A Date With a BBW Part 4 The Two Hundredth Date

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He walked across the beach, oblivious to the stares he was getting.
I need to get everything set up and then I'll grab some ice cream. He thought, stretching his arms as he walked.

He set his stuff down and got right to work. As he knelt down to lay out the towels on the mat he'd rolled out, most of the women and some of the men nearby watched his body move, strong and tan in his shorts. He was tall and well built, with some sizable muscles built up over the past year. He had a healthy tan, deep green eyes, and sensual lips, and it was hard to not notice him as he moved about.

But no one approached because they were too intimidated. He was gorgeous and he was obviously waiting for someone.
When the ice cream girl came by she noticed him immediately and was thrilled when he came over to her.

"Hi." He said, his lips curving into a smile. "Can I grab a triple scoop chocolate cone and a large coke?" He asked, pushing his sunglasses up onto his mop of dark hair.
"Of course." She said, grabbing his order. "No charge."
"Really?" He asked, surprised. "Thank you. That's so kind of you."

The ice cream girl was so wrapped up in him that she didn't immediately notice that everyone else's eyes had moved to a new target, and she asked the gorgeous man a question, just for a chance to talk to him.

A woman had walked onto the beach, and like the man, she had every eye on her, but for a very different reason.

With heavy, lumbering steps she waddled down the boardwalk, her immense belly swaying in front of her. Just below the edge of her bikini bottoms her huge thighs spilled over her knees, and right in front of them her belly sagged, soft and swollen and stretch marked. Swollen, jiggling fat spilled through each leg hole of her bikini bottoms, stretching the oversized garment to maximum capacity.

On top of her mountain of a gut sat two watermelon sized breasts that jiggled with every step, shifting back and forth as she counterbalanced her steps across the creaking boards.

While everyone watched, she raised one overflowing, doughy arm up and wiped sweat from her forehead, already tired and hot from walking the few feet from the parking lot. Her multiple chins quivered as she shook her head, her fat cheeks dimpling as she smiled, amused by her predicament.

As the handsome man took a hesitant lick of his cone he noticed the ice cream girl's eyes aim behind him and he turned, seeing the morbidly obese woman as she stepped onto the sand.

"Maxine!" He called, taking several purposeful strides towards her. "I got us all set up." He told her, handing her the ice cream cone, his trim body pressed against her swollen belly. "Come sit under the umbrella, honey." He said, touching her red cheek. "You look hot and tired." He leaned over to kiss her, sliding his arms around her. "Emphasis on hot." He said playfully.

Maxine didn't need to be told twice. She waddled the few remaining steps to their spot, sitting heavily on their towels as everyone around them murmured in surprise. She knew what they were saying, it didn't surprise her. She, too, was surprised that Jake was so into her, but after a year of dating him, she was starting to get used to it.

Jake readjusted the umbrella so Maxine was comfortably shaded, and then he knelt before her huge form. "I'm glad we decided to come to the beach." Jake said as he pulled out their sunscreen. "It's such a gorgeous day."
"Not as gorgeous as you are". Maxine said sincerely, eyeing up his impressive shoulders.

Jake laughed. "You are still such a flirt." He said as he filled his palm with sunscreen.
Everyone on the beach watched as he began applying sunscreen to her enormous body, his hands rubbing increasingly bigger circles in her belly, making sure to get in between her rolls and under her heavy boobs.

Maxine shifted her weight, moving her legs wider to make more room for her belly, loving the feel of his hands on her skin.

"Once you're sunscreened we can get a little sun and then take a dip." Jake suggested, squeezing more sunscreen into his hands and rubbing her distended rolls. "Then I was thinking we'd grab lunch."
"That sounds good." Maxine said agreeably as he moved around to her love handles, getting every fold and every crease.

"Why don't you grab something from the picnic basket?" Jake suggested, seeing that Maxine had finished her cone. "You don't want to eat too close to swimming."
Maxine smiled. "Come on. I'm as big as a whale." She joked, opening the basket and pulling out a sandwich. "I'm sure I can swim like one."

Jake laughed and kissed her as he massaged sunscreen into her soft arm. "You're not quite as big as a whale." He pointed out, moving to the rolls on her back. "At least not yet, but I'm sure with your snacking you'll get there."

"Yeah, you're totally innocent in how heavy I've gotten, huh?" She teased, tilting the basket so the overflowing contents were visible.
Jake wrapped his arms around her neck from behind, one hand dangling across one of her enormous breasts, and he kissed her dimpled cheek. "I just want you to be happy. I know you have a big appetite."

