Stranger pt 2

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y/e/c - your eye color

Your evening with Tom and Harrison ended on a good note at least, thanks to the two boys constantly making you laugh and treating you to the tea and pastries you had. They were both great conversationalists, there were never times you felt awkward or out of place with the two best friends. If you didn't know any better, it almost felt like you three were all old friends.

"It's getting late. I should get home." You say collecting your belongings from the table.

"Uh where do you live?" Says Tom standing up with you.

"Dude." Harrison says nudging Tom.

"Sorry, that sounded, creepy and you've had enough of that for a lifetime. I just mean't, do you want us to take you home?" Tom asked trying to sound the least bit stalker-y as he could.

You thought about it for a second, you really did just meet these two. But so far no red flags, and they seemed to be real decent guys. But then again, you did just get assaulted and almost followed home so maybe not.

"I appreciate the offer, really I do. But um, maybe not tonight." You say scooting around the table to leave.

"It was great meeting you y/n" Harrison says.

"You too Harrison." You say giving him a little smile and nod. You look up to Tom who is still standing, and he awkwardly clears his throat while you see Harrison bite back a laugh.

"I uh, I'll walk you out?" Tom says nervously rubbing the back of his neck, not wanting to seem weird or overstep when he had just met you.

"Sure." You say flashing him your signature smile. You say goodbye to Harrison one last time and make sure you have all your things, and you and Tom head out of the little cafe.

You stop at the sidewalk, the busy roads and passing pedestrians fill the air of the breezy spring night. You stop and face Tom and a awkward silence fills the air as Tom presses his lips together and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you, Tom. You really saved me back there, I really don't know what would have happened if— you know..." You say trying to fill the silence

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you." He says eyebrows crinkling in concern as he stared deep into your y/e/c eyes.

"I'm glad of all the strangers, I walked up to you. I mean, you could still be some weirdo, I really did just meet you 2 hours ago." You say laughing to the shy boy.

"I'm glad you walked up to me too. It was fun pretending to be your boyfriend and seeing that pervert run away scared." He says reciprocating your feeling of slight laughter and butterflies.

"Can I uh, give you my number?" He asks shyly, you swear you almost saw him blush.

"Yeah, sure." You say smiling handing him your phone. He dials in his number smiling, and hands the phone back to you.

"I would love to see you again. Just dial me up whenever. I live a few blocks down here so I'm basically always at this cafe too if you wanna come find me." Tom says running a hand through his curly hair.

"Noted. See you soon Tom." You say turning on your heel and walking away. You squeal childishly inside as your face turns red and your stomach swarmed with butterflies.

Maybe we can be more than just strangers.

Tom walks back into the little cafe a big smile plastered on his face.

"Your such a loser mate. 'where do you live?' could you be anymore desperate?" Harrison says laughing as his best friend sat back down in front of him.

"So what, you seeing her again?" Harrison asks snapping Tom out of his love struck gaze.

"I gave her my number, hope she calls." Tom replies checking his phone.

"You just met the girl man. And to be frank, under the worst circumstances too, and you're crushing on her already?" Harrison says leaning back on the cafe chair his arm extending on the chair next to him.

"She's really cute ok? Don't tell me you didn't notice." Tom states shyly.

"Of course I noticed! And even if I didn't your boner was basically hitting me from here." Harrison says laughing even more at his best friend.

"You're an arse you know that?" Tom says picking up his phone to check his recent notifications.

"Besides, maybe she won't even call." Tom says almost a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I mean who knows mate, she seemed pretty into you too."

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