Data 6 ~ Thoughts

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~ Your POV ~

"Okay, your order has been progressed! Please support our shop in the future too." I say, placing a costumer's order into the computer and hanging up the phone. I sigh once I do. I have to sound as energetic and happy as possible on the phone, store policies. It gets kind of annoying when you keep getting calls from costumers all the time. "I must say, (Y/N), you're good at this." Aoba says as he carries a box out from the back. "Well what can I say? Maybe I'm a natural. I can't make sales like you do, though." I stretch a little bit and write something down.

Aoba smiles at me and places some items into the shelves. "Also, I heard some things from Haga-san this morning. The brats like you?" He asks, obviously suprised. "Yeah. Maybe because I helped them when Haga-san got angry." As I say that, Aoba nods understanding. "But I've been meaning to ask you something. Haga-san told me you got pulled in to Rhyme?" I say as I walk over to the shelves to help Aoba out. "Yeah, that's true. Why do you ask?" Aoba asks. "Well... I-" I'm interrupted by the retro bell on the door and Aoba and I turn that way. What I see surprises me.

The guy that had pulled me in to Rhyme had entered the shop. "Oh, hey Noiz." Aoba says with a slight smile. Noiz? That's an interesting name. "Yo." He replies, then looks at me. "Hey. Didn't know you worked at Heibon." Noiz says nonchalant. "Yeah, I do. Aoba, can you help me out with something?" I ask and drag him into the back of the store. "What's with the dragging?" Aoba asks as soon as we're in the storage. "I got pulled in to Rhyme yesterday. By that guy, Noiz. Hence why I was late." I tell Aoba, who then sighs. "Pulled in to Rhyme? Yeah, that was definitely Noiz. He pulled me in, too. But he's not a bad guy. I'm actually dating him." Aoba explains.

Dating him? Didn't know Aoba swung that way. The more you learn every day, I guess. "I see.. Any idea why he does that?" I ask. "No idea. Could be because he's bored, maybe because he wanted to play Rhyme with a girl. The possibilities are endless, really." Aoba says with a shrug. I nod and in the corner of my eye, I see a floating bunny cube. "What's that?" I point at it. Aoba sees the cube and snatches it. "P!" It exclaims. He walks back in to the shop. "Noiz, I told you already to stop having Usagimodoki spy on me!" He gives the cube back to Noiz, who looks away.

"I was only worried about you." Noiz says quietly. I walk back into the shop again. "So Noiz, why'd you visit the shop? Need to buy something?" I ask. "Nah. Just wanted to see Aoba." Noiz replies, making Aoba blush a little. "Jeez Noiz, stop embarrassing me!" He says, making me roll my eyes. "Get a damn room, you two." I say jokingly. "What about you, (Y/N)? Did you have a nice night with the old man?" Noiz asks with a smirk. "How the hell do you know about that?" I ask. "Wait, (Y/N). You like Koujaku?" Aoba asks before any of us can continue talking. "Well....No. Maybe... A little? God, I don't know!" I say, making the two smirk. I'm about to say something else, but the phone rings. I sigh and walk back to the desk. "Good afternoon, Junk Shop Heibon." I say once I pick up the phone and get ready to work some more.


The rest of the day I just sat in the shop answering the phone as Aoba occasionally went out for a delivery. I'm currently sitting on my bed, talking to Pash while surfing the net on my Coil. "I'm so happy it's evening. Answering the phone gets really boring after a while." I tell Pash while I type an email to my mother. She wasn't too happy when I said I was going to move to Midorijima. She just wanted what was best for me. When I told her, I was actually already on the way here, so there was nothing she could do. She then agreed with it saying "You should be happy. So find things or people that make you happy. I love you." I haven't spoken to her since.

"Agreed. It doesn't look very appealing to me." Pash replies as she walks in tiny circles on my pillow. I press 'Send' on the screen and close the computer screen on my Coil. I groan and get off my bed. Then I gently pick up Pash and put her on my shoulder. "Where are we going, (Y/N)?" Pash asks, tilting her little head. "Onto the veranda. I have a need to see buildings and zero stars." I say, stroking the fur on Pash's head and sliding the door open. I step onto the concrete floor and lean on the railing. I look in front of me and see Aoba's looking at the sky. He doesn't seem to notice me. I repeat his actions and look up. The faint light of the moon is the only thing I see between the buildings.

