A Date With a BBW Part 2 The Second Date

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Jake made himself wait until the next day before messaging Maxine to see if she was available to video chat.
"Hey, I'm glad you called." Maxine said when she opened their video chat.
"I had a lot of fun yesterday." Jake said honestly, smiling at her chubby face. Her hair was shining, her cheeks a little flushed, and she looked adorable.
"I did too." Maxine said, smiling. "It was nice to finally meet you in person."

Jake smiled. "It was nice to meet you in person too." He said honestly.
"So I know we just saw each other yesterday, but there's a vampire movie playing at the theatre on First and Highview." Jake said hopefully. "I wondered if you'd want to see it?"
"At First and Highview?" Maxine repeated, her smile disappearing. "I don't think so. Maybe another time."

"Oh." Jake said, realizing that she was brushing him off. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed--" Jake shook his head, hoping his cheeks weren't as red as they felt.
Maxine shook her head, seeing that she'd hurt his feelings. "No, it's not--it's not you, Jake." She protested.
"No. It's okay." Jake said, feeling stupid for thinking she was interested in him. For assuming he had the upper hand and could call her up even though he'd rejected her. "I just--I thought it looked like a movie you might like."

"No, you're right." Maxine said, trying to backpedal. "It's totally my type of movie."
"Oh." Jake said, feeling embarrassed. If the movie sounds good and she's still reluctant, then it's me. She doesn't want to see me.
Maxine saw the look on his face. "Jake, I promise, it's not what you think." She shook her head, cheeks flushing. "It's the movie theatre." She admitted, hating herself, but not wanting him to feel bad.

"The movie theatre." Jake repeated, his voice flat, clearly trying to not look hurt.
"It's--" Maxine shook her head, deciding to just tell him the truth. "That theatre has really small seats." When she saw that he didn't understand she went on, trying to not feel embarrassed. "I can't fit in the seats at that theatre."
Understanding dawned on Jake's handsome face. "Is that really why you don't want to go?" When Maxine nodded he smiled. "That's okay. We don't have to go to the movies. I just--I wanted to hang out."

"Oh." Maxine said, sounding surprised. "Do you maybe want to come over here? I have a lot of horror movies. You could borrow whatever you wanted, or maybe we could watch one."
Jake smiled. "Okay. I think I'd like that."
Maxine gave him the address and as soon as they disconnected she looked around her house, trying to decide what to do first, wanting to make a good impression.

Even though they were just getting together as friends, Jake put on his favourite outfit, one he knew brought out the colour of his eyes.
It's just nice to make yourself look good. He told herself. I'm not trying to impress Maxine.

Maxine's house was nicer than he expected, and quite a bit bigger. Just like Maxine. He thought, smiling at the huge woman who answered the door.
"Hi." Maxine said, smiling. "I'm glad you came over."
Jake felt himself leaning into her for a hug before he'd really thought about what he was doing. "I'm glad too." He said, feeling how soft and lush she was. "I'm curious about whether you have any movies I haven't seen yet."

"I might have a few you don't have." Maxine said as she led him into her house. "I've been collecting for a while."
Jake glanced briefly around her house as Maxine led him in, but mostly he watched her moving. Her house was really nice, but Jake had seen houses before. But he hadn't seen a woman Maxine's size move about, and he was mesmerized. Although she was completely covered, every time she took a step he could see her belly swaying to the other side so her leg could move forward. And then it would sway in the other direction as she moved her other leg forward.

I wonder how far her stomach hangs down. Jake thought, watching her move. I wonder if it's as soft as the rest of her.
Luckily for Jake the tour took a while. The house was fairly big, and Maxine was fairly slow, so even when she just pointed out various rooms from the hallway it took time. Despite his distraction, Jake noticed that all of the doorways were wide, and all of the furniture was heavy duty, and looked reinforced.

"This is my favourite room." Maxine said as she opened a wide door into what looked like a small movie theatre.
Jake's mouth dropped open. "This is amazing!" He said honestly, looking around. The floor was sloped like a real theatre, with three rows of comfortable reclining couches. There was a movie theatre popcorn maker in the back, and a huge display screen at the front.

"This is where I keep my movies." Maxine said, pressing a computer panel which made a wall of shelves slide out of the wall. On every shelf there were dozens of movies, all in alphabetical order but these shelves only went up to d, so he knew there were more hidden shelves.
"This is amazing!" Jake said honestly, looking through her collection. "So many good movies."

Maxine pressed some buttons on the computer panel and a list of her movies popped up. "Find something you'd like to watch." She suggested.
Jake looked at the computer screen, impressed. "It's hard to pick. There are so many good ones."
"We can watch more than one if you want." Maxine told him. "And you can borrow some if you'd like."
Jake smiled. "Can we make some popcorn?" He asked.

Maxine laughed. "Do I look like I turn down snacks?" She asked, her fat fingers pressing into her overflowing blubber.
Jake laughed too. "No, I guess not."
While Maxine started the popcorn maker Jake picked out three movies.

When they finally sat down with the popcorn Jake smiled at his companion. "I think you have just about every scary movie ever made."
"Pretty close." She admitted. "I like the ones you picked."
Jake nodded, smiling. "I picked one I haven't seen, one classic horror movie, and my all time favourite movie."
"Really?" Maxine asked, smiling at him.

"Yeah. It's so good. Lots of suspense, great plot, well developed characters, tons of jump scares." Jake explained. "What's not to like?"
Maxine smiled before she pressed the buttons to turn down the lights and the first movie on.
As they watched they ate the popcorn but as the first movie progressed he felt himself moving closer to the big woman, feeling the warmth from her body as he put his arm along the back of her seat.

When the movie ended he was right next to her, close enough that he could have touched her swollen belly if he wanted to. And a part of him did want to.
No. You don't. He told herself as Maxine got up to grab the next movie. She's not your type.

But he couldn't help but smile at the little bit of belly that peeked out below her shirt as she reached for the movie. It jiggled as she moved and he suddenly wanted to touch it, to see if it was as incredibly soft as it looked. She's so cute. He thought. But then he caught himself. It's not cute. He reminded himself. It's... It's weird. It's gross. She's morbidly obese, and you're not attracted to her.
But he knew he didn't really believe that. Somehow he thought her weight was kind of endearing.

He couldn't help himself. He wanted to reach out and touch her skin and slide his fingers under her soft belly. He wanted to feel the weight of it in his hands, big and soft and warm and heavy.
He blinked, looking away from the way her shirt had caught on her swelling belly, telling himself he shouldn't feel this way.
But when they started the next movie he couldn't stop himself from sitting just inches away from her, close enough that the heavy fat of her upper arm occasionally rubbed against him.

At the first jump scare she grabbed his arm, which made Jake smile and move closer. By the end of the movie he was practically holding her, one hand around her doughy back and the other pressed to her oversized belly. He told himself it was just because the movie scared him, but somewhere deep inside, he knew that wasn't it.

They talked for a bit in between the movies, and when they say down again Jake smiled, hoping the dim lights diminished the red in his cheeks. "You're a good person to watch scary movies with." He said, sitting right next to her, slipping his arm around the back of her chair as she leaned into him.
As the movie started, however, he let his hands trail down her arm, one slipping into her fat hand while the other pressed softly into her full belly.

At his favourite part, the scariest part of the whole movie, Maxine jumped, cuddling into his side as if for protection. But suddenly Jake wasn't afraid anymore. All he could feel was the heavy soft arm spilling onto him, the warm, sagging breast that was so big it pressed into him, and the huge, swelling belly his arms were wrapped around. And it felt good. Better than anything Jake could have imagined. But he wanted more. So much more.
He turned to look at Maxine, smiling because he needed to shift his body from under some of her rolls in order to look at her properly.

Unable to resist, Jake leaned in to kiss her, feeling a twinge in his pants. The kiss was amazing, and while they kissed Jake let his hands explore her body hesitantly through her shirt, feeling just how big she truly was.
So soft. He thought as his hand slid up to rub the heavy roll beneath her breast through the fabric of her shirt.
"You're so good looking." Maxine murmured, her lips pressed against his neck.

"You're gorgeous." Jake said honestly as he tried to shift position. He'd intended to pull her into his lap so she could press herself completely against him as they made out, but she was far too wide, her blubbery belly filling up far too much of the couch, and he ended up filling his lap to overflowing with her warm soft blubber.

The realization that he was completely covered by her enormous belly despite the fact that she was still in her seat sent a jolt through his body and Jake jerked back in surprise as he climaxed, one hefty breast flowing over his hand.
"Are you okay?" Maxine asked, concerned, worried that somehow she'd crushed him under her immense belly.
Jake was embarrassed, sliding away from her engorged belly, shocked by the fact that he'd just climaxed in his pants--and by the realization that he was already turned on again.

"I'm sorry." Maxine said, assuming she'd done something wrong.
Jake shook his head as he stared at the end credits of the movie, one hand still pressed into an overflowing roll, the other covering his embarrassing stain. "You didn't do anything wrong." He promised, his cheeks heating up as he realized he was already standing at attention.
They sat together quietly until the credits ended and subdued lights came on.

"What are you thinking?" Maxine asked, watching his face.
"I don't know." Jake admitted. "This is confusing."
Maxine nodded understandingly. "I can understand that."
"I just--you're so big." Jake said, looking at her chubby face, wanting to caress her fat cheek.

Maxine smiled ruefully. "I am big." She admitted. "And it's okay if you're not attracted to me. I won't be upset if--"
"No. I didn't say that." Jake said quickly, embarrassed by his fast response. "It's just a lot to think about." He smiled and softly touched her overflowing belly. "You're a lot to think about."

"Take all the time you need." Maxine told him. "I've had my whole life to get used to being this size." She patted her stomach and Jake smiled. She was so huge he could see her fat rippling through her shirt, and all he wanted to do was pull her shirt up so he could see her naked skin rippling. Why am I feeling this way? He wondered. I'm not attracted to fat women. Am I?
"Were you always heavy?" He asked, genuinely curious.

Maxine nodded. "I was always the fattest kid in class." She admitted. "I used to diet all the time, but it never seemed to work."
"That must have been hard." Jake said sympathetically, secretly glad the diets didn't work.
"Sometimes it was." Maxine said. "It's a lot easier now that I accept myself for who I am."
Jake nodded, thinking about all their online conversations.

"I just--I need to be with someone who accepts me this way, Jake." Maxine said seriously. "I'm a fat girl, and that's probably not going to change. I like you a lot, but I want to be with someone who likes me as I am, not in spite of who I am."
Jake frowned, thinking about their friendship. Thinking about her big, soft, warm body. Thinking about how it had felt to be crushed beneath someone so immense he couldn't reach anything but fat.

"I don't want you to change." He said honestly, the hand on her side rubbing gently. "I think--I think I really like you this way." He paused before looking up at her shyly. "I kind of need a new pair of pants."
"What?" Maxine asked, confused. Then she looked at his hand covering his obvious erection, noticing the dampness. She laughed, but it wasn't a mean laugh. "If you go into the spare room my brother has some clothes in the closet." She told him, a smile dimpling her fat face. "Take what you need."

Jake quickly changed his pants, trying to not feel humiliated by his arousal. He managed to calm himself down, then he returned to the theatre where his date was still overflowing the couch.
Maxine looked up as he returned, frowning. "You like me this way?" She asked, gently shaking her belly for emphasis.
Both of them were surprised when Jake put his hands out to feel her jiggling.

Jake flushed as he realized he was aroused again, his hands deep in her blubber, warm even through her shirt. "I didn't think I was attracted to you yesterday. I'd never seen anyone your size, much less been attracted to someone this big." He admitted, pulling his hands away, ashamed. "But I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I thought I was just curious because... Well, because you're so heavy--but now..." He shook her head, confused.

Maxine was amazed. She knew there were men out there who were into fat girls. Even into girls as big as she was. But the few she'd met up with hadn't seen her as a person. They'd seen her as a mountain of fat, and all they wanted to do was stuff her. It had been okay at first, and Maxine had enjoyed not only being allowed to gain, but encouraged to gain.

And with one of the men she'd gained a ton of weight, packing on the pounds so fast they could barely keep her in clothes. She'd loved it, she really had. For the first time in her life outgrowing clothes had felt like an accomplishment, and he'd rewarded her by stuffing her even more, begging her to get even fatter.

Maxine, a natural gainer with a big appetite, had let herself go, indulging her every craving for the first time in her life, but eventually she realized she wanted more. She wanted someone who liked her as a person, who shared her interests, who wanted a relationship, not just an ever growing pet pig.
And when she expressed her concern he left her, a hundred pounds heavier, and infinitely lonelier.
Maxine touched Jake's muscular back. "It's okay." She told him. "You don't have to figure it all out now."

Jake nodded, not looking convinced. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't fair to you."
Maxine laughed, her huge belly rippling at the movement. "I just had a gorgeous, funny guy put his hands all over me and kiss me." She pointed out. "I'm not complaining."
Jake smiled and reached one hand out to touch her, enjoying the six inches of exposed belly she had on display.

"That was my favourite movie." He told her, pointing to the now blank screen. "It takes a lot to distract me from a good movie, but I just couldn't keep my hands to myself. You just look--and feel--so good."
Maxine gave him a curious look. "Is that really your favourite movie?"
Jake nodded. "Yeah, I've always loved it." He smiled. "That's definitely the first time I've ever been distracted during it."

"It's--it's mine." Maxine admitted shyly.
"It's your favourite too?" Jake asked happily, testing the weight of one of her rolls as they talked. "You have good taste in movies."
"No. I mean I wrote it. It's my movie." Maxine explained. "I write screenplays."

"You wrote it?" Jake asked, genuinely surprised. "It's amazing! I love the characters, and they way their relationship developed throughout the movie. And I love how the plot blends the different genres so well. How did you come up with the imagery in the opening scene?"
Maxine laughed at his endless questions. "Well, as you can see from my collection, I've had a lot of inspiration." She said, smiling as she put her fat hand on his waist. "I've always liked writing. I've done a bunch of movies, a couple of articles, and one novel."

Jake's eyes widened. "Are you serious? Which movies did you write?"
Maxine smiled and they began talking about her various writing credits, comparing different genres and plot lines from her work. While they talked Jake's hands were sliding across her belly, clearly enjoying her topography as much as the conversation.
"How are you still single?" Jake asked suddenly, shaking his head. "You're the complete package."

Maxine laughed. "Not many men look past the packaging." She reminded him, running one hand across her vast stomach.
"The packaging is part of the appeal." Jake told her, squeezing her hand on top of her swollen middle. He leaned into her, kissing her again, this time pulling her body towards him, loving the feel of her warm belly filling her lap.
"I don't usually--" Jake pulled back a bit. "But can we maybe take this somewhere more comfortable?"

Maxine nodded. Somewhere beneath her bulk she could feel how turned on Jake was, and she had to admit she was too.
Jake watched her struggle to get up, smiling and tugging her shirt back down over her overgrown belly. "Sorry about that." Maxine said, a little embarrassed at him seeing her struggle beneath her own weight. "It can be difficult to get up sometimes."
Jake shook his head and slid his arms as far around her as they'd go. "It's cute." He reassured her. "I like the way you move."

Maxine smiled at him, amazed at how quickly he'd changed from being turned off to suddenly being curious about her body. "You've really never dated a fat girl before?" She asked, not sure which answer made her the least comfortable. She didn't want him to turn out to be a closet feeder, interested only in stuffing her, but she was also nervous about how he'd feel when the reality of her size set in.
Jake smiled at her, her beautiful eyes clouded over for a moment. "Not till now." He admitted, smiling. "But I'm looking forward to it."

Maxine smiled and led him to her bedroom.
When they got to her room Jake smiled shyly. "I don't know exactly what we're going to do." He admitted, his cheeks flushing. "The couch just didn't seem big enough for us to be comfortable."

Maxine laughed. "Probably not." She admitted. "It's great for watching a movie, but for anything more active I need a little more room."
Jake stepped closer, kissing her before pulling her towards the bed.
As they lay down on their sides Maxine's huge belly spilled onto him. "Your body is amazing," Jake said, enjoying the way gravity worked on her fat at this new angle.

"Not as amazing as yours." Maxine said honestly, kissing him.
They'd take occasional breaks to catch their breath and to talk, but Jake could barely keep his hands off her the entire time.
When Jake stood up in front of her, Maxine struggled to roll onto her back to watch him, and he reached out to rub the huge expanse of flesh revealed by the movement. "You're so sexy." Jake said, kissing her exposed underbelly before pulling off his shirt. "I don't know if I can resist you."

Maxine smiled, looking at him over her mountainous belly. "You're perfect." She said truthfully, turned on.
Jake laughed and carefully climbed up on top of her, kissing her as he moved, loving the feeling of sinking into her hundreds of pounds of blubber.
"You have an amazing body." Maxine said, shyly touching his muscled chest. His chest was every bit as solid as hers was soft and saggy, but they both appreciated the differences.

Jake kissed one of her huge rolls through her shirt, realizing he could barely reach the bed from atop her enormous belly.
"I like this." He said playfully, kissing her fat cheeks. "You're like my own little island."
"Maxine Island." She agreed, moving her big belly back and forth so he could feel her jiggling.

Jake laughed, feeling his erection thrust against her, slightly less embarrassed this time. "I like being on top of Maxine Island." He admitted. "But is there a chance I can find out what it's like to be under Maxine Island?" He asked, feeling a little hesitant.
Maxine frowned, unsure. "I might be too heavy for you." She admitted, rubbing her hands on her own love handles as her arms grew too tired to hold their bulk up high enough to rub Jake.

"I don't think you could ever be too heavy for me." Jake said, incredibly turned on by the dual thoughts of being under her and her being too heavy to be on top.
"We can try." Maxine said doubtfully. She jiggled her belly so he could feel it move. "But this is a lot of weight for anyone to carry."
"I'd like to try." Jake admitted, sliding off to one side. He was in ecstasy as he watched her twist sideways, her blubber spilling onto him as she struggled against the force of gravity on her own body.

After several minutes of struggling, Maxine made it to her feet. She watched his face as she put her hands on the lower edge of her shirt, nervous, but he had his eyes on her overflowing belly. As she lifted the shirt and her blubber spilled out she heard Jake suck his breath in, and then his hands were helping her, tugging her too tight shirt over her immense breasts. "You're huge." He said in awe. "I can't believe you're this big."

He inadvertently leaned into her belly as he helped her pull the shirt over her head, the sleeves catching on her doughy arms. Once her shirt was off he leaned back to take her all in. She was even bigger than he'd imagined, her belly hanging almost to her knees even when standing. She had huge rolls on both sides and he noticed that the left side of her belly hung a little lower than her right side, a quirk he found equal parts adorable and sexy. And her breasts. Her breasts were perfect. They were huge and heavy looking, so swollen with fat that he could barely resist them. Every part of her was covered with stretch marks, testaments to her heavy gains over the years.

Jake began kissing her all over and she pushed him towards the bed with her belly, suddenly turned on by the idea of being on top of him. "Tell me if I'm too heavy for you." She said as her belly pushed him back on the bed.
Jake nodded, laying down so his calves still hung off the end of the bed, barely able to see her chubby face over her immense gut. And then she lifted her huge belly up, stepping closer to him. She slowly started to ease her weight onto him, but as she let go gravity took over and suddenly her blubber burst out of her arms, spilling heavily onto to his waiting form, faster and heavier than she'd intended.

Maxine heard him gasp and she struggled to grab her belly before she crushed him, feeling his body wriggling below hundreds of pounds of fat, but unable to see his face. "Sorry!" She gasped, grabbing armfuls of blubber before she felt his hands stopping her.

"No!" Jake gasped, pulling the fat from her arms. And then she felt his hands sinking between her rolls, pulling her closer, clearly enjoying the weight on him, and she was more turned on than she'd been in years. For his benefit, and her own, Maxine wrapped her arms around one of her heavier rolls, lifting it and dropping it over and over again to send a tidal wave of ripples through her blubber, and even though she couldn't see him she could tell Jake loved it.

When it seemed like Jake had had enough, Maxine lifted her tummy and stepped back slightly before turning and collapsing on the bed, exhausted. "Are you okay?" She asked, looking at Jake over one enormous breast.
"Better than okay." Jake confessed, looking at her in pure ecstasy. "That felt unbelievable." He curved his body around her overflowing belly, rubbing her swollen fat lovingly. "But I think I need to reciprocate."

Maxine watched from on her back as the gorgeous man disappeared behind her gut. She couldn't see him but she could feel his eager hands on her sensitive underbelly, lifting and rubbing various rolls, his hands moving deeper and deeper beneath her overfed belly.
And then she felt his head and shoulder pressed tightly against her heavy apron of fat and he found what he was looking for.
"You are so big!" Jake said appreciatively, his free hand sliding up to explore her rolls as his lower hand began doing amazing things to her.

It had been so long since anyone's hand had made it so far below that Maxine could barely contain herself at Jake's touch and she climaxined earlier than she'd intended. "That was unbelievable." She said, embarrassed. "It's been a while."
Jake cleaned his hand, looking at her curiously. "Can you reach down there?"
"Not with my hand, but I can clean myself under there." She said, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Her embarrassment was unnecessary, however, as Jake seemed to love her answer. "You're enormous." He said in awe, rubbing his hands across the arc of her belly before kissing it. "I'm going to get a cloth to clean you up." He said indulgently.
Too fat to easily move, Maxine lay on her back while he disappeared, and she thought about how lucky she was to have met Jake. That was the first time someone had touched her down there in a long time. Not since the feeder had left and she realized she'd gained so much she could no longer reach her privates. She'd vowed to lose weight after that, but somehow the pounds kept creeping up, and she'd almost forgotten what it felt like to climax.

"Can you lift up?" Jake asked, startling Maxine. She hadn't seen him re-enter, his slim form blocked out by her engorged belly. She obediently reached around her gut and pulled hundreds of pounds of blubber towards her face while he reached his hand underneath, trying to find her most private regions.
"There's so much of you to explore." Jake said, his eyes wide as he surfaced. "I'm not ready right now, but do you think when we are ready for sex we could do it with me on the edge of the bed and you standing?"

Maxine was amazed that he was actually thinking about sex with her. "I think I can do it if you can handle my weight."
"I think I'll like trying." He said, smiling as his cheeks flushed.
"I think I will too." Maxine said honestly as he lay next to her, curving his body around her swelling love handles.

"I wish I'd met you before you gained so much weight." Jake said, tracing her stretch marks with one finger.
"Oh, yeah?" Maxine asked, feeling a little let down that he still wished she were thinner even though he was clearly into her.
"Yeah." Jake said, focussed on her heavy belly, not noticing her shift in mood. "It must have been so amazing to watch you gain, growing bigger and heavier and sexier every day." He said, softly squeezing a handful of blubber. "I would have made sure to kiss every new inch you gained." He said playfully, kissing one of her breasts. "Watching movies and talking about writing, and kissing your stretch marks every day."

Maxine smiled. "What if I was still gaining?" She asked, genuinely curious.
Jake's eyes lit up. "I think that'd be amazing." He said honestly. "But for now let's enjoy your body the way it is." He suggested, caressing her soft skin. "I have a lot of inches to kiss to catch up on before you start growing on me." He teased, kissing her. "We've taken it slow on our online relationship so maybe we can take it slow on the gaining."

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