Data 11 ~ Locked

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~ Your POV ~

Once I wake up again, I notice I'm on an actual bed. I suppose they used another drug because I can move and see clearly. My head's pounding, though, and I don't suppose Toue will agree to give me an aspirin right now. I sit up against the many soft pillows on the bed and look next to me. My bag's on a nightstand and my Coil's been put out neatly. I take it off and put the Coil around my wrist again. I check my mail and am a little dissapointed when I don't see a message from Koujaku. I hope he got it in the first place.

I sigh and lay back in the bed again. It's surprisingly comfortable, I wonder if Toue had me brought here. It could have been Virus or Trip too, who knows. I look up at the ceiling and take some deep breaths. I think about what Toue had told me. What did he mean by "a go ahead"? Go ahead and do what? I get a little scared and sit up again. I wonder if I can leave this room like last time. I get off of the bed and grab my bag. Everything, including Pash, is still inside. I walk towards the heavy iron door and try to open it, but it's locked. "Figures. Didn't think he'd want me to leave now." I tell myself and walk around the room.

I get an idea and take Pash from my bag. I press her head and she opens her eyes again. "(Y/N). Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't do anything just now." She says apologetic. I shake my head with a little smile. "It's okay, Pash. Neither one of us could do anything. But it seems that I'm stuck in this room now. I wonder if I can use my Coil...." I say and open up the call screen on my Coil. "Here goes nothing." I think, and press the 'Call' button on the screen. I impatiently wait for the call to connect. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" I hear the voice I love so much. "Yes Koujaku, it's me, I love you so much! Listen, I found out where I am. I'm in this place called Oval Tower." I reply, trying to contain my exitement.

"Oval Tower, huh? I promise, I'll get you back from there, (Y/N). Are you okay?" Koujaku asks. "I'm fine. The days have been a little hectic but I suppose there's people to talk to." I say, not standing still and walking circles through the room. "People to talk to...?" He asks a little confused. "Yeah.. Uhm... Between fainting and stuff... Ryuuhou came to visit me and... We talked." I say, remembering what Ryuuhou said about his job and that he mentioned Koujaku. "Ryuuhou? That's it, I'm getting you out there right now!" I hear rustling at the other end of the line.

"But Koujaku! I'm more worried about you! He mentioned you and... something about a flower? What's that about?" I ask in a bit of a hurry. "(Y/N)... I promise, I'll explain everything once I get you out of there. I love you." Koujaku said before ending the call. I sit down on the bed with a big sigh. He just used getting me out as an excuse to change the subject. I stare at the ceiling and focus on my breathing pattern.

"Suppose there's nothing left to do than to wait patiently for Koujaku to come." I tell myself, not noticing that the door was opening. "And that's where you're wrong, (Y/N)-san." I hear a somewhat familiar voice. I shoot up and look at the door opening. One of the two men that kidnapped me stands in the room. "Y-You're..." My voice falters and the person looks up as if he remembered something. "Ah, how rude of me. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Virus and I work for Toue Inc. How do you do, (Y/N)-san?" Virus says with a little smile.

"Still being held here against my will. Other than that, I'm okay, I guess." I say a little sarcastic and Virus lets out a chuckle. "I suppose that's true, isn't it? Well, in any case I'm glad to know you're okay on the other parts." He says, as he sits on the bed with me. "Now, (Y/N)-san, how about we just talk a bit for now?" Virus keeps smiling, making me a little uncomfortable. I eventually let out a slow nod.

"Wonderful. Now, could I begin by asking you some questions?" Virus asks nicely. "Go ahead." I say with another nod. "Well then, excuse me. What is your current relationship with Toue-san, your father?" I scowl a little once he mentions my father. "We're not on good terms. In case you've forgotten, he had me kidnapped and then held here against my will." I wanted to stop answering there, but I suppose my anger of the situation took over.

"Then, he tried to 'talk' to me and when he didn't get his way, he made sure I was unconcious again. He also gave you, Trip and Ryuuhou an 'okay to go' or something." I let out a little frustrated sigh once I finish talking. Virus seems a little too quiet and when I look at me he has a bit of a troubled expression on his face. "I-Is there something wrong, Virus?" As I ask that, he gets out of his little trance.

"Ah, excuse me for that, (Y/N)-san. And do accept my deepest apologies, it sounds like you're not particularly happy with the situation, even though we are in Platinum Jail..." Virus says in a sincere tone, then seems to get an idea. "Say, (Y/N)-san, how about we go outside?" He asks with another smile. "Eh? Are you kidding me?" I ask and Virus lets out a chuckle. "No kidding, I'm being serious." My eyes widen when he says that. "A-are you serious?" I ask and Virus nods with a smile. "Completely serious. It's the least I could do." He says and grabs my hand.

Not wanting to decline his offer, and also having enough of this whole situation, I agreed with him. So a couple of minutes later the two of us were walking through the busy streets of Platinum Jail. Virus did have one condition, though, and that was that he put a tracker into my arm, in case I was going to escape. The variety of colours overwhelmed me when Virus finally let me out of Oval Tower and it took a while before my eyes got used to the lighting here. Appearantly, it's always nighttime here so everyone can party at any time of day. But in my honest opinion, that's a lot of bullcrap.

"Say, (Y/N)-san, are you thirsty? Do you want to get a drink somewhere?" Virus asks after a while of walking. I look at him and nod a little. "Yeah alright. I don't have any money with me, though." I say a little cautious and Virus chuckles a bit. "That's not a problem, (Y/N)-san. It's my treat. Think of it as an apology for being locked up in Oval Tower so long." He explains, and I agree with him. The two of us enter this little bar and I order a (F/D). To my surprise, Virus orders a bottle of wine. I never thought of him as a wine person, but then again, he is a classy male, so it suits him better than something like beer.

We sit in silence for a while, sipping our beverages before Virus starts chatting with me again. "(Y/N)-san? Is it okay if I ask another question?" He asks. "Of course it is! What's up?" I ask as I take another sip. "Well, I was wondering why you seemed so calm while captive in Oval Tower. Most people lose their sanity when held captive." Virus explains. "Hm... Let me see." I think for a bit and stare at my drink a little. Then, I look up again. "Ah, I got it. It's because I know Koujaku is looking for me. It gives me some feeling of hope to hold onto. That's why I can't lose my sanity." I explain and Virus listens closely and seems pleasantly surprised.

"I must say, (Y/N)-san, you're a very special person. Even when people have that sense of hope you talk about, they all lose it eventually. But not you, and that is something important." Virus says with another smile. "Th-thank you." I say a little unsure. "Excuse me a minute." I get up, not waiting for his answer and go to the bathroom. There, I turn on one of the faucets and splash some cold water on my face. I look at myself in the small mirror and see my skin's a little pale. I wonder if it's because of a lack of vitamins. Lost in my thoughts, I don't feel a gloved hand on my mouth, but panic soon enough as I'm turned around...

...And I stare right into a gask mask. I want to scream, but my voice comes out muffled as the person holds up one finger to where supposedly his mouth is supposed to me. "Ssshhh, (Y/N)-san." I hear another muffled voice. "My name is Clear, I'm a friend of Aoba-san. I'm here to help you." He then takes his hand off of my mouth. "Aoba? Did he send you?" I ask, still clueless to what's going on. "That's right. Aoba-san sent me to help Koujaku-san find you. Let's go find him." Clear says in a cheery tone as he grabs my hand. "W-wait, Clear! I can't go with you, they've put a tracker in my arm. They'll find me if I go somewhere alone." I explain. Clear turns around.

"Well then (Y/N)-san, what do you suppose we do?" He asks. "Go back to Koujaku and tell him to find me in Oval Tower. It's all we can do at this moment. Maybe he can do something once he gets there, but for now we just have to hope. Also, tell him I'm okay and that I miss him." I explain and Clear nods happily. "Alright! Oval Tower, you're okay and would kiss him! See you later, then, (Y/N)-san!" Clear says and climbs out of the window. "W-wait! Clear!" I yell, but he's already gone. I walk back into the bar carefully.

Koujaku better not get any ideas from Clear, first he'll have to get me out.

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