Maxine smiled because it was true. No matter what her weight was, Jake seemed to find her sexually attractive, and he loved making her happy--a task he managed easily and excitedly.

When she'd recently gone to the doctors she hadn't been surprised that she was still in excellent health, but she had been surprised by how much weight she'd gained. She supposed it was natural to let yourself go a bit when you fell in love, but the extra eighty pounds she was now carrying on her already obese body was still a big surprise. Especially since they'd only been dating a year.

"Okay, lift up." Jake said as he made his way back to her front. Maxine obediently lifted her mammoth belly up and he slipped his hands under, rubbing sunscreen into the underside of her blubber. When he finished he put more on her fat face although he'd already done that back in the car.

"There. Perfect." He said, clearly referencing both her sunscreen coverage and her body. He smiled at his girlfriend. "I think my front is pretty well covered just from leaning against you while I sunscreened you, but I don't mind if you do me." He said playfully as he handed her the bottle.

"It's almost empty." She pointed out, squirting a tiny amount into her chubby palm.
Jake laughed. "Well, I had a lot of acreage to cover." He reminded her, turning his back to her, his tanned muscles flexing. Being with Maxine was a challenge that often involved physical labour, but Jake loved it. After a year of helping her up, and lifting her various rolls, his body had become much stronger, his muscles growing almost as fast as her fat. And Maxine could barely resist him.

Maxine felt herself becoming excited as she began rubbing his body. "So, we've been dating a year now." She observed, her fat hands sliding down to his waist. "I've been thinking, maybe we could move in together?"
Jake turned around, his eyes lighting up. "Really?" He asked, excited. "I think it would be amazing to live together."

Maxine nodded. "Would you move in with me? I like your place, but it's a little small."
Jake smiled because he knew she was referring to hallways and doorways, and not the actual square footage. His place had two doorways Maxine was too big to even come close to squeezing through, but her place had been designed with her girth in mind.

"I'd love to move into your place." He said,wrapping his arms around her. "We spend most of our nights with each other anyway." He reminded her. "Plus you already own your house. I just rent."

Maxine smiled, still unable to believe he was into her. "Want to go in the water?" She asked, knowing how much he loved swimming with her.
Jake nodded. "I know we should wait for the sunscreen to sink in, but I don't mind reapplying it." He said playfully.

He watched as Maxine rocked back and forth, struggling to roll onto all fours. Once she made it to her belly Jake held his arms out so she could shift some of her immense weight to him as she struggled to lift herself up to her knees.
"You're getting big." Jake observed, noticing that even on her knees her belly still hung right to the ground.

Leaning heavily on Jake she shifted her overhang to one side before bringing one leg forward. She laughed as she managed to move her bulk to an upright position. "Yeah, when we move in together I'm going to have to start watching what I eat a bit better. You're a terrible influence." She teased.

Jake cuddled into her love handles, patting her belly. "I just want you to be happy, but you do look cute this big." He smiled. "And I do love when your clothes get too tight for you."

He took her fat hand as they walked to the water, his free hand rubbing her warm rolls as they moved further into the water. As the water splashed higher and higher up her legs, Maxine began to feel the buoyancy in her belly.

Swimming was one of her favourite things. In the water her size wasn't too difficult to deal with. The heaviness of her blubber diminished, and her sagging belly and breasts didn't seem like such obstacles. And it didn't hurt that Jake loved exploring her body in the water, his strong hands lifting and touching, excited about the way she felt under the buoyant pressure.

"Maybe we should get a big bath put in." Jake suggested, fondling her breasts distractedly when the water was deep enough to cover up most of their activities. "One big enough for both of us."

Maxine laughed. "If it's big enough for me, I think it qualifies as a pool." She joked.
Jake laughed, spreading his legs so his hard member was pressed against her heavy apron of fat, his hands rubbing her boobs. "You already have a pool." He pointed out. "But a bath would be warmer. I don't have your insulation."

Maxine pulled him deeper into her blubber. "You just need to stay closer to me." She told him. "Plus, I'd displace all the nice warm water in a bath anyway."
Jake laughed and kissed her, his arms around her neck. "Probably."

"Especially if I let you have your way with me." She joked, lifting her belly, and him with it, for emphasis.
"I'd like to have my way with you right now." Jake said, only half joking.

"Lunch first." She reminded him, already hungry. "And then we can go home and you can have your way with me."
Jake rubbed her swelling love handles. "You know I'd never let you go hungry." He said seriously. "I want you to be satisfied in every way possible all the time."

Maxine smiled, because in the last year he'd made sure she was always satisfied and she had the waistline to prove it. But being obese wasn't so bad when you had a boyfriend who loved it. Unlike most women she could eat what she wanted, when she wanted, and also have amazing sex every day. It wasn't such a bad life.

When they finally left the water Jake cupped the bottom of her overhanging belly, loving the feeling of it suddenly growing so much heavier when she left the water. "You definitely need more sunscreen." He said as he leaned over to kiss her. "I don't want you to get burned."

Maxine agreed, aware of all the eyes still on them. "Okay, but I get to do you first."
"Once we move in together you can do me any time you want." Jake teased. "But your soft skin doesn't get as much sun as mine does." He reminded her. "You're getting sunscreen first."

Maxine had to admit that his logic was sound. Where Jake felt perfectly comfortable being outside in just pants or shorts, Maxine generally felt better covered up, her rolls and swollen, sagging belly drawing too much attention to make her feel comfortable showing too much skin.
And getting around was difficult for Maxine so Jake usually came over to her house instead of meeting at his, so she spent a lot of time indoors.

Jake pulled out a new bottle of sunscreen and Maxine sat down, her heavy belly pushing her legs outwards to make room. Jake gave her a bag of chips and a coke to tide her over and got to work.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her skin, especially knowing that he not only loved touching her, but that he genuinely loved her and wanted to make sure she didn't get burned.
"There." Jake said, wrapping one arm around her and kissing her cheek. "Isn't that better?"

Maxine smiled. "Much. Is there any sunscreen left?" She asked playfully.
Jake laughed and handed her the bottle. "Yes. Of course there is. You're not that big."
Maxine wasn't sure about that but she let it slide.

Once Jake was sunscreened they both lay down to take in some sun. Maxine pointed out that her huge belly was putting shade on him, but Jake just laughed, pointing out that he'd prefer to be close to her than have an even tan anyway.

Maxine almost drifted off, content to lay in the sun like a beached whale. After a while she felt Jake's hands on her body, readjusting her rolls so she wouldn't have tan lines where her folds rested.

She kept her eyes closed, but smiled at the futility of his work. Even on her back her belly spilled over her groin, so the underside was pretty much guaranteed to remain pasty white. But she liked that he was always thinking of her, always concerned about her comfort and well being.

Maxine woke up to a few drops of ice touching her chest and she opened his eyes to see Jake standing over her, ice cream in hand.
"Hey, you're awake, sleepy." He said fondly, sitting next to her.
"You dripped on me." She pointed out, smiling.

Jake looked at her chest and smiled, leaning over and kissing a tiny drip of chocolate ice cream off of one of her breasts. "Well, you better get up and eat this before the whole thing melts." He warned her.
Maxine struggled to sit up, laughing. "If that's how you get it off of me maybe I should let it melt." She teased, taking the cone from him.

"If I could eat every meal off of you I think I'd be about your size." Jake pointed out, rubbing her distended belly. "I'm going to start packing things up, so why don't you eat your ice cream and then we can grab some lunch?"

Maxine nodded. After a year of dating she still felt guilty when Jake had to do things for her, but she also knew it was easier for both of them, and she also knew Jake kind of got off on the idea that she was too fat to do some things.

By the time she finished her cone Jake had packed up everything but the mat under her, so he kissed her on the cheek, helped her struggle to her feet, and sent her waddling towards the beachside restaurant.
By the time she lumbered to the nearby restaurant Jake knew he would have put everything in the car and met her there, so to him it was a perfect system.

And he loved watching her walk away, especially in her too small bikini which left her belly exposed and swaying with each step.
Lunch was delicious, and they spent the entire meal making plans for Jake to move in.

They decided which of his things would come, and which things would go, generally based on whether they could support Maxine's weight, or whether they would block Maxine from getting around their house.

Jake reached across the table and squeezed her fat hand. "I know it's going to be great." He predicted his green eyes shining.
Maxine smiled. "Me too." She said honestly.

When it was time to leave Maxine took a little longer than usual to get up, her huge, full belly catching the edge of the table as she struggled to move her bulk.
"I hope there's still food left." A snarky voice said from a nearby table.
Maxine froze, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment, afraid Jake had heard. Maxine was used to the occasional rude comment, but she knew Jake hated hearing them against her.

But when she turned to Jake it was obvious he hadn't heard, a smile still on his face.
"Struggling a bit are we?" He asked playfully, moving in front of her and grabbing her hands. Hoping to get out before the snarky woman could say anything Jake could hear, Maxine let gravity pull her stomach forward and she forced herself to her feet.

Jake didn't move back to make space for her, instead letting her overflowing belly fill his arms as she stood up. "I can't wait to move in with you, Maxine." He said, leaning his face closer to hers. "I know it's going to be amazing."

Maxine kissed him, aware of the table full of people watching the gorgeous guy and the obese man.
"How did you land someone like that?" The woman asked, sounding genuinely mystified, her snarkiness suddenly gone.

This time Jake heard her and he squeezed Maxine's side lovingly. "Luck." He said, looking down at Maxine's face as he rubbed one hand on her tummy. "I've always been lucky, I guess."
Maxine saw the surprised look on the woman's face, but then Jake was pulling her to the door, anxious to get home.

"Maybe you can sell your car." Jake said as he watched Maxine squeeze in behind the wheel.
"Hmm?" Maxine asked, still thinking about the woman in the restaurant.

"Your car." Jake repeated. "If we live together maybe we don't need two cars. You work from home, and your shocks are going anyway, so maybe we could both just use my car."

"Oh, yeah. Maybe." Maxine said, realizing it wasn't a bad idea. She usually only drove to meet Jake somewhere so if they were living together maybe they really didn't need two cars. "It's something to think about."

When they made it home, Jake grabbed a couple of things from the backseat and sent Maxine inside. "Grab yourself a drink and then we'll have a shower." He suggested, patting her arm. "I'm sure we have sand in all kinds of places."

Maxine waddled into her kitchen, smiling as she realized it was going to be their kitchen soon. She got herself a drink as directed, and lowered herself into an extra large, reinforced chair to wait for her boyfriend.

By the time Jake came in she'd made her way through three pastries and was on her second coke.
"I'm just going to order some food." Jake told her, already opening a delivery app on his phone. "I'm too tired to cook tonight, plus I want to celebrate moving in together. What do you think? Ninety minutes?"

Maxine nodded, grabbing another pastry. "I'm tired too. It might take me ninety minutes to just get up." She joked.

"I don't think so." Jake said, sending in their order and grabbing her hands. "We need to have a shower. We need to make sure you don't have any sand hidden anywhere." He pulled her to her feet and down the hall, pulling her shirt off as they walked.

Maxine's shower was specially designed with her in mind. It had a huge built in seat, and was big enough for a morbidly obese woman and another person. Maxine was glad that the other person was Jake because at one point she'd been convinced it would end up being a hired caretaker in case she got too large to wash herself.

As it was, washing was extremely difficult on her own. She had to use special scrub brushes to reach most of her body and getting between all of her rolls could take a long time.
Luckily, however, Jake loved showering with her. It not only turned him on to get to touch her wet, naked body all over, but it also made him happy to get to take care of her.

That night was no exception. As soon as Maxine was settled on her seat, the warm water running in rivers down the various peaks and valleys of her blubber, Jake got to work. He soaped her up everywhere, making sure to get into every crease and fold. He lifted up rolls and breasts, and with Maxine's help he hefted her belly up, soaping every inch of her while she reciprocated.

"I think you got a bit too much sun." Jake observed, noticing a little redness on her boobs and the heavy rolls right below them. "We'll have to put some aloe on you." He rinsed off her entire body, sliding his fingers between all of her rolls to make sure they were squeaky clean and sand free. Even one grain of sand could cause irritation with all the friction she had between his folds.

Finally he turned the water off and began drying her off. "I think we need some vitamin E." Jake observed, rubbing a new stretch mark low on her belly. He smiled as he helped her up. "I'm going to be here to help you shower from now on." He reminded her, sounding excited at the prospect.

"Lucky me." Maxine said, putting a towel around his back and using it to pull his naked body against her overflowing stomach.
"I'm the lucky one." Jake protested, his hands on her love handles. "There are a million guys like me out there. There aren't many girls who are smart and talented like you, who look like this". He said, squeezing her.

Maxine laughed. "Well, you're right that there probably aren't a lot of girls who look like this out there." She agreed, knowing the rest of world didn't see her appearance as a positive thing.

She waddled to the bedroom, already feeling the uncomfortable friction of her damp underbelly rubbing her thighs.
Jake checked the clock as he grabbed a dry towel. "I think sex will have to wait till after dinner, Maxine." He said, sounding sad at the prospect. "I still need to dry you again, moisturize you, and put aloe and vitamin E on you." He smiled as she lay on her back and pulled her belly towards her face. "At least dinner will make for good foreplay."

