A Date With A BBW Part 1 First Date

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Jake reread Maxine's message, trying to understand it one last time before he left for their date. "I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person, Jake." The message read. "But I promise I won't hold it against you if you see me and decide to leave without sitting down."

He shook his head. It was a weird message. Why would I just leave? The two of them had been exchanging messages for months, and Jake thought she was amazing. She was smart and funny and thoughtful, and they had a lot in common, including a love of horror movies. And they'd video chatted, so he knew she was attractive. She was chubby, but she had a nice face, with dark hair and hazel eyes. He couldn't think of anything that would make Maxine think he'd just walk out on her. Shrugging, Jake headed out without even glancing in the mirror.

He was attractive, tall with a decent build, but never one to worry over his looks.
When he entered the restaurant he looked around, trying to spot Maxine's familiar face in the crowd.
And then he saw her, and he understood what she'd meant in her last message.

Maxine was... Huge. There wasn't any other word for it. Jake couldn't even begin to guess what she weighed. Her face was fat, her cute dimples creasing her cheeks as she made eye contact with him. He'd known she was heavier than the women he usually dated. But Jake had decided he was okay with Maxine being a little chubby. She was still cute, and she made him laugh, and he'd never been someone who was particularly interested in outward appearances anyway.

But this--this was a whole new level of fat. She was obese. Her mammoth legs were spread wide to make space for the overfed belly that spilled between them, hanging well below the seat of the chair that creaked precariously as she stood to greet him.
"Jake." She said shyly. "I'm glad you came."

On autopilot, he'd made his way across the room to Maxine before he'd realized he could have just left. Should have just left.
"I'm glad too." Jake said, his cheeks turning pink at the lie.
Maxine started to lean forward at the same time he held out his hand and then they both laughed awkwardly and she held out her hand as he leaned in to hug her. "I'm sorry." Jake murmured, wondering if other people were watching their awkward encounter.

"I didn't mean to--" Maxine looked almost as embarrassed as Jake felt, and then they both leaned in to hug each other and he felt himself enveloped in warm softness. It wasn't a horrible feeling, but Jake couldn't help but notice how he sank into her smooth flesh.
"You look amazing." Maxine observed as they parted.
"Thank you." Jake said, smiling. "You look--" He broke off, trying to think of something complimentary that wouldn't lead her on.

"I don't look like you thought." Maxine finished, sitting down heavily. "It's okay. I know what you must be thinking."
Jake felt embarrassed, not only for himself, but for Maxine as well. It must be so hard to go out knowing your date would almost certainly walk out on you. "Your face looks like I remember." He said finally, smiling. It was true. Her face was still the chubby cheeked one he'd liked in their video chats. He'd just had no idea it sat atop such an immense body.

Maxine shook her head, smiling. "I can tell you're put off, and it's okay, Jake. I'm not offended. But you're here now. Why don't we just have lunch. As friends?"
Jake nodded, appreciating that she was giving him an easy out. "Lunch sounds okay." He decided. "It's nice to see you in real life."
Maxine smiled. "It's nice to know there are people out there who like zombie movies as much as I do."

"And vampire flicks." Jake added, smiling. They ordered their food and Jake was surprised that she ordered an ordinary amount of food. He'd assumed someone as big as she was would order half the menu.
"Did you hear they're making a zombie vampire crossover movie?" Maxine asked when their food came.
Jake looked curious. "Like 'I am Legend'?"

"Technically those were vampires." She pointed out. "They just behaved like zombies."
Jake nodded. "That's true. I tend to think of the animal like vampires in that movie as zombies, and the human like vampires as vampires."
"They were a lot like zombies." Maxine agreed as they ate. "But this new movie includes vampires and zombies as fully developed separate characters."

"Really?" Jake asked, taking a bite of her chicken. "That sounds awesome." He paused. "Maybe we could see it together when it comes out. As friends."
"That sounds good." Maxine said, sounding surprised that he wanted to go out with her again, even as friends.
They talked through their entire lunch, never running out of things to talk about. And as they chatted, the awkward pauses diminished.

"Do you... Do you want to see a movie?" Jake asked when they stepped outside the restaurant. He was thrown off again by just how big she was now that they were standing, but he knew there was a theatre playing a vampire movie just a couple of blocks away.
"That sounds good." Maxine said, smiling at him. "At the Megaplex?" When Jake nodded she smiled. "I don't know if you drove here but I could drive us there and drop you off back here if you'd like."

"I walked, actually. I don't live far." Jake admitted as they walked to the parking lot. If he had been with anyone other than Maxine he would have walked to the theatre too, but he doubted her fat legs were used to walking that far.
When they reached her car Jake got in and buckled up, turning to watch Maxine slowly lower her bulk into the car. He felt the shocks give way as she sat and he was surprised she was as mobile as she was.

It's too bad she's so fat. He thought sadly, watching her cram her huge body behind the wheel. She's great to be around, but I don't think I could ever-- he shook his head to himself as they drove the short distance to the theatre.
"I'll grab the tickets." Maxine said as she climbed out of the car.
"I'll grab the tickets." Jake corrected her. She'd insisted on paying for lunch. He definitely wasn't letting her pay for the movie too.

Before he could second guess himself he offered her his arm so he could match her slow gait, and he was surprised at how soft her arm was. Although she was leaning on him a bit more than he'd expected, her skin was softer than he'd known skin could be.
"I heard this movie is good." He said quietly as they made their way into the theatre. "I like when movie makers can seamlessly put two genres together."

Maxine nodded as he held the door for her. "I agree. It's not easy to blend comedy and horror, but when it's done it's usually great."
Jake paid for their tickets and they made their way to their seats. As Jake sat, he automatically pushed up the armrest that was down in the middle of the loveseat, realizing that it'd be a tight squeeze for Maxine if he didn't.

When she sat down he realized it was kind of a tight squeeze even with the armrest up. Good thing I'm skinny. He thought, smiling as her lovehandles filled the available space. "Sorry." Maxine said, her cheeks flushing in the dim light. "Do you have enough room?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Jake said, not wanting to embarrass her.

The movie was good, but Jake was distracted. He felt horrible about it but he couldn't help but be curious about Maxine, sneaking little glances at her from the corner of his eye.

She's huge! He'd never seen someone her size, and it was kind of fascinating. Her belly stretched far in front of her and out to the sides, literally pressing into Jake. Her love handles took up so much space her arms rested on top of them, her chubby fingers pressing into her swollen skin through her oversized shirt. The roll that spilled into Jake curved over his toned thigh, warm and soft, and surprisingly heavy.

I wonder how much she weighs. He thought, looking at her silhouette. She must be over five hundred pounds. Over six hundred? I wonder if someone her size can still have sex. He felt his cheeks heating up as he tried to picture how sex with Maxine would work. Wouldn't her weight crush a guy if she was on top? And if she was on the bottom would the she need to lift her belly up to give the guy access?

He felt embarrassed for Maxine, but a part of him was really curious. Could I lift her belly up? He wondered, wishing he could test the weight of one of his rolls. She was only resting a couple of inches of fat on his leg, but it felt really heavy. If she wasn't so soft he imagined it would hurt to have her weight on him, but instead it was just... warm, and kind of comforting. He imagined it was a bit like one of those weighted blankets people with anxiety used.

He forced himself to focus on the movie, even though he was more interested in his oversized companion.
"What did you think of it?" Maxine asked, turning to him when the movie ended.
"Oh. The movie?" Jake asked, distracted by the fact that when Maxine turned to him she accidentally shifted even more of her soft fat onto him. "I liked it."

Maxine reached one hand around her swollen gut and pulled herself off of him. "Sorry." She said, her cheeks turning red. "Sometimes I forget how big I am."
"It's okay." Jake said honestly, patting her soft arm as the theatre emptied out. "I'm always cold, but you're kind of like a hot water bottle."
Maxine laughed, touching her soft middle self deprecatingly. "I think I'm more like a hot water bed." She joked.
Jake smiled. "You're thinner than Pearl is in Blade." He pointed out playfully.

Maxine made a face at him, but he could tell she wasn't upset. "Gee, I guess that's something to be proud of."
Jake stuffed his hands into his pocket awkwardly. "Do you--do you want to grab coffee or something?" He asked, blushing. "We could talk about the movie."
Maxine nodded, her chubby cheeks dimpling as she smiled. "I'd like that."

The short trip to the coffee shop was fascinating for Jake. Everything was a little slower and a little harder with Maxine, but he could barely take his eyes off of her. Even getting out of a movie theatre seat was so different with Maxine. Jake had stood up first, sliding out from under her soft rolls. Then Maxine had moved forward in her seat, her huge belly spilling forward, but then she had to shift her weight a few times before she could get up.
Jake tried to pretend he hadn't noticed but it was hard.

I am not this person. He told himself as Maxine managed to get to her feet. I don't stare rudely at people like they're in a sideshow.
"Sorry." Maxine said, obviously noticing that he'd been watching.
"Don't worry about it." Jake said, holding out his arm guiltily. "I'm having a nice time."

It was true. And the rest of the afternoon was just as nice. Maxine was funny and kind, and sitting across from her, Jake could almost pretend that she was just a little chubby, most of her body hidden behind the table.
But then when they got up to leave and Maxine struggled to get up, he was reminded of just how huge she was.
"I had a really nice time." Jake said truthfully when they pulled into his driveway.

"I did too." Maxine agreed. "Do you still want to see that zombie vampire movie when it comes out?" She paused. "As friends."
"Yeah, of course." Jake told her, smiling. "Um, we can still talk over the Internet, but can I get your number? Text is probably faster."
Maxine smiled and gave him her number, and he immediately texted her so she'd have his number as well. "It was really nice finally meeting you in person." Maxine told him, looking a little embarrassed. "Sorry about--I mean, I probably should have told you--"

Jake put his hand on her hand and shook his head. "Don't be sorry." He paused. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but if you'd told me.... I mean I probably wouldn't have made the date, and then we wouldn't have met." He smiled at her sincerely. "And that would have been horrible."
Maxine smiled. "I'm glad we met too, even if it's just as friends."

Jake smiled and leaned over to hug her goodbye. It was awkward to do in a car, but he knew it wasn't easy for her to get in and out of the car so he wanted to save her the effort. "Thanks for a great afternoon." He said as he hugged her, his body sinking into her soft warm body. Because of the angle they were on, his right hand, stretched across her vast belly, had ended up under her left breast, and even through her shirt he could feel how soft it was. As he pulled out of the hug he let his hand drift across her swollen belly, unable to restrain his curiosity about her body.

"I'll call you." Maxine said with a smile. "I had a really good time."
When Jake went inside he felt a warmth in his stomach. She's great. I really am glad we met, even if we're never going to date.
Curious, he checked to see when the zombie vampire movie was coming out, and he was disappointed to see it wasn't out for over a month.
He frowned and started looking for other zombie or vampire movies playing nearby.


This was originally written with the genders reversed (I'm a hetero FFA) So if I messed up on switching the genders anywhere feel free to point it out so I can correct it. Thanks!

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