English Language Paper 1: Reading section

72 1 0

Question 1:

-5 marks

-5 minutes

-Small extract

-List/bullet points

-Use full sentences

-Start sentences with the subject (e.g. she/he/name)

-Will be more information than required for the answers

Question 2/4:

- How question

-Use relevant subject terminology:

- Adjectives

- Verbs

- Word choice

- Adverbs


- Exaggeration

- How it starts/ ends

- Punctuation

- Sensory language

-Write as many quotes as there are marks per question

-range of quotes – From the beginning, middle and end of each extract

-Analyse specific language that links to the question

-Short quotes – one word/ phrase is good

-5 mark question needs less detail than the 10 mark question in the analysis

Question 3:

-Impressions question

-Use relevant subject terminology

-Impression – Technique & quote – Connotations (structure of answer)

-Talk about WHY the author uses specific words for effect or to show specific things in the character/setting

Question 5:

-Evaluation question

-15 mins

-Easier to agree with the statement than to disagree

-7-10 quotes

-Ensure you leave enough time to answer this question

-Use quotes from throughout the whole text

-Make sure quotes and analysis are relevant to the question

-Refer to the text but subject terminology is not required

-Techniques do not need to be used

-Say I think and I feel

-Use the lines in the question as well as the passage as a whole

-Work methodically throughout the text from the beginning to the end but make sure that you get to the end of the text

-Rephrase the question to make it easier to answer for you to understand and answer in your mind

-One word/ two-word quotes

-Start with a sentence stating how much you agree with the statement

-Track through the text

-Every sentence makes a clear point that is backed up with evidence and answers the question

-Finish with overall question to sum up all the points that you have made

-Examiners like if you comment on change in character throughout the WHOLE extract

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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