Maxine felt herself growing excited, but she didn't know what it was from. The thought of dinner, the thought of sex, or the feeling of Jake's hands rubbing her underbelly. All of it was a turn on. Jake met her eyes over her blubber, seeing her obvious lust.

He looked thoughtful as he leaned across her blubbery gut, stroking her love handles. "Maybe we can moisturize you after dinner?" He suggested. "We're already naked...."

It took a lot of maneuvering, but between the both of them they managed to get Maxine to roll over onto her stomach.
Even when they'd first had sex, Maxine's size had made sex difficult. Her belly was by far the biggest part of her and it hung down heavily over her pubis, swelling far in front of her. Even finding her vagina beneath all that fat was difficult, but wedging Jake's slim body between her swollen thighs and her ponderous belly was nearly impossible.

The extra eighty pounds of belly centric fat had made it even harder, but as Maxine grew, so did their mutual desire for sex, so they managed to make it work every time.

They'd built up an impressive list of desirable positions, but doggy style was one of the easiest ones for Maxine. On all fours, she was mostly supported by her own swollen belly, so it wasn't too strenuous for her. The only challenge was that now she was so immense her belly spread out on either side of her, so big it filled all of the space bellow her and bulging out in every direction.

This, however, just made it even hotter for Jake, because, thrusting from behind, he had ample fat to grip, and her jiggling was enough to get them both off.

The only thing that could have made it better would have been being able to see her face, but she was way too big.
Down below, Maxine was already in ecstasy. She loved this position. She loved feeling her huge belly filling all of the space under her, swelling bigger each time they had sex. Loved knowing that her size got her boyfriend off, even as she gained.

As Jake went to work, he smiled, equal parts aroused and amused. If she gains any more we won't be able to use this position either. He realized, seeing her blubbery belly bulging out more than a foot on each side. If she gains much more she won't be able to reach the bed with her arms, her belly is getting so huge.

The knowledge that she was gaining so much she was outgrowing even more sexual positions gave him a sudden, shaking orgasm. Maxine felt it and she orgasmed too, her blubber jiggling uncontrollably.

But then, exhausted, Maxine rolled onto her side, breathing hard.
"Are you okay?"She asked when she caught her breath. "I'm not getting too fat for you?"

Jake smiled, sitting up and leaning over her belly to kiss her. "You could never get too fat for me." He promised, touching her cheek. "But we might need to find some new positions if you get any bigger."

Maxine nodded, thinking. "I might have to be a little more... Conservative in my eating habits now that we're moving in together." She said, watching his face. "I know we joke about how big I'm getting and how much I'm gaining, but...."

Jake smiled, laying next to her, his head propped up on one arm, his other hand tracing patterns in the soft breast that spilled towards him. "I know. I think you'd be gorgeous any size, but we also need to think about your health and mobility."
Maxine nodded. "What would you do if I was so big I couldn't take care of myself?" She asked curiously.

Jake slipped his arm around her, pulling himself closer. "I would do it." He said honestly. He smiled. "I would probably love it, actually. You know I love watching you outgrow things, and I love taking care of you, but...." He shrugged, thinking about their relationship. "I also love going to the beach with you, and the movies, and on road trips, and just... The ordinary things we do together. Grocery shopping and trips to the library, and going to restaurants."

Maxine nodded, because she liked those things too.
"No matter what size you are, we will find fun things to do together, and I'm sure I'll be attracted to you." Jake told her, cupping his hand around one of her breasts. "But I like you healthy and mobile, and I think you like being healthy and mobile, so you're probably right about being more careful about what you eat."

Maxine smiled. "You're the best." She told her, lifting her belly up so he could snuggle closer.
"I know." He said playfully as she let her blubber spill over him.
They heard the doorbell ring.

"Do you want to eat in bed?" Jake asked, brightening. "You get yourself upright and I'll grab the food." He suggested, sliding out from under her belly to watch her struggled to sit up. "And then we have to moisturize your perfect body." He reminded her.
"I know. I can't wait". Maxine told him, shifting her legs wider to make room for her belly.

Jake smiled. "And then the real fun starts." He said, squeezing a handful of fat.
"We have a long night ahead of us." Maxine said, smiling at the idea.
Jake leaned into her heavy belly and kissed her. "We have a long relationship ahead of us." He added, smiling.
"I know." Maxine said, watching him walk to the door. "I can't wait."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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