Crazy for you

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Warning: Tiny bit of smut!! More of an intro to it actually, will make a part 2!! Now that one will be dirty ;))

"She stood you up? Jeez that sucks man" You say to Tom replying to a story he told about a date of his 5 years ago.

You were both sitting on your couch, trying to de-stress from the tiring week you've both had.

"Well I mean knowing you, you were probably just terrible at trying to get her to be with you." You laugh. He gasps and puts a hand on his chest exaggerating how offended he is.

"Oh really now? I bet you I could pick you up if I wanted to" Tom says winking.

"Yeah right. I'd have you wrapped around my little finger before I'd even say hello." You say making eye contact with him and smirking.

"Pfft... pfft... As if, I mean, c'mon, I'm Spiderman." Tom says in that cute sassy voice of his.

"Is that what you call flirting?" You ask stifling a laugh.

"What? No! I was not— that was not it!" Tom says embarrassed.

"So what is your 'flirting' then?" You ask.

"I can't flirt with you... You're my friend" Tom says blushing and looking down at his feet. Your smile drops and your heart breaks at those words.

"Ok then, how about, for tonight at least, we pretend we've never met each other, and we try and get into each other's pants. Whoever kisses the other first. Wins" You say your smirk coming back to you. Tom looks at you and licks his lips.

"Won't that be too weird though?" He asks his voice almost a whisper.

"You're an actor aren't you Thomas? So do your job and just pretend." You say crossing your arms.

"Alright then." He replies

"Perfect" You say smiling widely.

You move a little farther from him on the couch and flip one side of your long hair behind your shoulder. Tom stands up and grabs two drinks from your kitchen. You scroll through instagram innocently and adjust your bandeau that perfectly fits your figure. Tom gulps at the sight of you. Your cleavage just barely peeking out of your top, and your jeans showing off your long legs. Your hair was in beautiful curls that lined your back, and your eyes were bright reflecting the light from your phone screen.

"Ahem. May I sit?" Tom asks smiling.

You barely acknowledge him and just nod not taking your eyes of your feed. Tom sets the two wine glasses on the table and turns to face you.

He's used to being able to strike up a conversation with a random girl he doesn't know, but you were different. Your years of friendship caused him to bury his feelings for you, as it was to risky too lose you as a friend. But you sitting there in front of him now, wearing that beautiful outfit, made all his feelings for you rush back to him.

He picks up one of the wine glasses and takes a little sip, once he's done he licks his lips and swirls the liquid around in the glass. It stays silent for a while as you wanted Tom to make the first move, the sexual tension in the air you could cut with a knife.

"So are you just gonna sit there and stare at me all night? Try talking, I have a name you know" You say finally breaking the silence and looking at him in the eye.

"I'm Thomas, you can call me Tom, and you are?" He asks holding out his hand for you.

"y/n." You say shaking it and turning your attention back to your phone. From the corner of your eye you see Tom run his hands through his hair pulling it slightly in frustration. For some reason it was so hard for him to do this with you, you on the other hand, enjoyed teasing him. His jaw clenches and he moves a little closer to you. You glance over to him and give him a little smirk. He fiddles with his thumbs and is about to open his mouth to say something, but you spoke up first.

"Nervous, Thomas?" You ask that smug smirk still spread across your face. He smiles and shakes his head.

"You look beautiful y/n" Tom says blushing. Tom no longer was trying to flirt with you as if he didn't know you, but his feelings for you were acting out like crazy and he didn't know what to do.

"I know" You say winking at him. You casually sit up and stretch your back, exposing your cleavage and beautiful figure even more. You catch Tom eyeing you, and you make eye contact with him for a second, and you see him bite his lip. Tom clears his throat and adjusts his jeans, trying not to make his excitement down there obvious.

"You seem really confident that you'll pick up a girl tonight" You say nodding to the extra wine glass sitting on the table.

"What if I told you I had a boyfriend?" You say turning to face Tom finally giving him your attention.

"I'd tell you you're lying cause that outfit sure doesn't say 'in a relationship'" Tom smirks. Your eyes widen and you let out a small laugh. You pick up the wine glass Tom set out for you and he smiles as you bring it up to your lips.

"Touché" You say before taking a sip of the wine. The red substance covers your top lip, and you glide your tongue on top of it to wipe it off. Tom's thoughts were running wild. Never has he ever wanted you so bad. You were driving him crazy.

"I can't do this" Tom says suddenly breaking character and getting up from the couch and locking himself in your bathroom. His thoughts  were running wild. This wasn't him playing a game anymore, he wanted you. He wanted you so bad. His heart wanted to take you then and there but his mind told him no. He set his hands on the sides of your sink, his head sinking into his shoulders. He needed a second to clear his thoughts, and to slow down his heart beat.

"Tom?" You asked from the other side of the door. Your voice made his head shoot up and stare at the mirror. Images of you started racing in his mind. That smirk made him go crazy, that wink made him lose himself, he felt his jeans tighten around his area as he thought about your beautiful body he'd do anything to leave kisses on.

"Tom, are you ok? This isn't part of the game is it." You say your palm on the door, you can hear his heavy breathing and you slowly knock on the wood twice. The door opens slowly and Tom appears behind it looking down at the floor.

"y/n, I have to go" He says exiting the bathroom and not even looking at you. As your eyes just drove him nuts. He needed to leave before he did anything he'd regret. He couldn't think straight, and he was scared of how that might translate into actions.

"Tom" You say grabbing his forearm. His back was turned to you, and you could see his shoulders rise up and down rapidly. After a moment, he finally turns around to face you, still avoiding eye contact. You bring your hand to his cheek and lift up his face and your eyes meet his.

"Are you ok love?" You ask your face full of worry.

"Fuck it" You hear Tom mutter before aggressively pulling you into him by the waist and connecting your lips. The kiss was passionate and hungry, Tom couldn't stop himself. As you were tightly pressed on him his bulge in his pants only grew bigger, and you felt his tongue brush onto your lips requesting for entrance. You allowed and let his tongue explore your mouth, making you moan slightly. You break the kiss and take a breath, your forehead rests on his as he looks at you with pure lust in his eyes.

"Does this mean I win?" You say smiling. He laughs back and continues kissing you again. You feel his hands on your butt and you jump and wrap your legs around his waist. He then walks the two of you to your bedroom never breaking the kiss. He let the back of his knees hit the side of your bed and let himself slowly fall down on the cushion. Once you're both on the bed your hand goes down to his bulge.

"Now lets take care of this shall we?" You say smirking.

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