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These are NOT confirmed/official. These are purely based my opinions only. Feel free to comment description describes you best. Enjoy :)


Jonathan Joestar

- Personality: Someone feminine, polite and loyal with good morals. Strong mind, strong heart. They would not submit to anyone or anything evil and stick to their own beliefs. They would have zero tolerance for any type of crime and/or wrongdoing. They must not fear commitment and stay true to only him. When Jonathan's feeling down or unstable, he would need geniune comfort. You gotta be a shoulder for him to cry on. Also, being family-oriented is the most important quality you should have.

- Alignment: Lawful good; The good ol' traditional good. Follows the laws and all. Not a single dose of evil in you.

- Appearance: He would want someone who looks elegant and wears dresses or other girly clothes. Some real nice hairstyles include braid crown updo, half up half down and low bun (basically any wedding hairstyles). As for height, I could see him with someone around 5'2-5'6. He wouldn't want someone too tall cuz it might bruise his ego.

Dio Brando

- Personality: Someone who's confident, fearless, independent--a logical extremist with a calm demeanor. Being mentally strong really attracts him. Bonus points if you're physically strong. You don't have to be a stand-user, but you've gotta be a little bit challenging to go against--whether it's brain or brawn. Loyalty is a HUGE necessity. You've got to support him from the beginning to the end. Oh yeah, intelligence is a BIG win. Supporting his ideas are one thing... But if you happen to understand his entire game plan and help him come up with a some genius ideas, you'll win his non-existent little heart.

- Alignment: Lawful or Neutral evil (lawful is preferred); Gotta be evil all the way. No exceptions.

- Appearance: He could care less about how you look. As long as your personality is compatible with him, you're all set.

Speedwagon (I know yall anticipated for this sPeeDY boi ;)

- Personality: Someone brave, wise and charismatic. Being brave will inspire him to step out of his comfort zone in dangerous times. Wisdom is crucial because Speedwagon needs a partner who learns/learned from their mistakes and is willing to do whatever's necessary to help others avoid the same mistakes. And most importantly, charisma. Being charismatic will not only attract him, but help him become a better person.

- Alignment: Lawful, neutral or chaotic good; Any type of good will suffice.

- Appearance: Like Dio, he's not really the judgmental type when it comes to appearances. He's just looking for someone to love him <3

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