"Sure are strange sights. Right, (Y/N)?" I hear Aoba ask. "Yeah.. Somehow they look nice too." I say and I look down again. "They sure are something different." Pash comments, making Aoba chuckle. "Not a fan of them, Pash?" He asks to which Pash shakes her head. I smile at my Allmate and pet her head with my pointer finger. "Hey Aoba, you've been friends with Koujaku for a long time right?" I ask and Aoba grins. "What, asking me for dating advice, (Y/N)?" He asks. "Maybe. A little." I say, looking to the side. Aoba chuckles. "Alright then. First of all, ask him to do your hair sometime. He told me he's dying to touch your hair." He says.

"Pash, can you take notes of what Aoba is saying?" I ask. Pash looks up and nods. "Understood." I look back at Aoba. "Okay, I'll let that creepy comment slide. What else?" Aoba thinks a bit. "He gets shy quick if he likes someone, so look out for that. And if he still acts like he does with girls around when he's with you, it means he's doing his best for you." Now that Aoba mentions it... That's exactly what he's been like since yesterday. "Okay... Anything I should watch out for? Or something I should do?" I ask. "Stay yourself." Aoba says with a smile. It takes me a bit to realise what he means. Then it hits me.

If Koujaku likes me, he'd like me for who I am. I don't need anything else to win his heart with.

~ Koujaku's POV ~

I look up at the ceiling, my hands behind my head. I didn't get to see (Y/N) today which makes me a little sad. It's strange. I have so many feelings for her and I've barely known her for a week. She's so special to me, I have an even stronger need to protect her than myself. She's so cute and beautiful, I could stare at her for hours. And then that hair. Ah, those (H/C) locks. I wish she'd ask me to do her hair sometime. Even if it's just a trim. I feel something pricking into my head and I snap out of my thoughts. "Koujaku, what the hell are you doing?" Beni asks. He seems mad. I move him aside and sit up on my bed. "Thinking." I say to which he lets out a "Hmpf."

"About that girl (Y/N), I'm sure." Beni mutters as he sits on my shoulder. "Shut up, you." I push Beni with the tip of my finger a bit. "What about you then, you talk about her Allmate too. You seemed to get along last night." I tell Beni, who turns his head. "It was nothing special, you jerk. Just did a man's duty." He says in his defense. "And aren't you-" Beni is interrupted by my Coil ringing. I hold my breath when I see the caller is (Y/N). I clear my throat before answering the call. "Good evening, (Y/N)." I say, trying to sound confident as always.

"Evening, Koujaku! I was wondering something!" (Y/N) replies cheerfully. "Hm? What is it?" I ask as I lie down on my bed again. "Well~ I just checked my hair in the mirror and it's a little bit too long for my liking. Think you can trim it a bit?" (Y/N) asks eith a sweet tone. I immeadiately shoot up again. "Yes! Of course I can!" I hear (Y/N) chuckle at the other end of the line. "Excited to cut it?" She asks with a hint of laughter still in her words. "Noo, why'd you think that?" I ask sarcastically, making her chuckle again. "I'll make a deal with you, (Y/N)." I say. "Hm? What kind of deal?" She asks. "You see, I only open my shop when I feel like doing so and I don't take reservations." I explain. "Okay.. Go on?" (Y/N) says. I'm happy I got her interested. "Now for my deal. I make a reservation for you.." I pause for a DRAMAtic effect.

"In return, you go out with me sometime." I finish, and smirk to myself. I feel Beni move on my shoulder and when I look I see he's silently freaking out. "Alright. Sounds like a fair deal." (Y/N) finally answers. I have to keep myself from yelling "YES!". Instead, I play it cool. "Really? Didn't think you'd agree to it." (Y/N) chuckles. "But you better do something fun with me, Koujaku!" She adds and I smile. "I will, I promise. I'll expect you tomorrow afternoon." I say, and I intend to keep that promise. "Alright, it's a date. Goodnight, Koujaku." (Y/N) says with a cheery tone. "Goodnight, my dear." I say and wait until (Y/N) hangs up the phone.

Once he's certain the call's over, Beni starts pecking my skin. "You bastard! Jerk! How the hell did you manage to get her to say yes?!" He asks while throwing one of his fits. I just chuckle at his response. "I honestly have no idea myself. Perhaps she feels something for me after all." I say and plop down on the bed again. Beni mumbles some more and I sigh. "Beni, if (Y/N) is visiting the shop, that means you get to see her Allmate again." I say, making Beni even more angry. "She has a damn name, jerk! It's Pash!" He sits down on my other pillow to calm down and mumbles something. "Hm? What was that?" I ask. "I said thank you, bastard." Beni says and I pet his head. "No worries, old buddy."

Who knows, maybe something nice will come out of this after all.

Bootyful Love ~ A Koujaku x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon