Data 1 ~ Meeting

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~ Your POV ~

"Midorijima, huh? Can't say it's not as pretty as the pictures." I sigh dreamily, leaning against the boat's handrail, as a sweet sea breeze threads through my (h/l) (h/c) . A glorious aroma - one I can't begin to describe in mediocre words - floods my nostrils, reminding me of one thing; this was my home now.

Chattering around me, people spoke with such excitement that I wasn't expressing outwardly, as they bumbled around, cameras awkwardly clentched between their fists. Sightseeing? From what I'd heard, this island wasn't exactly a tourist attraction, being so outlandish, and separated from most forms of human life by so far. Unless...

Ah, that made sense. While I had inspected Midorijima, most of the sites I had come across led to one thing, completely casting aside the rural part of the island. Platinum jail, it had been called. An unfitting name of somewhere full of rich snobs, considering it sounded like a correctional facility for criminals... It apparently took up most of the island, and held wonders beyond imagination- Or so it said. Most likely just a load of crap to lure in customers.

As I hear the voice of one of the staff members of the boat, announcing soon I'd be at my final destination; Midorijima, my hands slide off of the handrails and grab the (f/c) bag I'd taken with me. I turn around and see the big crowd of tourists gathered closely together like a nest of ants. I let out a light chuckle at the sight and walk towards the door of the inside of the boat, where the various exits were located.

Not long after that, I heard the staff was busy getting the boat to shore. A difficult task, I'm sure. Boats only sailed once every two weeks, since it was a difficult task getting the boats to shore, the passengers into the actual residential area, the list goes on, or so I'm told. "Attention passengers, we have safely arrived at Midorijima dock. Please exit the boat in a calm and orderly fashion." A robotic sounding voice echoed through the deck. What the hell do they even mean with "safely arrived"?

Shrugging it off, I exit the boat in a "calm and orderly fashion" and set foot in my new place of residence, the island Midorijima. When I look around me, lush trees surround me for miles on and on, but there's bound to be some way of getting to a residential area around here. Saying that, I wait until the staff gives us an "okay to go" and enter one of the buses already parked here.

Waiting to the point where I actually got to enter the bus and departed to my new residence took too long, so I won't go in on the details. The only slightly important thing I did while waiting was calling my friend -Mizuki, who lives here too- that I'd arrived. The bus drive itself was an adventure on it's own. I had to survive 1 hour of sitting next to a guy who smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in days. Needless to say, I was happy as soon as fresh air seeped into my lungs.


Leaving the past in the past, back to the present. I'm currently walking through the busy streets of what the locals call "the old resident district". Mizuki had told me to visit him at his tattoo shop so he could show me my new apartment, which already had most of my stuff in it, still packed neatly in boxes. The only problem about his request was that I didn't know anything about the area, and ended up lost pretty quickly.

"Creepy... This seems like one of those places where an old guy with a creepy Scottish accent could jump out at any time." I tell myself, looking around the backstreet I find myself in. I hear a voice in the distance, and turn that way to meet gazes with a blue haired guy, seemingly talking to himself. "Uhm... Excuse me?" I ask as politely as I can, and the guy stops in his tracks. "Oh, you mean me. What's the matter?" He asks me.

"Well, you see, I'm looking for my friend Mizuki's shop. Do you have any idea where I could find him?" I ask, and the blue haired guy gets a surprised look on his face. "Mizuki, huh? So you're the (Y/N) he was talking about?" He asks me and I nod. The guy smiled at me. "I get it now! I'm Aoba, Mizuki's childhood friend. I'd love to show you where to go, but I'm kind of on the job now, (Y/N). I can show you where to go for a little bit, though." Aoba tells me, pointing to a package he was holding in his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Aoba! And thanks, that'd be a great help." I tell him and smile. "Alright then (Y/N)! Let's get out of this backstreet and just follow me." Aoba suggests, pointing to the end of the backstreet. I nod and follow him as he starts walking again. "Aoba, because of this slight detour, you will arrive a little later then planned. Is that alright?" A deep voice says. Aoba looks down at his bag and nods. "Yeah, that's fine, Ren. Thanks."

When I look at Aoba's bag myself, I notice there is some kind of animal in there. "Aoba, who are you talking to?" I ask, catching up to him. "Who, Ren? He's my Allmate. Mizuki will be able to tell you what they are once you visit him, so don't worry about it for now." Aoba says, walking through the streets, navigating me in a way. I just let it slide. Surely, living here would take some getting used to.

We walk on, exchanging words every once in a while, and it was quite clear Aoba was trying to hurry. He then points down a street. "If you follow this street, you'll be at Mizuki's turf in no time. As long as the graffiti in the streets say either Dry Juice, Beni-Shigure or Ruff Rabbit, you'll be fine. If anyone questions you, just tell them you know me." Aoba tells me with a slight wink and I nod.

"I think I can manage. Thanks for everything, Aoba. Let's talk when you're free sometime!" I say and Aoba nods. "That'd be great. Good luck, (Y/N)." Was the last thing he said before running off. I repeat what he told me just now in my head and followed the street. "So what the graffiti had to say was... Dry Juice... Beni something and a thing with Rabbit in it." I tell myself and notice a group of people gathered in a circle. My curiosity gets the better of me and I walk closer to see the cause of the commotion.

"Kyaaaah! Koujaku-san! You're so cool!" I hear. "I love you!" A group (that exists of mostly females) is gathered around an admittedly handsome guy, declaring their love to him and giggling obnoxiously. The guy in question doesn't seem to mind it at all. In fact, he seems to be enjoying it quite a lot. My eyebrows twitch and I try avoiding him by walking far away from him.

Luck doesn't seem to be on my side today. "Hm? Excuse me, beautiful lady over there." I immeadiately feel like I'm being watched. "Don't let him mean me, don't let it be me..." I think, but it's too late. The guy (Whose name was probably Koujaku) had walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see him still smiling brightly. "Uhm.. Yes?" I answer, a little unsure. "Are you sure you want to go that way? That's Dry Juice's territory. It won't be pretty for you if you go there without being invited." He said with a bit of worry in his eyes.

I step away from him and his hand slides off of me. "Well luckily for me, I AM invited. By Mizuki. I think I'll be just fine." I say in a snappy tone, making some girls around Koujaku gasp. One of them steps towards me. "How dare you speak to Koujaku-san like that!" Another approaches me as well. "Yeah! Treat him with a little respect, hear me?" She says. I furrow my brow. They're up too close.

Just as I'm about to give them a snappy response, Koujaku puts a hand on either of their shoulders. The girls seem to melt at his touch. "Now ladies, no need to get defensive. I can take it, but thanks for your concern." He then laughs a bit, making the group squeal and glare at the women who were melting like butter for him. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Ah, wait. One more thing, miss." Koujaku says, and I turn around again, getting a little irritated. "What is it?" I ask. "If you're invited by Mizuki, allow me to show you the way to his shop. He and I have been friends for a long time, you know." Koujaku offers and I lightly shake my head. "Like I said, Koujaku." I put emphasis on his name. "I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me. Rather, worry about your fans." He chuckles at my response.

"I see then. Before I go, may I at least know your name?" Koujaku asks me and I sigh a bit. "It's (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand, but instead of shaking it, Koujaku grabs my hand and places his lips on my knuckles. I feel my cheeks heating up and I pull my hand away. "R-right! I'll be going now." I say, putting a hand to the strap of my bag and turning around again. I then walk over to Dry Juice's territory, still in a daze about what the heck just happened.

Koujaku, who the hell does he think he is?!

Bootyful Love ~ A Koujaku x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora