part two (1/2)

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You and Kai are stuck in the prison world together.

Kai had been used to being isolated and alone in the prison world but you had never been in one before. You were trapped there because you were Bonnie's friend but you betrayed her and went behind her back to help out Kai since he was also your friend.
"Looks like we're stuck here together" he grinned because he always made flirty comments to you.
"No offense but i'd literally rather be here with anyome but you" you say in a jokingly but also honest way, "Damn none taken" he shrugged and took a tour through the house "Compared to my last prison world the houses are a lot better" Kai tried to make jokes as much as he could, even when there was something bad going on.
"Looks like it's getting late, we better get to bed. Can I borrow a shirt?" You asked Kai because you were unaware that you would be sent to the prison world so you weren't ready at all. "Sure babe" he walked in the bathroom where you were changing and took his shirt off revealing his muscles and you couldn't help but notice how hot he looked.
"Hey is you want a taste just ask" he winked and walked out of the room as he threw his shirt at you
"Um ew never" you say taking the shirt off your head, when you put it on it smelled just like Kai and made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You walk in the room and hop onto the bed seeing kai wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt looking super hot.
"Damn babe you look so good in my clothes"
You couldn't help but blush because no guy had ever talked to you like this.
"So good that I want to do this" Kai leans over to you and grabs your face pressing his lips up against yours, you feel tingles through your whole body and it felt good, Kai sure knew how to get your attention.
You pull your lips away from his "Sorry I just really wanted to do that I totally apologize if-" you stop him mid sentence "No it felt good, continue" He blushes and goes to start kissing you again but you scoot over and straddle him. "You sure you wanna do this?" he asks just for your consent "I've been waiting for what feels like forever, I think I'm ready" , "You are going to to whatever I say okay babygirl? Listen to what I say and do it." you stutter realizing what's about to happen "Y-Yes of course"

kai parker imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora