Data 3 ~ Allmate

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~ Your POV ~

I decided to shrug off the situation. It's not like I actually have to talk to that guy during dinner. I'll just pretend he isn't even here. "Thank you for the food." I say before I pick up my chopsticks and eat some of the food. I widen my eyes as soon as I swalllow the first bite. "Wow.. That's delicious." I look up and notice all the guys were looking at me. They then all grinned and looked at Tae-san.

"You boys stop fooling around and eat already! You're supposed to be adults!" Tae-san scolds them before they eagerly start eating as well. I try to avoid dinner conversation (especially Koujaku's) unless a question is asked directly at me. What these people are talking about isn't that interesting anyway. I then remember something. "Aoba, is the shop you work at in need of new staff?" I ask, as everyone's attention goes to me.

"I do remember Haga-san complaining on not having enough people for deliveries or to answer the phone. How about you visit the shop tomorrow? I'll walk you there." Aoba says, still eating his food between sentences. I nod as I finish my own food. "Sounds good." I say with a smile. "So you plan on working at Heibon? Wouldn't have expected that from you, (Y/N). You keep surprising me." Koujaku comments and I glance at him a bit before turning my head. I can basically feel the smirk that's plastered on his face.


After the meal I bow a little at Tae-san and thank her for the meal. "I hope we can get along as neighbors aswell." I say with a smile. "You don't have to be so formal (Y/N). Those things are common sense. And to be frankly honest, I'm already okay with you." Tae-san says in her usual snappy tone. I decide to not say anything back and just smile. "Well then, excuse me." I say before leaving with Mizuki.


"Yes Mizuki, I'll be fine here. I've got the essentials unpacked anyway. There was a matress and a futon in my room so I have a makeshift bed." I tell Mizuki through my phone to which he chuckles. "Okay, okay. I'm worrying too much, aren't I?" He asks. "Yes you are. But it's fine. Now if you don't mind I think I'll go to sleep now." I lie to Mizuki, since I'm really not in the mood to talk about this anymore. "I understand. Good night (Y/N)" He replies before hanging up.

I sigh and put my phone next to me. The air is so thick in here even though I've had the windows open for several hours now. And it seems like it's getting hotter every minute. I'm only wearing a (F/C) tanktop as a shirt. I stare at the other door in my room and eventually walk over to it. I open the door to see a tiny veranda and step outside. I let out a big sigh and lean on the railing. My peace of mind is soon disturbed.

"Great evening, isn't it, (Y/N)?" I hear the voice I despise so much. I look up to meet eyes with Koujaku. Oddly enough, he was smoking. I didn't see him as the smoking type. Next to him was a sleeping little red bird. I assume it's his Allmate. "What are you doing on Aoba's veranda?" I ask. Koujaku just shrugs. "I guess you can say I feel calm here." For some reason, he doesn't get on my nerves like this. He seems like a normal person like this. "I also quite like the view." Koujaku puts the cigarette into his mouth.

I look around me. There really isn't much to see here. There's buildings everywhere, which also block the stars. "Whatever you prefer, I guess." I say, making Koujaku smirk. "Oh, I wasn't talking about the scenery, (Y/N)." He uses his free hand to point at my chest. I look down and see that my breasts are sticking out a lot. I feel my face turning a thousand shades of red. "I- You pervert!" I run back inside and pull back the curtain. I jump on my bed and cover my face. I groan in frustration. "How could I be so dumb to let that guy humiliate me twice on the same day?" I ask myself.

I soon fall asleep, hoping I'd forget about it once tomorrow arrives.


"So, you're ready to meet Haga-san?" Aoba asks me as we stand in front of the shop. Junk Shop Heibon, where Aoba works part time. "Yeah. I hope he has a spot for me." I say and Aoba opens the door. "Good morning Haga-san! I have someone I need to introduce to you!" He says in a cheery tone. The shop is filled to the brim what looks like, well, Junk to me. I fiddle with my Coil a bit. Aoba gave it to me when he picked me up and my house. It's a little old, but he said it should do the trick.

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