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Josuke Higashikata

- Personality: A person who's spontaneous, ambiverted, conscientious and open-minded. A well-balanced person is just what he needs. Someone who is immature and mature at the right time. This dork seems to be into the 'best-friend' type (not like Okuyasu cuz he's best boi). You're close, but not close to him at the same time. This is quite necessary due to the fact that fRiEnDzOniNG exists. Additionally, showing him the ropes in about anything is suggested. Letting him see how experienced you are in a certain field/hobby makes Josuke wanna admire you. Extra EXTRA points if you're sporty. Sporty girls are competitive, and Josuke likes to have a competitions once in a while just for some good ol' fun. He also needs some old-fashioned moral support. When he's going too far, you're the one to calm him down and put a halt to what he's doing. When he wants to open up about something, you listen and give him helpful advice. Being patient and open-minded is VERY important since Josuke's not always gonna have time to go on a date. He might cancel on you a couple of times. BUT, you have to have some standards at the same time though so don't forget that.

- Alignment: Neutral good; Doing what you personally think is right for the sake of others is quite necessary. You fight for the good while remaining intuitive.

- Appearance: Someone shorter or the same height as him. Clothes are a mix of girly and tomboy. Half of the time, you wear a uniform. Other times, you wear something cute just to catch Josuke off guard ;) I think he would prefer someone with natural black or dark brown hair over someone with dyed hair. Someone with medium-length hair suits him best. Having a toned bod or having some sort of muscle should be appealing to him. Nevertheless, looking neat and organized is necessary.

Okuyasu Nijimura

- Personality: Someone quiet, smart, serious and mentally strong. A person who's similar to Speedwagon's ideal type, just a bit more serious. Due to Okuyasu's purity, he needs someone who can teach him many things about life. Someone who's had a lot of bad experiences or learned from their past mistakes can help him grow and mature. A Yang to his Yin (someone with a tough & masculine personality)

- Alignment: Neutral good, lawful or true neutral; Follow your instincts and use it for the good.

- Appearance: Any height will suffice. Clothes should be casual and nothing too girly. Something like a casual jumpsuit, blazer or bomber jacket. Any natural hair color will do. Long or medium-length hair would be preferred. Someone on the skinny-average scale. Curves aren't required, but points for you if you have them. I mean, the dude is kinda perverted so u catch my drift.

Koichi Hirose

- Personality: A tsundere. Now, I know you're gonna think that I'm just saying this for Yukako's sake. But lemme stop you there. This is Koichi we're talking about. The boy is literally the perfect definition of submissive. He won't be the type of guy to make the first move. Keeping that in mind, he would need someone who is closed off from the world but only open to him. Someone harsh on the outside, but sweet and genuinely loving would be the best choice for him. Only towards him, the person acts motherly and teaches him about things he doesn't know-- whether it be a certain interest or life advice. Being confident is essential cuz you gotta be the one to approach him and claim him first. I mean, who doesn't want the Hirose stick? (I'm referring to Louvre Koichi so pls don't come for my neck 😢)

- Alignment: Chaotic good or true neutral; Key word: INSTINCT. Doing whatever to keep themselves safe and alive is all there is to it. But ofc, they're still against the bad guys.

- Appearance: Any height is fine. He's not one to care about how short or tall you are. Someone who dresses girly but doesn't wear anything too revealing. Some skin won't hurt anyone, but the midget wants to keep it a little PG-13 ya know? If you got Rapunzel hair, might as well give yourself a cookie cuz Koecchi loves girls with beautiful hair. Hair color is probably restricted to black and brown.

Rohan Kishibe

- Personality: Some pure, selfless, sincere and compassionate. His lack of idealism and positivity makes an optimist the perfect contender for him. He needs someone he can 1000000000000000% trust. A person who isn't a fan of trouble and devotes their life to avoid conflicts between others. Someone with a creative imagination can also complement him well since they help bring out the ideas in him. You don't have to read manga, but if you like reading in general, it's a win-win. Oh yeah, and anger issues are a huge no-no. He's the kind of guy to need someone to calm him down since he can go overboard sometimes when it comes to inspo for his manga. And finally, someone who had hope. Hope is so darn powerful when ur living in a world full of pretty lies and ugly truths. He needs to be reminded of the beauty the world still contains. It's rare, but it's there.

- Alignment: Lawful good; Nothing besides this. Staying true to justice is VERY important to him.

- Appearance: Miniature. Like freaking pocket-sized. He's not that tall so he would need someone smol. Pastel clothes will catch his eyes. He is not likely to be someone into sexy clothes. Cute clothes are more appealing to him. Less is more u know? When it comes to hair color, he would be into someone with light hair color (doesn't have to he natural). Hair length doesn't matter. Lastly, he would be into girls with a small frame.

Kira Yoshikage

- Personality: Personality traits should be: appreciative, cheerful, dedicated and calm. Dedication matters sooo much because once you're in, there's no getting out. You gotta accept him for who he truly is without judging his lifestyle. Furthermore, being cheerful and calm helps ground him. Appreciation matters a lot because Kira wants someone who is grateful for his existence. Someone who knows about his intentions but does whatever they can to protect him. Like if his cover is blown, they lie or do whatever is necessary to make him look innocent. They submit to him because they love him but wanna wake up seeing daylight the next day.

- Alignment: Probably chaotic neutral; This is actually quite interesting. Kira would kill you if you're too innocent, but knowing about what he does could also get you killed.

- Appearance: Someone H̶A̶N̶D̶s̶o̶m̶e̶. Okay fine I'll stop--if everyone is all H̶A̶N̶D̶S̶  on deck willing to stop me. Okay fr fr this time. Kira wants someone shorter than him. So average or short will do. When it comes to fashion, he would want someone who doesn't show a lot of skin. Wearing casual or elegant clothing would be alright with him. Colors like white, light pink, grey and black would be a nice color scheme. Hair DOES matter a lot. Nice medium or long hair is suggested. Extra points of you're handicapped cuz Kira won't be able to murder you.

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