on a mission.

"It's fine Nicole look at the numbers, the viewers loved the whole thing, besides the chemistry of you two, and the daring jump Gibran here made to get in the ambulance with you! OH MY GOD, kids you were pure gold, we have to try another piece again with you two to test if this was just a one time thing or a steady deal"

I don't know who was more flabbergasted, Nicky just looked at me and we just nodded as fools at Jim, I guess I'll get to spend more time with her now, I only hope nothing like today happens again.

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