A Date With a BBW Part 3 The Twentieth Date

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Maxine grabbed a box of chocolates, and then, thinking about it, put it back and picked up an even bigger box of chocolates. Although she knew her boyfriend would love them, she knew he'd also encourage her to eat some, and she knew she wouldn't be able to resist. This way, she figured she could have some and there would still be some left over for his more moderate appetite.

When her phone beeped she reached into her pocket and checked her texts. Can't wait for tonight. Jake texted. Me neither. She texted back, smiling. See you soon.

At his house, Jake was feeling excited and a little nervous. If things went according to plan, tonight was going to be the night, and he had been waiting for it for what felt like ages. Although generally a little reserved in his sexual experiences, Jake had never been more impatient for sex than he was with Maxine. Although they'd both agreed to take things slow, it had almost killed him to wait. Maxine was without a doubt the sexiest woman he'd ever dated. Just thinking about her turned him on, and now at long last they were ready.

Jake put the finishing touches on the table and stepped back to admire his work. In anticipation of their big night he'd cooked a huge meal with appetizers and two different desserts. He wanted everything to be perfect, and it was. All he needed was for Maxine to show up.
As if she'd been waiting for her cue, the doorbell rang and Jake answered the door. His smile widened as he saw his girlfriend filling the doorway, and she did a great job of filling it. "Hi, Jake." She said, holding out a huge box of chocolates. "You look amazing."

Jake took the chocolates, looking her over from head to toe. "You look gorgeous." He said honestly, leaning over to kiss her. He felt her delicious softness as she leaned into him, her huge belly filling his arms, her chubby hands pulling him further into her soft adipose.

When he finally pulled away he smiled, taking a couple of steps back so she could squeeze through the doorway. "Dinner is ready." He told her, his eyes hungrily taking her in as she waddled into the entryway.

Maxine was immense. By far the biggest person Jake had ever seen, she was not merely fat, not merely obese, but morbidly obese, her huge form filling the majority of the entryway.
As Jake led her down the short hallway to the eat in kitchen, he couldn't help but sneak a few glances behind him as Maxine lumbered through the narrow hall. She was so big she had to sway her heavy belly from one side to the other to move her legs forward, and the effect was mesmerizing. Jake loved watching her swollen gut move beneath her shirt, sometimes peeking out the bottom. He loved the way her overflowing breasts jiggled with every step. He loved the way she had to kind of twist to even fit in the hallway.

Things were much easier at Maxine's house, which had been designed with her size in mind, all wide doorways and halls, and solid, reinforced furniture. But he loved when Maxine came over, his ordinary apartment serving to emphasize her enormous size.
"Wow. Everything looks so good." Maxine said honestly as she made it to the kitchen. She settled her bulk on a chair that creaked under the strain of her weight, and Jake felt himself becoming embarrassingly turned on.

"I made you some of your favourites." Jake told her, putting a milkshake next to her coke. "I hope you brought your appetite."
Maxine smiled. "I always bring my appetite". She teased, accepting the huge plate of deep fried appetizers he offered her.

"Good. I like a woman with a big appetite." Jake said, sitting next to her and putting his hand on the small amount of blubbery knee that was still visible beneath her overfed belly.
"I have a big everything." Maxine reminded him.
"I know." Jake said, sliding more food onto her plate, so nervous about their evening plans that he ate even less than usual.

Maxine, however, outdid herself. She was nervous too, but her nerves showed themselves as they always did, by eating far more than the average person. By the time Jake was bringing out dessert, she was already so full her stomach ached, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings. "That looks so good." She told him as he piled whipped cream on a huge slice of pecan pie.
"I made cake too." Jake told her, putting a giant slab of chocolate cake on her plate. "And you can't have cake without ice cream."

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