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These are NOT confirmed/official. These are purely based my opinions only. Feel free to comment description describes you best. Enjoy :)


Joseph Joestar

- Personality: Someone sassy, clever, bold and seductive. They gotta know how to play hard-to-get. Joseph LOVES challenges. But once in a while, let the idiot win. If you're cold, he would want to be the exception. Being enigmatic is great, but overdoing it will make him feel frustrated. Additionally, You gotta be the best at doing what you do. Showing off your skills at any sport or hobbies you excel at impresses him. While it's great to think highly of oneself, do NOT belittle him. Doing so will come off as rude and unattractive. You could flex your skills while flirting and teasing him. Highlighting his talent and complimenting him once in a blue moon would also be fantastic. If you happen to be a stand user, you could spend more time with him by his side. Getting more involved allows him to focus on you when he's not fighting.

- Alignment: Neutral good; It shows Joseph how you can stick to your own personal timetable while taking care of the bad guys.

- Appearance: Height is pretty flexible. As long as you're shorter than him, you're good to go. He would prefer sexy over cute. Wearing off-shoulder or tube tops with some shorts help accentuate your figure, therefore, making Joseph nuT. Any hair length is okay except for really short hairstyles like pixie cuts (I have nothing against them I sweAr). As for hair color, he would stick to brunettes and blondes. He wouldn't really be a huge fan of any artificial colors (red, blue, purple, etc).

Caesar Zeppeli

- Personality: His preference is pretty similar to that of Jonathan's. However, there are some differences. For one, he's into soft, optimistic, high-spirited girls. If you happen to be a dreamer/idealist, you're a winner. Due to his harsh, realistic perspective of the world, he would need someone to remind him of the existence of the beauty and light in the world. Secondly, he would want someone who is completely submissive. Caesar is the kind of guy who would want to protect and put his life on the line for his girl. You get the idea. Your ability to defend yourself is unimportant. Although, if you're interested in learning to fight, he would love to teach you. Lastly, you've gotta be easy to approach. Caesar wants someone to be able to open up to. Being able to listen and comfort him helps bring the both of you closer. He would want a life-long companion, not just a girlfriend.

- Alignment: Lawful good; Like Jonathan, he likes the good girls :B

- Appearance: 5'2-5-4 is a safe bet cuz he wants a short girl to cuddle with :3 But if you happen to be tall, he'll still love you so don't worry! A couple of shirts you should have in your closet are: frock tops, off-the-shoulder tops and trendy strips tops. Anything floral is suggested as well. Moreover, some cute, girly hairstyles that should catch his eye are: flower braid, a twisted halo and headband halo (it'd be cute if u wore his headband ;)

Rudol Von Stroheim

- Personality: No, you don't have to go full-on Nazi to win this soldier's heart. He would suit someone who's down-to-earth, clear-headed, contemplative and persistent. Someone a little bit on the serious side helps tone down his overconfidence against opponents. Despite being realistic, his partner would need to have an open mind. I mean... this dude has SOOOOOO much faith in German tech & stuff, so you gotta accept this dude's enthusiastic thoughts & beliefs no matter how weird it sounds. Furthermore, being decisive is hella important cuz it's important for this guy to be able to trust most of the things-- if not, ALL of the things you do and moves you make. Toughness is a crucial factor in all of this. You gotta be able to handle a lot of things so he doesn't waste his time worrying about you making any careless mistakes.

- Alignment: True or lawful neutral; Following your instincts and doing what you think is best is the way to go :)

- Appearance: Average or tall women compliment him well. You're probably gonna have to be somewhat built or strong in the sense that you're part of the military. Hair doesn't really matter at all. As for clothes, wearing anything tomboyish is preferred. I don't think showing a lot of skin is desired.


- Personality: There is nothing more appealing to this mofo than someone who can challenge his intellect. Intelligence is key, once again. He's into people who can reach his level or surpass it. Being on the evil side, ofc u gotta agree with him on some things. But, getting him to think about his plans is an example of what you wanna do.

- Alignment: Lawful, neutral or chaotic evil; It's fun to be bad ig 🤷🏻‍♀️

- Appearance: Not important to him.

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